Chapter Twenty Two

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Maya's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm screeching at me, letting me know it was 4:30 am. I roll out of bed and grab one of my gym sets so I can go for a run before I have to get Amelia up for her first day of school. Before I went to bed last night I was very stressed so I knew that I would wake up in the same mood so I made sure that I was able to wake up early enough to go or a run and let out some steam before sending Amelia to school. I tie my hair up in a pony tail, out on my running shoes and leave the house.

I run around for around an hour before getting back home and feel a little bit more relaxed. I hop in the shower before throwing on a pair of jeans and a white shirt and do some light makeup and put my hair in a pony tail again as I have work today after drop off.

I crawl back into bed and lay next to Carina so that I can wake her up as it is now 6am. I run her hair through my fingers and gently litter her face with soft kisses. Her eyes begin to flutter open and her arms wrap around my waist, her hands going to their resting place. My ass. 

"Buongiornio bambina" Her voice all groggy yet very, very sexy.

"Good Morning my love" I place a kiss on her lips. "You need to get up" I kiss her again. "Because we have a first grader today"

"I know, I know" She rolls away and gets out of bed. "You go wake Amelia up and I'll get started on some special breakfast for her"

I walk around to her side of the bed and hold her face in my hands "I love you Carina" I kiss her passionately.

"I love you too Maya"

I walk out our bedroom and walk into Amelia's. I stand in the door way for a little while and just look at her. Its been almost 4 weeks since Amelia's surgery and had been back to her normal Amelia for a week or so. It was clear she was back to herself because when she was recovering, her toys were relatively untouched because she spend most of her day on the couch, but now, her bed was filled with all of her Fireman Sam toys that she must have been playing with before she fell asleep.

I walk up to her bed and kneel down next to it and gently rub her back to slowly wake her up. "Amelia. Amelia. Amelia it's time to wake up now baby girl" I say quietly as she begins to stir and her eyes flutter open.

"Good Morning Momma" Her voice all groggy like Carina's was. "Am I going to school today"

"You are Amelia, you are" I help her get out of bed. "So lets get you in the shower and dressed then we can go and have some breakfast. I think Mamma is making you something special for today"

"Okay, lets go Momma" She lets out a yawn and stretches a little.


I get her dressed in a long sleeve white top and a denim dress and tie her hair up 'Momma style' as Amelia would call it because my hair was always in the same ponytail for work and she runs into the kitchen to see Carina.

"Good Morning Mamma" She says as she hugs Carina's legs quickly.

"ah buongiorno bella" she responds to her. "are you ready for your first day" she picks Amelia up and sits her on the kitchen counter then finishes getting breakfast ready.

"A little bit. But I'm also really scared. What if the people in my class are mean to me because I'm new. What if I miss you or Momma, its not like day care where you can see me when I want to"

"I get it if you are scared Amelia" I walk over to her and hold her tiny hands in mine. "And if people in your class are mean to you, you have your teachers you can talk to. You have Mrs Drew and Ms Scorsone to tell and they are their to help you. And I have this to give to you" I hand her a picture.

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