Chapter Twenty Seven

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Andy's POV


"That does not sound good" I say to myself as I get up from behind the desk and run into the barn to get into my turnouts.

"It must be bad if they are asking for the entire station to attend" Vic says as she finishes getting into her gear.

"I agree. Right you know where you are for today. Lets move nineteen" I order as everyone climbs into their designated vehicle.


"This is better than running drills like Maya told me to do earlier" I say to Dean who was driving the engine.

"You really are excited for some people to be injured aren't you" He jokes as we get closer to the intersection. "And you are in luck if that's the case, that car is totalled."

I look at the car and it looks really familiar. "Maya" I say quietly.

"What was that Herrera" Dean says as he stops the truck at the scene.

I climb out the engine and run straight over to what looks to be her car to see if it was her without talking to the rest of the crew. "MAYA" I get to her and she is unconscious.

"WHAT" Travis shouts.

"ITS MAYA AND AMELIA. THEY ARE IN THAT CAR" I shout back, trying to see if Maya has a pulse. I let out a sigh when I find it. "AND MAYA HAS A PULSE BUT I CAN'T REACH AMELIA"

"Herrera, where do you need us" Warren say as the rets of the crew follow him over, carrying all the equipment we would need.

I take a moment to think as my mind is racing."Erm... Erm... Hughes, you are going to see if Amelia has a pulse and/or is responsive. Miller, you be with Amelia too. If she is unconscious and comes around, or is already awake, she trusts you too the most. Gibson and Sullivan check the other car, make sure everyone is alright. Montgomery, help me with Maya. Warren help out on the victim who is injured the most due to your medical history." I order and everyone goes to where I told them too. I look back at Maya and her eyes start to flutter open.

"Oww" She groans.

"Stay still Maya for us please" I say as Travis puts a C-collar on her. "Do you know what happened Maya?" I ask as I check her pupils.

"Car Accident" She says quietly. "How's Mia?" she groans in pain again.

"Hughes and Miller are with her now okay. Now follow my finger for me Maya" She does as I say.

"Herrera, Warren, we could use your help over here" Miller says from Amelia's side of the car.

"Montgomery, take over" I say as I go to the other side of the car.

"Yes Herrera" He says

I look at Amelia and it does not look good. "She is our priority" I say to the three of them quietly so I don't worry Maya too much. "Right now, Amelia shows the worse injuries so she goes in the first Aid car. We need to get her out of this car as soon as possible and stabilised so she is ready for transport. Hughes go get the stretcher. Warren check her vitals and make sure that she is safe and ready for transport, treating as many injuries as we can out here."

"Yes Herrera" they all call back

"Miller, help me get her out of this car. As we can't open the door, we need to unclip her car seat from the car and lift her out of the car. If she stays in her seat, we minimise the risk of further injuries." I lean in the car and try to unclip her seat from the car. "Got it" I pull the seat belt out from around her seat. "She is very light Miller remember so be careful."

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