Chapter Twenty Four

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The Following Friday

Carina's POV

For a couple days, Amelia was being extra clingy to me but I was just putting it down to how guilty she must have still been feeling after shouting at me as it was very our of character for her. But for the last few days, she seems to have been acting like she normally does.

Both Maya and aren't at work today so we were in no rush to get Amelia ready for school and us to get ready for work for the first time. Amelia was loving school and her teachers were both saying that she was getting more and more vocal each day, but drop off was getting smother everyday and it probably won't be long till she goes to school with no issues. As neither of us had work today, we walked Amelia to school as it's not too far away and we were in no rush to do anything so we had to obviously walk back.

I walk next to Maya, her hand very slowly edging towards mine. I move my hand so that our finger can interlock and chuckle quietly, but loud enough for Maya to hear.

"What's so funny" She rests her head ever so slightly on my shoulder.

"You. You were acting as though we were teenagers. Like you were to scared to hold my hand"

She lift her head of my shoulder playfully hits my arm with her free hand. "I was not."

"Yes you were. But I love that. It's what makes you so adorable" I kiss her cheek before we continue on our journey home.


"You know we do have a free house right now" Maya says once we get back home. "We should take advantage of this" She removes her t-shirt and unclasps her bra, letting it fall to the floor. My eyes instantly focusing on her breasts.

"I think that is an amazing idea bambina" I wrap my arms round her and start kissing her, getting rougher and more passionate each time, our tongues fighting for dominance , my hands making their way to her jeans so that I can unfasten them. I slip my hands in and instantly put my hand where Maya wants it most causing a moan to escape her mouth. "Bedroom. Now" I get out in between kisses.



Maya's POV

"Fuckkkk... you've killed me Carina" I say trying to catch my breath as Carina traces lazy circles on my inner thighs.. "We should be alone more often if that's what you do each time"

"Call Arizona" Carina says as she moves up next to me.

"What, why would I do that" I ask, confused why Carina would ask me to call another woman. "Why would you ask me to call another woman after we have just had mind-blowing sex"

"To see if she will take Amelia for the night, so that I can take you out on a well overdue date" She leans down and starts kissing me. "So call Arizona first to see if she will because you know how much Amelia loves her" she returns to covering my face and neck in kisses. 

"Well I can't call people if you are doing that so pause for a little" I reach for my phone to call Arizona.

Arizona: Hey Maya

Me: Hey, I was wondering if you could do us a massive favour.

Arizona: Sure, what can I do for you.

Me: well Carina and I have been well overdue for a date night so we were wondering if you could take Amelia for the night as we know how much she loves you and we want her to be with someone that I know she trusts for her first night away from us.

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