Chapter Twenty- Nine

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As Killian and I entered the household, a chill ran down my spine, making me want to jump at the immediate contact.

Killian pressed his palm into my side, pulling me much closer to his body.

I wanted to lash out and scream for help.

But in a house divided, help would be tough to receive.

"Has our eventful evening ended, or would you like to accompany me to my bedroom?" He asked, making me nerves more engulfing.

I pulled away from him carefully "As tempting and appealing as that offer presents itself, I am feeling quite tired and would like to go to my own room"

He nodded "As you wish, but if you grow lonely you are welcome to join me later in the evening"

I pulled away from his grasp "I'll take the offer into consideration"

He nodded once more "Shall I see you to your room?"

I shook my head "I do believe that I can make it on my own"

Before he could say anymore, I quickly kissed his cheek and began walking up the stairway.

How am I to erase the events of this night? They were imprinted in my mind and I was unsure of whether I would ever shake away the graphic images.

I could hear Killian beginning conversations with the others downstairs.

I took this opportunity to go into Florence's room, without being noticed.

Samuel was lying in the bed, groaning in pain, while Archibald had his focus attached to Samuel.

Florence had an intense stare on Archibald, using her own gifts to keep the situation under control.

However, you could see her own painful struggle as she used her power.

I suppose the longer it goes the more painful the outcome could become.

I quickly closed the door behind me, wanting to prevent any distractions for them.

As the door closed, Florence spoke up "The matter is almost completed"

Archibald let out a gasp and collapsed to the floor, pressing his palms to his head.

Samuel let out a loud cry of pain, echoing through the room.

Everything seemed to unravel.

Florence fell against the wall, looking up at Samuel, as she reached for his hand.

He desperately took it, squeezing it tightly, as he continued to wince in pain.

Her incredible strength showed through as she stood, keeping Samuel on the bed, despite her own noticeable agony.

"Is there anything that I can do?" I asked.

Florence almost stumbled as she took some steps "Watch over them, while I gather some blood for them"

Before I could answer, she rushed out of the room.

I watched as Archibald struggled to stand, but managed to pull himself up to his feet, shaking in distress.

"Why have you been affected so badly?" I asked, worried to know the answer.

He leaned against the bed, still shaking "There were two different visions seen and they both needed to be seen fully from every angle, to discover which is nearing"

I looked at him confused "Is there any possibility that they are linked together?"

He sat down carefully "One will start an effect that will eventually lead into the other"

Florence returned and had two glasses of blood in her hands.

As she handed one to Archibald, I glanced away, finding discomfort in seeing more blood, but as I stared in the mirror, I realized that my own face was still covered in blood.

"I-Is there a cloth I can use?" I asked, stumbling through the vanity.

It only reminded me of the dead man in the forest.

Florence looked at me "What has happened to your face?" she marched to me "Did Killian do this?"

I shook my head "I-It is not my blood"

Archibald and Florence exchanged looks, while Archibald pulled handkerchief from his poking, handing it to Florence, who proceeded to wipe away the remains of the man's blood.

"No wonder you think we can be monsters" she muttered.

"I advise you to no longer speak or tell her anything" Archibald said, turning his attentuon to 

Samuel shook his head "Cordelia, I saw your death, but I am unsure of when it shall be. You must take your freedom and run far from this place"

I froze, no longer making my appearance a priority.

"Even if I tried, Killian will always be behind me; even if he truly isn't. Paranoid thoughts will take control of me, until I go mad. I would rather die than run away and live in terror for my remaining days" I said, knowing that either way I would die.

"I agree with Cordelia" Florence said, speaking up.

"Cordelia, we never saw Killian in the visions" Archibald said, finishing his drink.

I was now left confused, leaving me more curious on the matter.

Samuel carefully sat up "I must insist that we try to figure out which vision is the correct one"

Florence set the glass down "We should contact Gabriel and the others"

I looked up "Who is Gabriel?"

"He is the eminent of our coalition. Killian was once apart of it, but later on became a maverick and left" Archibald explained.

"Could this coalition help before the battle happens?" I asked.

"Though we have learned more about it, we still are unsure as to when it will play out" Samuel said, disappointed.

I sunk down into a chair "I am only left more worried on the subject"

"Cordelia, we will make sure that you remain safe" Florence insisted.

In that moment, I thought of Theodore and how death always happens. There is no avoiding it "Death no longer scares me anymore"

Samuel reached out and took my hand "The future has many outcomes; one small difference could chance everything that we have ever seen"

I looked down "Ever since I was born, death was always expected, so maybe this time the expectations will come true. Maybe that's how I can finally become free"

"Hearing that is upsetting. I do not want to see you die" Florence said, looking upset.

I sighed "I will continue to play my part, but in the end death is my fate"

I stood to leave, but Florence took me by my wrist.

I looked at her "Everything is just fine, but I wish to be alone"

No one said another word as I left and held everything back, as I slipped into my own room.

I slowly closed my door and grew weak, as I sunk down against the door.

I looked down at the bruises forming on my arms, from Killian.

This was truly it.

I have come to terms with my own fate and accepting was more easier than it should have been.

That reason alone left me in tears and I finally let everything go that I kept buried inside me.

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