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Hi everyone!

I originally announced who knows how long ago that I was rewriting the book series, which I have three of the four books done.

I have updated the series in such a way that I truly believe it is something even more spectacular than it was in the original drafts. The first draft for Tortured Awakening, which is the one posted, was originally written on my Blackberry and posted that way. Because of this, there is many spelling errors, story flaws, and lacking in character development.

My goal with rewriting Tortured Awakening was to bring it to life in a whole new way, which I think I have accomplished. I am still working on the rewrite of Deadly Ends, but for now the first three books have been rewritten and more chapters have been added, as well as making the story much stronger.

This is all being said because after wondering and processing for months on how I want to progress with this series, I once believed that going the route of traditional publishing was the best way of handling it. However, I am questioning that more and more lately.

Which leads me to making this post.

Though I am still debating with myself over this, I think a deciding factor will be how those wanting to read it will feel about this idea.

I am considering self-publishing the first part of the series over the next year or so. By that I mean every few months a new entry in this series, the updated series, will be available to purchase online through Amazon Kindle.

As much as I would love to have a physical copy of these books, I need to start somewhere. E-Books just seem like the best place to begin this process.

Now, there are thirty new chapters in the new version of Tortured Awakening, so I want to be clear that this isn't just an update on spelling and grammar and such. This is an actual update on the story.

That being said, the original drafts of my series will remain on Wattpad. They will not be going away, and if that is how you wish to read the series, that is completely fine. But the new version will be available to purchase.

Ideally the first book will be available to purchase next month.

Mostly though, I wish for nothing more than to share what I have spent years working on. I've created a world that I want people to enjoy, and I'm ready to do so, even if I end up regretting this. I've always found reasons not to do something with this series time and time again, and I'm done creating excuses out of fear that it will not be loved.

This series means the world to me and I'm ready to let the rest of the world in.

I would love to know your thoughts regarding this idea, because it would really help me with making this decision.

Mostly though, I want to thank everyone who has read the books and continues to read them. Your support means so much to me, and continues to do so every single time I see a vote or a comment. 

Thank you.

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