Chapter Eleven

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(Picture of Killian)

I could feel the heat from the sun, against my skin, as I stirred awake, digging myself in deeper under the blankets.

My eyes slowly opened, wanting to welcome it all in.

As my vision adjusted to the light, I frowned at the sight of the sun setting.

Had I truly slept this long?

The sun was beginning to set. Had I truly slept for so long?

I slowly stood up, feeling my body ache as I moved towards the balcony, wanting to soak up as much of the light as I could.

It was then that I saw the beauty that was surrounding this dark and grim home. I yearned to be outside, feeling the wind and sun against my skin, but I knew that as long as I was imprisoned here, the chance was becoming slimmer by each passing moment.

"I see you are enjoying the view" I heard Killian say, from behind me.

I turned, seeing him standing in the corner of the room.

How long had been there?

"Well, I was until it was rudely interrupted" I said, practically thowing out all the morals I had learned about behavior, among the opposite sex.

I scoffed "I enjoy your presence just as much as I enjoy a coin in my boot"

He laughed once more "I do enjoy your welcoming personality"

He smirked at me and I turned my back to him, feeling uncomfortable with him near me.

"I filled that entire wardrobe with clothing appropriate for both night and day, so why is it that you slept in that antique dress?" he asked, getting closer to me.

I shook my head "Perhaps my mind was too busy wrapped around being caged in here, like an animal"

"Well, maybe you should just consider the possibility that I am being quite considerate towards you, by opening up my home and showering you with anything your delicate heart desires" he spoke "If this is similar to being caged up, perhaps you should spend a few nights in my dungeon, where you will learn to appreciate this spacious room I have allowed you to use"

I looked down.

Despite his monstrous persona, he was right, the conditions here could be much worse.

I did not want to fall victim to him though, because I had given plenty of people the benefit of the doubt before, more times than I care to admit.

I refuse to let someone else control me, by promising me anything, as long as I act the right way.

I sighed and walked closer to the railing of the balcony "I am unsure of what your true intentions are, but know now that I have no desire to follow your every wish"

He chuckled once more "I would wish for nothing except that. I like that you show a side that is unlike other women of your age. It is refreshing and absolutely desirable"

I shook my head "You must not say such things so casually"

"And why is that?" he asked, amused.

"Because it is not right" I mumbled.

"Oh how times have indeed changed" he said, smirking, no doubt.

"And what do you mean by that?" I asked, facing him once more.

"Just when I was a mere human" he said, rolling his eyes "girls weren't as stiff as they are now"

I shook my head "Despite your backwards thinking, women today are stiff for a reason, because of men such like you. Men who take and demand, without caring what the women want or even feel!" I took a deep breath "It is because of men like you for why I am the way I am"

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