Chapter Forty- Two

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I heard yelling, as I felt what the sun that I had once so desperately craved.

Feeling some warmth was comforting.

"Cordelia!" I heard someone cry.

Nathaniel let go of me and I heard him clap his hands together. "Let the show begin"

I felt hands against my and I let out a scream, unsure of whose hands they were.

"Cordelia, it's Samuel" he said, trying to set me at ease.

I looked up at him, noticing that he did not look as weak as I was expecting.

Looking over, I saw everyone else was bunched together.

Why was Samuel over here, almost going unnoticed?

Without warning, he helped me to my feet, leaving me gasping for air.

He pulled me away towards the shade.

"What is going on?" I asked.

He looked at the men around everyone and shook his head. "I never went to the front. I apologize, because I could hear your cries for help, but I could not make myself known"

I nodded, understanding, feeling comfort with his need to protect me.

"I knew that something was off about Luther and I needed to play along, so I could hear what was going on" he explained. "Before the men surrounded everyone, I made sure to

think loudly, so that Archibald could hear my warnings"

"Does that mean that the blood was not taken?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Unfortunately, Florence took some, but not enough to harm her badly"

I started walking towards them, but Samuel pulled me back.

"What are you doing? We must do something" I said, unsure of his motives.

"Just wait" he stated.

I watched, as Annabeth's eyes darkened and darkness soon took over the sky, leaving no traces of the sun.

I gasped, stepping back, in shock.

She let out a rage-filled scream, as she focused her attention on one of the men.

"The sun is gone! What do we do now?" one of the men yelled, backing away with a few of the others.

There were nearly twenty men here and though they had no power that could compete with the vampires, I knew that they would not go down without a fight.

"Get the bloody dark one!" another man yelled, as three men targeted Rosalyn, who was clearly in a weakened state, running for safety.

She backed away, with panic filling her eyes.

"Tobias!" she cried.

Tobias went to run to her, but was pulled back, by a chain being wrapped around his neck.

Rosalyn closed her eyes and a small glow erupted around her, making her disappear, but soon reappear behind one of the men around her.

She took no time, before snapping his neck, letting him drop to the ground, with a thud.

This battle has truly begun.

She cried in pain, as a stake was pierced through her stomach, catching her off guard, as she stumbled to the ground, crying out as she slowly pulled the stake from her stomach.

Tobias was finishing off the man who attacked him, when he heard Rosalyn's cry and bit into the man, running towards her.

I began to try and move forward, but once again, Samuel held me back, shaking his head.

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