Chapter Twenty- One

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(Picture of Eliza)

I stormed down the staircase, with little reason to convince me otherwise.

 "Which one of you did it!" I yelled, as I walked down the stairway, trying not to trip over my skirt.

I was absolutely livid and now was the time to show that I was not a weak human that anything could walk over.

Florence, Rosalyn and Archibald looked at me, confused, while Eliza, Tobias and Samuel entered the room.

"Which one of you used a sick mind trick on me!" I yelled, once more.

I reached the end of the stairs and looked around "I have lost time and despite all the twisted vampire ways that I have witnessed, this is unsettling to me!"

"What are you speaking of?" Tobias asked.

"The last thing that I remember is leaving the gathering and going up to my bedroom. Time has passed since them and I remember nothing!" I shouted.

"Where did your dress go?" Florence asked, looking me over.

"It is currently on my floor" I said, trying to calm down.

Archibald cleared his throat "Killian"

My breathing hitched "What has he done?"

Everyone turned their attention to Archibald.

"He feels angry and guilty" Archibald answered.

"You are still clothed. That is a good sign" Eliza said, trying to show some positive response.

"Something happened in my room. Something bad enough to be taken from my mind; I wish to know what it is" I said, feeling the strong urge to hit something, hard.

I turned around and decided to go to his library.

"He is not there" Archibald said.

I groaned and looked at the front door.

"Cordelia, you need to run!" heard the voice repeat inside of my head.

Run; I need to run.

"Cordelia, don't" Archibald lectured.

I shook my head and went to the front door, opening it and feeling the wind send a chill down my spine, while my head fell back.

"What are you doing?" Samuel asked.

I took a step forward, trying to push past Killian's ridiculous order that seemed to overpower me.

I felt a pain disperse throughout my body, the harder I tried to escape.

"Cordelia, stop!" Florence shouted.

I cried out in agony "I want out of this damn place!"

"Please be reasonable!" Eliza shouted.

I felt the pain spread more "This is not the life that I signed up for!"

I heard a painful cry echo and a thud hit the ground.

"Florence!" Samuel cried.

"What is happening to her?" Tobias asked.

"I-I can feel her pain!" Florence cried "Oh it hurts so badly!What has he done to her?"

Something felt as though it were breaking inside of me and it caused me to collapse to the floor as well, hitting my head against the doorway.

I reached my hand outside, wanting to feel a taste of freedom.

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