Chapter Thirty- Three

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(Picture of Rosalyn and Tobias)

I walked downstairs, wearing one of the new dresses that had been put out on my bed.

The dress was clearly one of Florence's alterations or one of her own.

It was already much more comfortable than any of the other dresses I had worn, while being here.

The dress was more freeing and easier to move around in.

As I walked away from the stairs, I saw that Samuel, Eliza, Tobias and Rosalyn were in the parlor, speaking to one another.

"Good morning, Cordelia" Rosalyn said, smiling at me.

I gave a small wave, but ignored the attempts they made to speak to me.

This was not the time to get distracted.

I carefully made my way into Killian's library, knowing somehow that he would be in there.

As he turned towards me, with his devilish grin, I felt like I had suddenly been put on display for his amusement.

I quickly shut the door and rested against it, trying to remain as calm.

"I see you received the new dresses. I must say, you look absolutely ravishing" he said, smirking.

I watched as he walked up to me, looking at me, as though I were a meal

He leaned in towards me, but I pressed my hand against his chest, trying to keep some distance.

I shook my head and looked up at him.

He raised an eyebrow "Well something is different about you today"

I pressed away from the door "I need to know what your intentions are. I need to know what to expect"

"You being straight forward is certainly always pleasant" he said, chuckling.

Unlike him, I was not amused by the attitude that was being made in this room.

"You owe it to me. I just, I need to know that I can make it through these days" I said, trying not to be weak in front of him.

All he could do was nod, taking in my request.

I watched as he sat down and looked up at me.

"What?" I asked, unsure of why he was looking at me so intensely.

He shook his head "I have no intention of turning you into a vampire, but I do plan on keeping you around for as long as I desire"

I nodded.

"What, no bold remark?" he asked.

I shook my head "I accept the life that you've mapped out for me. Sure, I'm not exactly happy about it, but I accept it"

I looked down.

"There's more" he said, knowing immediately that I had more to request.

I nodded once more "If you plan on keeping me here, I need a sense of freedom"

He scoffed "You have plenty already"

"Killian, do you not realize that I feel trapped here? My attitude could change significantly if you would just grant me the freedom that I greatly desire!" I cried, hating that I was already becoming so emotional.

"Do not start the tearful guilt play that you think will win me over" he said, rolling his eyes.

I shook my head "Is it so hard for you to realize that my happiness could actually be more than an act, if I was just able to have a way of feeling free?"

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