Chapter Twelve

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 (Picture of Annabeth)

I walked down the stairs, with the black part of my dress following behind me.

I still felt immoral as I wore the dark colors, picturing mother's face in my mind, but I was able to ignore it, because for once I did not feel constricted in a dress that I absolutely hated.

I continued counting my steps as I finally made it downstairs and heard laughter coming from the parlor.

I gulped, feeling the fear once take over.

Would they all stare down at me, with the same dark, menacing eyes?

I pressed my palm against the railing of the stairs and tried to calm myself, by taking slow, deep breaths.

Since Killian told me one of the guests' was a bit off of the rails, I knew that the trait of humanity made me an easy and reachable target for any of them.

I could not help but feel worried about the idea of being the only human among the dead, in that room.

I carefully walked into the parlor and saw that many of the women were dressed in dark clothing, such as my own, though they look altered, to appear more revealing and loose.

There were several vampires standing near Killian and my nerves only ticked more.

"Well, well. If it isn't Killian's new toy" a woman with the same dark eyes and long, dark brown- almost black hair and a scowl across her face.

"I-It's a pleasure to meet you all" I said, feeling a lump in the back of my throat.

A few of them laughed at my comment, continuing to drink from their goblets.

"A pleasure? Well that is certainly a refreshing remark" a dark skinned woman said, as she leaned into one of the men.

I was left wondering just how different their lives were, because where I was from, women with dark skin never dressed so fancy before. 

The man, with dark brown hair, next to her wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer, as he whispered something in her ear to make her laugh.

Killian put his hand on the back of my waist and led me closer to the group "Everyone, this is Cordelia Bellrose"

I glanced up, feeling the nerves shoot through my blood. I am m sure the quickened beat of my heart made it all the more enjoyable for their torment.

"She is certainly a pretty one" said a sandy brown headed woman, with the most beautiful appearance I had ever seen. 

I was no spinster, but she was rather lovely to look at. I almost felt rude for staring so long. 

She walked closer to me and rested a palm against my cheek "I can feel the heat rising in her body"

"Because you all are probably scaring her" said a male who resembled her. Were they perhaps related?

He smiled "My name is Samuel and this is my sister, Florence"

"Florence is quite a unique name" I said, smiling nervously.

"I was named after the city. Have you been there?" she asked, while a small glimmer sparkled in her dark eyes. 

I was amazed. She too had the same dark eyes, but there was no evil behind it, like Killian's.

I shook my head "N-No, but I've heard wonders"

She smiled softly "Perhaps Killian will take you there one day, he absolutely loves it there"

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