Chapter Thirty- Seven

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(Picture of Cordelia's dress)

I am not sure how I got here, but I did and I was more nervous than before.

More nervous than how I felt when I was preparing for this event.

More nervous than how I felt leaving my room.

More nervous than how I felt walking carefully down the hallway.

Florence had dressed me in a pale brown nightgown that was revealing and the fabric was thin. He had my messy curls partially pinned back, exposing my neck.

She did a good job and that made me worry even more. 

I have never been in Killian's bedroom before.

It was at the end of the back hallway, isolated.

Everyone, including myself was placed near the front rooms and here he was alone in the back hallway.

It was dark down here.

It was much colder here.

I could feel everything shaking inside my body.

It was as though everything shaking was trying to replicate my outer responses.

Feeling a sense of fear consume me, I slowly reached up and knocked on the door.

There was certainly no going back now.



Everything seemed to be slowing down.



My body ached.

I was against time.


Seconds drained my energy and weighed heavily down on me.


The door opened and Killian stood there, surprised by my appearance.

"I was not expecting you, at this time" He said, looking me over.

I had to use what small shred of confidence I still acquired and use it to my advantage.

"I realize that it is late, but I needed to see you" I said.

It was as though I were reading lines.

Lines I had somehow rehearsed.

There was no rehearsals with this though.

I suppose that was life though.

"May I come in?" I asked, boldly.

He gave a small nod "Yes, please"

The door was held open more and I slowly walked in, noticing that his room was smaller 

than the others that I had seen here.

"Why is your room smaller? I figured yours would be bigger" I spoke, looking around.

The door was shut, as he walked near me.

He shook his head "No, you are actually in the larger room"

"Why me?" I asked.

"It isn't obvious?" He asked.

I shook my head.

He looked down at me, eyeing my chest.

"I felt it was best fit. I did not want you staying somewhere uncomfortable" He kept his gaze on my chest. "I figured you would enjoy the luxury"

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