Chapter Thirteen

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(Picture of Florence)

 I was sitting in my bedroom, trying to ignore the guests gathered downstairs, socializing loudly.

The company was so strange to me. I was unsure of how to take it all in.

There was a small knock at my door and there stood Florence.

She, her brother and Archibald were the only ones that had yet to truly frighten me.

"May I come in?" she asked, smiling softly at me.

I slowly nodded, unsure if I should even deny her request.

She stepped in and looked around "This is such a lovely room"

Lovely seemed to be her favorite descriptive word.

"Forgive me if I am being too forward, but I cannot help but find you intriguing" she continued, as she took a seat at the edge of my bed.

"Why is that?" I asked, almost confused.

"I'm not entirely sure, but my brother agrees as well" she answered.

"He seems nice" I said, not wanting to get on her bad side or any of their bad sides.

She grinned "Oh he is the absolute best. He is my most closest friend and always has been"

"Can a sibling be that?" I asked.

"Of course, why not?" She asked, as though I had asked her something in a foreign language.

I thought about Elijah and how the concept seemed impossible when it involved him "It's simply odd; at least with the way I grew up

Perhaps if it was allowed, Elijah may have been better to me.

"Do you have a brother?" she asked, perking up.

I nodded "Yes, and a sister"

She smiled "That's lovely"

There is that word again.

"Samuel and I had a sister once" she said, playing with the end of her hair, as though she were reminiscing.

"Did she not become a vampire with you or your brother?" I asked.

"We did not have much of a choice" she said, sighing. "My sister was beautiful and would strike the attention of every gentleman caller. Her name was, Winifred" she smiled softly. "She loved it when I called her Winnie"

"What happened to her then?" I asked, scared.

"She became ill and died, when she was barely sixteen. I was only thirteen at the time and it was absolutely crushing to see her pass" she said, staring off into nowhere.

"I'm very sorry to hear that" I muttered.

"It's alright, she rests with our parents and though I would love to be with them, as would Samuel, we enjoy this" she said, about being a vampire.

"You would't change anything?" I asked.

"I'd want my sister to be with us, but I have my brother with me. Not many are fortunate when it comes to all of this" she said, smiling.

I could see that her brother was her world. I suppose he would be, considering all other family she knew of was deceased.

"I'd love to have a sibling that I could be close with." I said, looking down. "I suppose the only real friend I've ever had was a man named Theodore. He was more of a brother to me than my own"

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