Chapter Seven

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"She should be waking up soon" I heard a woman say.

"I cannot thank you enough for helping us. I don't know what was happening to her" Theodore replied.

"The weather may have an effect with it. It's quite cold outside and from the looks of it, you've been wandering around for quite some time" she said.

"Will she be alright?" he asked.

"Yes, the heat from the fire will help and once she's waken up, having some food will help more" she said.

Her voice was kind and soft.

"Thank you again, everyone else looked at us as though we were non-existent" he said.

She sighed "You have to forgive them, people here are very cautious of their surroundings, due to the vicious attacks"

"Attacks?" Theodore asked.

"Yes, for quite some time now, the village has been the target of monsters of some sort" movement was heard "People can go missing"


I remember the voice that talked of monsters when we entered here. Surely she means a human with monster qualities.

"What do you mean by monsters?" Theodore asked.

I could hear the worry in his voice.

"I saw a man attacked, when I was tending to my horses. His neck was ripped open" she paused, fear in her tone "I've never seen so much blood before"

"How does one rip a throat open?" Theodore asked.

"There were teeth marks on the neck" she whispered.

I opened my eyes, no longer trying to sleep. I couldn't take anymore of this monster talk.

"Please, enough of this discussion" I said, trying to sit up, but unable to move.

Theodore rushed to me "I'm so glad you're awake"

"I've been awake, I just wanted to keep sleeping" I replied.

I glanced over at the girl "Who are you?"

"I'm Elenora" she said, sweetly, giving me a friendly smile.

"Thank you for helping us" I said, softly.

She was beautiful, in a dainty sort of way, I'd never seen someone who was of this class, who looked beautiful.

"Of course, I wouldn't want you two caught outside, in case anything were to happen" she said, putting a new log of wood in the fire place.

"Shouldn't a man be doing that?" I asked.

She softly laughed "I live alone, this used to be my father's farm, before he was killed. It was left to me and I've been the sole provider of myself"

I was surprised "I've never heard of such a thing. Are you a spinster?"

"I'm going to forget that question. I'm just independent, which in this village is more accepting than those who live in big cities" she said, looking at me.

"I'm sorry if I've insulted you, I've just never seen a woman like you" I said.

She lightly smiled "I understand, but then again I've never seen one quite as yourself either."

I nodded, knowing that I might have overstayed my welcome already

"Where are you from?" she asked.

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