Chapter Thirty

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I was attempting to make myself look presentable.

However, it was certainly clear that I had been crying and I no longer wanted to appear weak.

There I stood in a night dress, unsure of my own intentions.

What more could I do?

I left my room, only to immediately collide into Annabeth.

She gave a little roll of her eyes, obviously less than thrilled to see me, as always.

She took a drink from her glass and looked me over.

"I apologize" I said, as I wiped my eyes.

She glanced at the quite noticeable bruises on my arms "What did you do to upset Killian?"

I was surprised by the question "I did nothing provoking"

Annabeth let out a laugh "Cordelia, it really is only a matter of time before Killian finally has his way with you"

She laughed once more, before walking away.

She swayed her hips, as though she were putting on a show, even for herself.

I watched her "Why do you despise me so deeply, Annabeth?"

She looked at me "In my coalition, humans are not regular company. They are servants and food." She chuckled "I would have no greater pleasure than to see you die, because Killian's little fixation on you is both pathetic and ridiculous"

"Well, dying will happen for me. If it makes you happy, you can bury my body yourself, if it makes up for my unnecessary presence" I spoke.

She smiled "Nothing would please me more"

I continued my way down the stairs, trying to remain calm.

However, I could not make it down the steps, deciding to just rest where I was.

I began crying once more, unsure of the reason behind these deep emotions.

The door opened and Florence walked through, with Samuel at her side.

He looked much stronger than his last appearance.

Florence looked at me "Samuel, please return upstairs"

He slowly walked up the stairs and I could feel his eyes on me.

Florence took a seat beside me "Why are you hysterical?"

I let out a heavy sob, unable to get the words that filled my mind out.

"Oh, Cordelia, please. You are worrying me" she said.

"I do not want to die, Florence" I cried, finally getting it out.

Florence wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly "I will do everything possible"

I continued crying "I have never truly lived. Death has always been expected. I expect so much more than death being my only path"

She looked at me with sad eyes "Would you like me to calm you down?"

I shook my head "This is something I must feel. I can no longer hide from my feelings and continue to play this role, in an act that leaves me feeling only misery"

"What is happiness for you?" She asked.

"Freedom" I said, without hesitation "Even if I remain alone forever, I at least want the option of choosing my own decisions, instead of every single one of them being decided by those who will not give me a fighting chance"

"Things could always change for you" she whispered.

I shook my head "Perhaps it is time to give up on that chance of happiness"

She hugged me once more, keeping her body against me.

All I could do was stare numbly at the door in front of me.

The door that taunted me.

There is no freedom anymore.

I needed to accept that.

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