Chapter Forty- One

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This dungeon was absolutely terrifying and it chilled me to my fragile bones.

I could hear water dripping, echoing through these halls.

Something was here.

I could sense it.

I was no longer alone and I could already tell that this presence was no friend of mine.

My breathing was shaky, matching up with the actions that my body was presenting.

I walked up to the bars, scared for my life.

I had no idea of what was going to reveal itself in the darkness.

It could be anything.

I wish that Samuel had not left me here with Luther. Something was wrong with Luther and I had been right about it.

No one seemed to listen though.

Intruders lurked within the walls and they had no idea of it.

I felt a cold chill run down my spine, leaving me only more paranoid and vulnerable to the few sounds that were graced near me.

I wrapped my fingers around the bars, that left me caged in, as though I were some deranged animal.

What if everything is left defeated and I am left here?

I felt so selfish for thinking such a way, but I know that I was capable of doing plenty more than resting in this dark and lonely imprisonment.

I pushed hard, using all of my strength against the door, letting out a load grown, which took plenty of my energy from me and left me collapsing against the bars once more.





I cried, feeling weak.

My head sunk down in despair, realizing there was little that I could do.

I quickly looked up, as I heard the scrape of a footstep, making my breathing grow harder.

Panicking, I quickly stood, nearly tripping over the ends of my dress.

I gripped onto the bars, to keep myself from becoming hurt.

"H-Hello?" I questioned, regretting my actions immediately.

The footsteps grew closer, as each step echoed against the walls, torturing me.

I covered my mouth and slowly back away, until my back came in contact with the back wall.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are" a deep voice spoke, making itself known.

Hearing something is worse than seeing it, because you never know just how close it is.

The anticipation is deadly.

I could feel my eyes filling with tears, knowing that this awaited end was arriving.

The end that everyone kept anticipating, hoping they could somehow stop it.

However, I was beginning to truly realize that there may be no stopping it.

I whimpered, feeling the terror take over my body and flood it with negative images of my predestined death.

A chuckled echoed, as two dark eyes met my own.

My breath hitched, as my hands fell.

"Well look at this; you are in a cage, like the disgusting creature you are" Nathaniel spoke, releasing his well-known devilish smirk.

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