Chapter Nineteen

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(Picture of Cyrus, Demetria . Elijah and Rowena Bellrose)

My heart was racing violently, leaving my thoughts to be quiet whispers compared to the sounds of my beating heart.

Breathing seemed too difficult to accomplish, at least without reminding myself to actually follow through with it.

It felt as though my legs would give out at any moment, leaving me to collapse to the ground.

I kept counting my steps, as Killian kept his arm around mine, keeping me steady.

But there was Nathaniel, standing with his father, staring me down as if he were a vicious animal ready to attack.

His father shared the same disgust that Nathaniel had.

"Don't yo dare give them the attention they so desperately want" Killian ordered, tightening his grip around me.

Instead of giving in to Nathaniel, I looked around, seeing the other vampires spread throughout the room.

Tobias was speaking with Rosalyn, who was getting strange looks from the guests, before being taken over as if nothing was wrong in their mind.

Annabeth was in a corner, looking annoyed, while Eliza stood there, lecturing Annabeth.

Samuel and Florence were together, socializing with the guests as if they were not any different from a human.

At least they looked as though they were enjoying themselves.

"I am begging you, Killian; please do not let me go" I pleaded, before going back to counting my steps in order to stay focused on one thing.

He nodded, while I looked down at my feet, unaware of where Killian was leading me.

"Cordelia?" Rowena asked, in complete shocked. 

I quickly looked at Killian, not ready to face anything, but here he was, forcing me.

Nathaniel was still staring as he quickly downed his drink, before approaching us as well.

As I finally found the courage to look at my parents, I was quickly faced with shared expressions of fright.

"D-Dr. Lennox said that you were dead" my mother said, her voice shaking "He gave us your ashes" 

Nathaniel stopped behind my father, before loosening his collar, stressed by the situation that was quickly coming undone.

I looked at Nathaniel, unable to meet my father's gaze "Dr. Lennox said that, because I ran away"

"You left?" My father asked, angry, grabbing me by the wrist.

"I-I could not face the cruel treatment that was being thrusted upon me" I said, pulling my wrist away from him, which startled him.

Elijah stepped forward, mimicking father, just like clockwork "And just where did you go?"

Killian cleared his throat "I met her in a small village and we fell in love"

They all turned their attention to Killian, who was standing tall.

"We soon married and we have been rested her ever since" Killian continued, taking my hand and showing them the ring on my finger.

My mother shook her head, trying to process the information "You were married?"

I hesitantly nodded "Yes"

Elijah scoffed "Are you with child?"

Of course after everything that has happened, that is the only way he thinks I could marry.

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