Chapter Fourteen

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I had such a difficult time falling asleep that night and I was left stirring in bed, unable to find a comfortable position.

For some off reason, I came to the decision to wander through the manor, but not too far though, since I remained worried that I would easily get lost in such a place.

By this time, all of Killian's guests had retired to their own rooms.

I suppose it was to get their own rest, but I had no idea if vampires even slept

I walked down the stairs and ignored the cold chill that had made its way through the castle.

Part of me was still unsure about lurking around, scared that I would find myself in a place that I was not meant to be in.

I walked down a hallway, seeing a small light, coming from a room.

I slowly moved towards it, glad to find that there was a room with light that I could fall towards in the darkness of this place.

I entered and saw Killian resting on a couch, reading a book.

He looked so focused on it, like it had drawn him in and he unable to pull himself away.

I took a deep breath and hesitated as I knocked on the door.

He glanced up at me "Are you having difficulties sleeping?"

I gave a small nod and he nodded back.

"I am not surprised, considering how much time you have spent here sleeping already"

"May I enter?" I asked, not wanting to just walk in without any permission.

After all, I was still unsure of what brought out his anger.

He looked at me, debating it, but soon motioned for me to enter.

I walked in, looking around, before taking a seat on the couch opposite of him.

There were so many books in here, on the shelves that circled around the walls.

"Are you building up a collection?" I asked.

"When you live forever, you must find ways to occupy times. This is my way" he said, looking at his book once more.

"May I ask what you are reading?" I asked, unsure as to why I was attempting to make conversation with this man.

"Les Liaisons dangereuses" he answered.

"I am going to take a jump and assume it is a book in another language?" I questioned.

He rested his book on his chest and looked at me "Yes, I happen to enjoy French literature"

"I always found the language to have such a beautiful sound" I said, looking down, as I played with my hands.

"Do you speak it?" he asked, going along with my attempt at conversation.

I shook my head "My father always found other languages useless when it came to a woman's real duties"

"And what are a woman's real duties?" He asked, almost amused by my comment.

"Being a wife and producing many offsprings" I replied, looking up at him.

He scoffed "I see that he is living in the old years. Can this society not evolve or is it destined to continue living as though we are trapped in the past?"

I tilted my head "I'm surprised someone, such as yourself, lives with such unheard of views"

"It is because I have seen both good and bad in the world. I do not wish to behave in a manner that in the end will only embarrass me and prove that despite my years I cannot learn from the past" he said.

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