Chapter Eight

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(Picture of Elenora)

 Almost a week had passed since Theodore and I had arrived at Elenora's.

They had gotten much closer, while I became more isolated into my thoughts. The man had visited me in numerous dreams and I could have sworn he was around when I wasn't sleeping.

Elenora was not quite fond of me, which was noticeable, despite Theodore's protests.

I was sitting outside, under a large tree, staring ahead, while Theodore was pulling out weeds from the ground and Elenora was tending to the horses.

I looked around, feeling as though I were in a state of nowhere. I was here, but I wasn't. I felt like I were falling in and out of reality.

"Look at them" the voice said. "They would be doing just fine without you. Theodore even fancies the young girl"

I shook my head "Go away"

It chuckled "And leave you alone? You'd be sitting here, left with your thoughts, while they live their lives. You could be out doing so much, but instead you're under a tree, staring off into oblivion"

I ran a hand through my messy hair "You're not real"

"Does that mean you really are hysteric?" it asked.

I groaned "Go away!"

Theodore looked at me, concerned, while I rested my head in my hands.

"Just go away, please, I beg of you" I cried.

Theodore rushed to me, while Elenora looked on, confused.

I rocked back and forth, waiting for the voice's laughter to leave my mind. What was this and why was it plaguing me? What did I do? Do I deserve this, because I left the asylum, or is it something much darker?

Theodore knelt in front of me "Cordelia, nothing is there, pull yourself out of it" he put his hands on my shoulders and pressed against me "Please, do not fall in to whatever darkness is coming for you"

I groaned "It won't go away, the voice is so menacing"

"There is no voice, it's all in your mind" he said, unsure of his own words.

"How do I make it go away?" I asked.

He sighed "I don't know. How does one vanquish something that is not real?"

"I'm mad, that is the only explanation" I said.

He shook his head "No, you are not. You are perfectly normal"

Theodore helped me stand up "Perhaps the nippy weather is getting to you"

"I'm not cold" I said, pulling away from him.

"I'm only trying to help you" he said, softly.

I nodded "I'm aware, but everything lacks sense, it is all too much to handle"

He took my hand and I saw Elenora look away "I promised you that no harm would come to you. I intend to keep such a promise"

I leaned against the tree "Maybe I should move on"

"What do you speak of?" he asked.

"You could be happy with Elenora, she's kind and will take care of your needs, as a woman should" I said, not believing a word.

He shook his head "I will not let you leave on your own. You will not survive"

"It is better than being a burden to your life. You've already had so much grief strike you, I couldn't bare if I was added to the group" I said, feeling my eyes water.

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