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➪𝐵𝑜𝑦𝑠. 𝐴𝑚 𝐼 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡?

20 Years BC (Before Curse)

--3rd Person POV--

Y/n sat on the docks with her feet dangling over the edge. The bottom of her white dress getting wet from the saltwater.

"You alright there, Sailor?" Captain Hook sat next to his daughter, resting his non-hook hand on her back.

"Yes..." She paused. "No,"

"What is it?"

"I got a visit... from the Dark One."


"And he said I had magic. He wanted it.... But I don't have magic even if I did don't you think I'd know it by now?" Y/n ramble.

"I'm sure you would... as much as I regret saying this... the Dark One might be right."


"He's a trickster... but he doesn't lie."

"I did... kinda... blast him back with an energy shot."

"What?" Killian asked. Y/n sighed, her posture curving.

"I blasted him back... with magic. But I don't know if it was a trick or not. If it was then that's great, I'm not special... but if it wasn't... then-"

"You're absolutely terrified." Killian finished his daughter's sentence.


"Don't you believe you're not special for one moment, okay, Sailor? I gave you that necklace for a reason... You're strong. Stronger than any of the other bastards on that ship."




Y/n walked into a library in the enchanted forest. She accepted that she had magic. She had to. It was who she was... who she had become.

She browsed around the old wooden shelves looking at the different old spines of books. But one, in particular, caught her eye. An old, brown, book with the word 'Everlasting: A History'

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she grabbed the book.

She could now clearly see the cover, it was covered in dust, (she could tell that it had not been picked up in a few dozen years) a bronze symbol lay in the middle. But what it meant she didn't know. The side of the book was closed by two, rusty metal clasps and a red bookmark lay hanging out of it.

'Everlasting: A History'


--Y/n's POV--

I was once again laying down at the docks. I was silently looking up at the stars and the different constellations. Orion, Gemini, Lepus etc.

"I will find you, dad, I promise," I muttered, fiddling with my gold necklace.

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Pan appeared beside me.

"You're one to talk." I snapped.

"Y/n?" I sat up when I heard a weak, crying voice behind me. I spun my head around to see Mary Margaret with red cheeks and tears streaming down her face.

"Mary Margaret? What happened?" She didn't say anything, she just let out another painful sob. She came over to me and sat next to me, I let her cry on my shoulder, I could feel my sweater getting wet, but I didn't mind. "What's going on?" I whispered, putting my hand around her.

"David," She choked out. I didn't have to ask any further. That one simple word said it all.

"He's an ass, you know that?" I chuckled. Maty Margaret let out a small laugh, but I could still hear a faint cry.


"Really?" Emma scoffed as she came down the stairs. I was eating a bowl of cereal on the counter.

"What is it?" I asked, taking a bite of my cereal.

"Graham," Emma picked up the bouquet on the table and went to throw them out.


"Hey, wait! What are you doing?" Mary Margaret rushed into the room with schoolbooks in her hand.

"If Graham thinks flowers will work on me..."

"No, those... were mine." Mary Margaret said.

"Oh..." Emma realized. "From David?" Yikes.

"No, uh... Dr. Whale."

"Why would Dr. Whale..." My roommate sent Emma a 'you know what' look. "Are you serious?"

"I know, it's a disaster."

"No... that's amazing!" I joined in. "You're getting over David!"

"First of all: There's nothing to get over and second of all: it was just a one-night stand."

"Not according to those flowers," Emma said, grabbing some juice from the fridge.

"Yeah... maybe I shouldn't have called him."

"Oh my god... you called him?" I smiled.

"That is definitely not a one-night stand." Emma scoffed.

"Okay... I'm still learning. I've never had one before." Mary Margaret sighed. "I felt guilty."

"Why? There's nothing wrong with what you did. Trust me. One night is as far as I ever go." Emma assured.

"Well, yeah that's because you're..." I raised my eyebrows knowing that was a mistake. I quickly put my last bit of cereal in my mouth and walked over to the sink.

"Because I'm what?"

"Nevermind." I rinsed out the milk in my bowl.

"No. Tell me, what do I do?"

"You're just protecting yourself," Mary Margaret said. "With that wall, you put up,"

"I don't get emotional over men." Emma scoffed.

"Those flowers in trash say otherwise." I perked, spinning to face her, resting my hands on the sink behind me.

"And what is that?"

"It's obvious to everyone, except you, apparently..." I smirked.

"Well tell me!"

"You like Graham, Emma," I told her.

"What and you've never had a boyfriend before?" Emma changed the subject. I didn't know what to answer... I mean, yeah. I did. But I had a feeling she would ask who, and with her not believing... I doubted Peter Pan is a good answer.

"No, a crush. But no boyfriend." I said, looking at my feet.


August 10, 2021

Oof. No Boyfriend? Peter must be hurting.

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