Chapter 2

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ mention of abuse

Scarlett's pov:

I was mindlessly walking in the park, lost in my own thoughts. I was in London to film some scenes for "Avengers: Infinity War", so i didn't know the place that well. The park was beautiful, with lots of trees, park benches, flowers and a pond in the middle.

There was one image i couldn't get out of my head though, the girl from the store. She had been so sweet and offered me the beer, even though it was clear that she really needed it for some reason. I wondered why she was buying beer, she couldn't have been older than 14. She had said that it was for someone called "Mr. Williams", but she had said it so fast, i wasn't sure if i believed her.

And then there was the giant bruise on the wrist. It was clear that she didn't want me to see it, because of the shocked and scared expression on her face when it was revealed. "She probably just fell somewhere and hurt her arm", i thought, but i didn't quite believe it, even though i tried to, i really did.

I had tried to run after her at the store, because i was worried about her, but she had disappeared into the crowd of paparazzi standing outside of the store. I was really annoyed at them, mostly because i thought that there wouldn't be so many of them here in London, but clearly i was wrong.

That's when i saw her. The same girl from yesterday, sitting on a park bench, with her face in her hands. I slowly walked towards her, trying not to scare her, as i didn't want her to run away from me again.

"Hi sweetheart, is everything ok?" i asked. She looked up at me, frightened, and she quickly wiped away her tears. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you", i continued, but that was apparently the wrong thing to say, as she immediately started backing away from me, terrified.

Y/n's pov:

"Hi sweetheart, is everything ok?" i heard a woman ask. I looked up and quickly wiped away my tears, not wanting to show any sign of weakness to whoever was standing in front of me. It was the woman from the store. I felt myself starting to panic, because she had seen the bruise on my wrist.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you", she continued. That scared me even more, because that was exactly the same thing Mr. Williams would say every time he was about to beat me up. I stared backing away from her, and when she followed, my mind was made up.

I ran. Even though i was exhausted and i knew i wouldn't be able to run for long, i ran away from the woman. I could hear her starting to run after me, but that just made me run even faster. I ran out of the park and onto the streets. Thankfully i encountered a huge crowd of people, and i managed to lose her.

I felt a panic attack starting to come. Crap. This was the worst thinkable situation to have a panic attack in. There was an alleyway in front of me, so i ran into it, and dropped to the ground next to some trash cans.

Breathing became more and more difficult, and tears started streaming down my face again. I was shaking like crazy, and my breathing was nothing more than shaky sobs. I had curled down into a ball, trying to comfort myself. That's when i heard footsteps.

Scarlett's pov:

I saw the girl run into a crowd of people, and i knew at that moment, i had lost her. I continued making my way through the huge crowd of people, hoping to catch a glimpse of the girl i was searching for.

At this point i was becoming more worried by the second. When i got out on the other side of the crowd, the girl was nowhere to be seen. I saw a dark alleyway to my left, so i decided to have a look.

The alleyway was dark and narrow, but as i walked further in, i could hear quiet sobs coming from somewhere in front of me. I walked faster, and i saw the girl curled up into a ball on the ground, sobbing. It broke me, seeing her like this. That's when i realized that she was having a panic attack. My best friend Lizzie has had them a lot, so i know how bad they can be.

I got on my knees next to the girl, and tried to hug her. As i touched her, she winced, making me even more worried than i already was, if that was possible. I carefully held her, and tried to comfort her.

"Hey sweetie, is gonna be alright, I'm here. Just try and breathe with me ok?" I calmed down when i heard her take a few shaky breaths, and she eventually stopped crying. After a couple of minutes, she was breathing normally again, and i felt myself starting to relax.

"What's your name sweetie?"i asked, trying to sound as kind as possible, as she was clearly frightened by me. When she didn't answer, i decided to tell her my name. Maybe that would help. "I'm Scarlett", i continued. "I'm Y/n", she whispered. "That's a beautiful name", i said, because it really was.

Y/n's pov:

The woman had helped me through my panic attack, maybe she was kind after all. I had never allowed myself to think that, as i didn't want to get my hopes up, and i also didn't want to be a burden to anyone. I was ripped out of my thoughts when the woman asked me: "What's your name sweetie?"

I didn't answer, as i didn't trust this woman yet. "I'm Scarlett", she continued. And before i could stop myself, i whispered "I'm Y/n". Why did i say that!? Just about the first thing i had been taught was: never give your name to strangers, and that was exactly what i had just done.

"That's a beautiful name", Scarlett said, and when i didn't answer, she continued. "Hey Y/n, do you maybe want to come over to my place, and they i could maybe get you some food, how does that sound?"

Not wanting to be of any bother, i quickly answered, "I'm fine thank you, i should get going anyway." I winced as i got up because of the bruises on my legs, and i prayed that Scarlett hadn't seen anything.

I could tell that she had, because she looked at me with a worried expression on her face. "Honey, are you hurt?" She asked me. "It's nothing I just tripped yesterday", I answered, hoping she wouldn't ask any more questions.

"Sweetheart", Scarlett continued. "You are clearly hurt, and far from home. Please, at least let me get you some food, and then I can call your parents and they can come pick you up ok?" "No, please don't call him, I'm going to get into trouble again", I begged her.


1194 words!!

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