Chapter 12

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Mention of abuse

Y/n's pov:

Scarlett and I ate dinner, which was amazing like always. She was such an amazing cook and she always managed to make the most incredible dishes.

After dinner we decided to go to sleep early as we had to get up early to go to the airport the next day. I slept in Scarlett's bed again, and Scarlett slept on the couch (sofa), even though i had tried to say that i could take the couch, but she had insisted.

I had a nightmare again, but this time Mr. Williams was following me down a street at night, and i just couldn't shake him off, no matter how fast i ran.

I woke up with a start, and found myself sitting in Scarlett's bed, sweating and shaking. I hoped that i hadn't screamed, i didn't want to wake Scarlett up, she had enough things to deal with.

I looked at the clock on the nightstand, and it read 05:38am. There was no point trying to go back to sleep as we were leaving for the airport at 7am, and i probably wouldn't be able to sleep again anyway.

I got dressed as quietly as i could, and i went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I found an apple on the counter, and i took it along with a glass of water and i sat down by the kitchen island.

I got my phone out and checked my social media. It was blowing up. My Instagram account had gone from 250 followers to 700k in just a couple of hours, and i soon understood why.

The paparazzi pictures from the mall yesterday had gone viral. Everyone was speculating on who the mystery girl who was seen with Scarlett Johansson was.

As i read the countless articles about myself, i didn't notice that Scarlett was awake, until i found myself being engulfed in a hug. "Good morning sweetie, i didn't expect you to be up this early", Scarlett said with a raspy voice.

I turned around and saw Scarlett standing in front of me in only her pajamas and with her hair going in all directions. "Good morning to you too", i smiled. "I couldn't sleep anymore, and i knew i had to get up sooner or later anyway", i said, which wasn't a complete lie.

 I mean, it was true that i couldn't sleep any longer, i just left out the part about my nightmare, I just didn't want to bother Scarlett more than I had to. You know, she is a busy woman with a lot of problems, i just didn't want to add to the pile.

Scarlett then noticed what i had been looking at on my phone. Her facial expression quickly changed. "Y/n, I'm so sorry, the paparazzi, they're all over the place, and i just-" I cut her off. "Scarlett, it's fine, they were going to figure it out sooner or later anyway, and i was kind of expecting this to happen when you adopted me."

You know, being adopted by a famous actress, you kind of have to be harassed by the paparazzi, it's part of the job", i joked. This made Scarlett giggle, and she pulled me into another hug.

"I'm so sorry honey, i just wanted to wait a bit longer so that you could settle in, and i didn't want the public to find out this way."

"Again, it's totally fine, it's not your fault, you can't really control the paparazzi", i smiled.

Scarlett then made us breakfast, and we ate it quickly before packing our stuff, and before i knew it, we were off to the airport. The ride was quite silent, because both Scarlett and I were kind of tired as it was pretty early in the morning.

A thought then popped into my head, and i had to ask Scarlett about it. "Umm, Scarlett?" I asked. "Yes honey?"

"Umm... I was just wondering, does Rose know that you have adopted me, or is it like a surprise?" This had been in my thoughts for a while i just hadn't had the courage to ask Scarlett about it.

My biggest fear was that Rose was going to hate me, and that i wasn't going to fit into the family. What if Colin didn't like me? My thoughts were interrupted be Scarlett answering my question.

"Yes, she knows. Colin and i both thought it would be best to let her know ahead of time, and Colin informed me that she was very exited to finally meet you, she had been wanting a big sister forever", Scarlett smiled.

"But what if-?" I was about to ask the question that had been on my mind for a while. What if they don't like me? Scarlett seemed to know what i was about to ask, as she cut me off.

"Sweetie, they're going to love you, you have nothing to worry about." This calmed my nerves down a bit, and i mumbled a "Thank you". I wasn't sure if Scarlett had heard it, but clearly she did because she answered.

"Of course honey, and just so you know, I'm speaking the truth, this isn't just to calm you nerves down, i was talking to Rose on the phone this morning, I'm not sure if you noticed, but she couldn't wait to meet her big sister".

I looked back out of the window, with a big smile plastered on my face. I couldn't help it. I was happy Rose was exited to meet me, because i had been so scared that she may not have wanted another sibling, because she had been an only child her whole life and she had always had her parents full attention, and now i was just barging in.

The rest of the car ride was pretty silent, we just listened to some music. When we got to the airport, i was surprised to find it almost empty. There were almost no people and also no paparazzi.

I silently thanked Scarlett for choosing an early flight, as we didn't have to deal with paparazzi again. After checking in, we quickly made out way through security, and went to find our gate.

We walked past a Starbucks, and after a lot of bargaining, Scarlett agreed to let me buy a coffee. I got my usual, an iced caramel macchiato, while Scarlett got a normal black coffee. She's so boring sometimes, i can't believe it.

We then made out way to our gate, and i was surprised to find out Scarlett had rented a private jet for the two of us. I looked up at her in disbelief. "You got a private jet?!" I was astonished. Scarlett just laughed.

"Well, yea, if i understood correctly, you have never flown before, so why not make your first flying experience one you will remember? Just don't get too used to it, i don't usually fly with a private jet", she added.

We made our way to the plane, and when we stepped inside, I was starstruck. The seats were all made of leather, and overall, it just looked very fancy.

A flight attendant welcomed us on board, and I got to meet the pilots as well, since we were obviously the only ones on the plane.

The plane was soon ready for take off, and I felt my anxiety creeping back. It was my first time flying, and I was honestly kind of nervous about it, but Scarlett seemed to notice, as she held my hand and gave it a little squeeze to reassure me it was going to be alright.

As we started going faster and faster, I leant back in my seat, closed my eyes and held onto Scarlett's hand for dear life.

I felt the plane lose contact with the runway (is that what it's called idk), and when I opened my eyes and looked out of the window, I saw London getting smaller and smaller underneath me.


A/n: Thank you so much for 6k reads! <3

If you have any feedback or ideas, please don't hestitate to leave a comment :)

Word count: 1362 words

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