Chapter 4

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ mention of abuse

Scarlett's pov:

Y/n had fallen asleep on my couch, and i was about to call Lizzie. She would know what to do, right? After Y/n had told me her story, i had been on the verge of tears. She was an orphan, and she was being abused by the only adult in her life.

No wonder she didn't trust me, the only adult in her life was horrible to her! I was determined to show her that not all adults are bad, and she certainly wasn't going back to that orphanage ever again.

And then there was her back. Her whole back was covered with bruises and cuts. I couldn't help but gasp in horror when i first saw it, no wonder Y/n winced every time something had touched her back.

I couldn't imagine how painful it must be. I had to try so hard not to cry, because i knew i had to stay strong for Y/n as i knew she was on the verge of breaking, but now that i was calling Lizzie, i couldn't hold the tears back any longer.

When Lizzie answered the phone, I was already sobbing uncontrollably. "Hey Scar, wait what's wrong?" When I didn't stop crying, Lizzie became more worried. "Scar, what's wrong, did something happen?"

"S-sorry, I just didn't know w-what to do, so I decided t-to call you", I explained in between sobs. When I had calmed down a little, Lizzie said "alright Scar, tell me what has happened."

"So basically, I met t-this girl at the s-store. She was buying b-beer for some reason, a-and she had a huge b-bruise on her wrist.

S-she ran away before I could say anything, but i-i met her again at the park t-today. "S-she was crying, and when I asked her if she was ok, s-she ran away from me."

"I found her in an alleyway having a p-panic attack, and I t-took her home with me, I didn't know what else to do." I was full on crying now. Lizzie didn't say anything, so I continued.

"Her name i-is Y/n, and I found out that s-she is an orphan. L-Lizzie, the owner of the orphanage a-abuses her, her whole back is blue Lizzie! W-What am I going to do, I can't let her go back t-there!"

"Scar, it's gonna be alright, just take a deep breath okay?" Lizzie comforted me. "Lizzie, c-can you please come over, I can't do t-this om my own", I begged her. "Okay, I'm coming, just try and get yourself some rest okay?" Lizzie reassured me.

I hung up, and went back to the living room to try and get some rest, but what I didn't know, was that Y/n was awake, and she had heard the whole conversation.

Y/n's pov:

I woke up to the sound of someone crying. At first I was confused, as I didn't remember where I was. Then I suddenly realized I was in Scarlett Johansson's apartment.

I must have dozed off, which wasn't very surprising, as I had been exhausted after running from the orphanage.

I kept my eyes closed because I didn't want Scarlett to know I was awake. I struggled to hear what Scarlett was saying, but I did make out enough words to understand that she was on the phone with someone.

And they were talking about me. Scarlett Johansson was crying because of me. I had made Scarlett Johansson cry.

"Lizzie, c-can you please come over, I can't do t-this on my own", Scarlett begged to whoever was at the other end of the phone, while sobbing uncontrollably.

I didn't hear the answer, but Scarlett soon came to the living room and laid down in a chair next to me, crying herself to sleep.

When I was sure she was asleep, I quietly got up and started searching for the door. Yes. I was leaving.

I just didn't want to be of any bother, and seeing as Scarlett had broken down crying because of me, I thought that the best thing would just be to leave as I didn't want to cause her any more pain.

I found a piece of paper and a pen, and I was just about to write a note to Scarlett thanking her for everything, saying I had left, and for her to not worry about me, when I heard the front door open.

I quickly turned around and found myself facing Elizabeth Olsen. Yes. THE Elizabeth Olsen.

Lizzie's pov:

I opened the door to Scarlett's apartment with the spare key she had given me. I closed the door as quietly as I could, as I didn't want to wake Scarlett or this Y/n girl up, just in case they were sleeping.

When I turned around, I found myself facing a kind looking girl who I had never seen before, who looked about 14 years old. I assumed this was Y/n, but I asked, just to be sure.

"Hi, I'm assuming you are Y/n?" I asked while holding my hand out for her to shake it. She took my hand and answered, "yup, that would be me." I then realized she was holding a piece of paper in her hand, and I asked what it was.

"Oh, this?" She asked, and held up the piece of paper. When I nodded, she said "it's just a note to Scarlett thanking her, I'm leaving now and she's asleep sooo..." she said with a little smile.

I was confused. "Wait, you're leaving already? I thought Scarlett said you could spend the night here?" I said.

"Well, I heard her crying on the phone with you because of me, so I figured I didn't want to be of any more bother", she shrugged, and started moving towards the door.

I suddenly remembered what Scarlett had told me about Y/n being an orphan and being abused. "No, please, don't leave", I said.

"As far as I know, you don't have anywhere to go, and Scarlett wanted you to stay. And you are not any bother", I added, which made her blush slightly.

She pulled herself together, and said, "no, I really should-". She didn't get any further, as I cut her off.

"I have a feeling Scarlett would be very upset if she found out you had left", I said to her. "Alright then, I'll stay, if what you said is really true", Y/n muttered, understanding she had lost.

I followed Y/n back to the living room where we found Scarlett sleeping on a chair.

I could tell Y/n was exhausted, so I mouthed "get yourself some sleep honey", and within minutes, she was peacefully sleeping on the couch.


A/n: Tysm for all of the love I have received on this story, I originally just downloaded Wattpad to read, and now my story has over 150 reads! I didn't expect anyone to read it, but thank you all so much <3

Also if you have any feedback or ideas, I would love to hear them :)

Word count: 1217 :D

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