Chapter 36

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Panic attack

Y/n's pov:

-Y/n has a panic attack in Scarlett's arms because a guy catcalled her and tried to follow her-

After I had calmed down, I just started sobbing. Panic attacks in  general were draining and I was exhausted. "You're okay honey, just let  it all out, I'm here", Scarlett comforted me while rubbing circles on my  back.

"I-I'm sorry", I sobbed. "I shouldn't have s-slammed  the door, it's j-just that t-this guy, h-he-" I couldn't continue. "What did he do to you sweetie?" Scarlett gently asked.

"H-He catcalled me and t-tried to follow me, he was b-being creepy and I-I felt so uncomfortable", I sobbed into her chest. "Aww, I'm so sorry bubs, but it's all fine now, he's gone and if he ever comes near you I will beat the shit out of him", Scarlett reassured me which made me giggle slightly.

"There's the smile I love and adore!" Scarlett smiled at me. "So do you want to cuddle for a bit on the sofa while drinking the boba you so kindly brought?" Scarlett asked me while gesturing to the two milk teas I had placed on a dresser by the front door.

"It's fine, you probably have work to do, I can stay in you office while you work if you want to though", I offered and Scarlett agreed. "Alright, do you have any school work to do?" She asked. "No, I finished it all already", I smiled weakly, still a bit shaken up after the panic attack.

Before I followed Scarlett up to her office and sat down on the couch beside her desk, I managed to slip into my room and safely put Scarlett's present in my nightstand for safekeeping.  Back in Scarlett's office, I was surprised when she took her laptop and sat down on the couch with me. "Oh, you don't have to sit here, I'm sure it's easier for you to work at your desk", I said, even though I knew I needed some sort of comfort so that I wouldn't break down again.

"It's clear that you don't want to sit alone, besides, I just have a few meetings and then I'm pretty much done for the day", she smiled. "Thank you", I mumbled while snuggling up to her while she started her laptop. "Of course bubs", she said while giving me a kiss on the forehead.

While Scarlett was waiting for her meeting to start, she put her laptop on the table in front of the couch we were sitting on and then positioned the camera so that you couldn't see me, but so that I could still be close to her.

"Okay sweetie, I'm going to have to ask you to try and stay off screen if you don't want anyone to know about you yet, you can sit where you're sitting now but try and stay quiet, can you do that?" She asked me.

"Oh, I can move if you want me to, that's not a problem", I mumbled and scrambled to my feet, but Scarlett stopped me. "I'm not going to let you be alone right now sweetie, you can have your head in my lap if you want to, please stay", she begged me.

I gave in and sat back down on the couch. I put my head in her lap and she immediately started playing with my hair. I smiled and got my phone out to scroll on TikTok for a while. Scarlett's meeting then started and even though she was talking pretty seriously to the people on the zoom call, she never stopped playing with my hair and stroking my face.

I was texting my friends, and I even helped Emma out with one of her assignments. I was really happy that I had made friends already on the first day of school, and they all seemed really funny and kind.

I hadn't noticed that I had zoned out until Scarlett shook me lightly, and that's when I noticed she had stopped talking. "Sweetheart, I have one meeting left, are you doing alright?" She asked me with a hint of worry in her eyes as I hadn't responded immediately.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine, thanks for letting me stay mum", I smiled at her which made her face light up. "The meeting is with Jimmy Fallon regarding me revealing you to the public, he's probably going to ask to see you, you don't have to if you don't feel comfortable with it, but he's really kind and funny", she said.

"Yeah, I can pop my head into the screen for a couple of seconds", I smiled. "But, I should probably go and clean myself up a bit, I look like shit", I said and left Scarlett's office before she could say anything.

I went to the bathroom to try and make myself look at least a bit better, and after a few minutes I was fairly happy with what I was seeing in the mirror. I exited the bathroom and walked back to Scarlett's office, stopping outside the door.

I could just about make out the voices, and it seemed like the meeting had already started, and they were talking about me. "Yeah, honestly she's the best thing that has happened to me in a long time, she makes me feel complete and when I see her hurt or upset, it just breaks my heart because I wish that I could do something more than just comfort her and tell her that I'm here for her", I heard Scarlett say.

"Even though she has had a terrible childhood she is so kind to others and helps everyone else before herself. Y/n is so polite and good with kids, Rose trusted her after like 10 seconds, that has never happened before with anyone."

"She always says that she doesn't want to be of any bother and she will put everyone else before herself, even if she knows that it will hurt her. I just want her to understand that she can never be an inconvenience to me, I love her way too much for that. Anyways, sorry for bothering you with my nonsense Jimmy, the point is, I love her to death and I just want her to feel safe and loved", Scarlett finished.

I had no idea she felt that way, and honestly, her little speech had made me a little emotional. Maybe I should actually believe that she loves me and that she's here to stay. Maybe I should confide in her more.

I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. "Come in!" I heard Scarlett shout so I opened the door and stepped inside. "There you are!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Come over here, Jimmy wants to see you!" She smiled and beckoned me closer.

I plopped down beside her, smiled and waved at the camera. "Hi!" I said shyly while Scarlett brought me in for a side hug.


A/n: So Y/n finally heard Scarlett say that she loves her to death, will she believe it, will she not? 

Y/n is also going to meet Jimmy Fallon, what will he think of her?

How are y'all doing? I'll be honest, I haven't had the best start to my week, school is stressful and we have lots of assignments and tests. I have had to remember to take care of myself, and i hope that you'll do that too <3

Love you 3000 :)

Word count: 1246 words

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