Chapter 38

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ mention of bruising

Y/n's pov:

-A few days later-

I woke up to sun rays attacking my face. I groaned like usual and tried to bury myself deeper into the covers, but somehow is was still too bright. I sighed, knowing that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep before dragging myself out of bed.

Today was the day that I would be meeting the cast for the movie I had been cast in, "The Maze Runner", and honestly, I was kind of nervous about the whole thing. First I was going to go to set to check out my trailer and also to have a costume fitting.

I was also signing the contract today, so Scarlett had to come with me because a parent or guardian also had to sign as I was obviously still a minor.

I huffed when I saw myself in the mirror. I looked like shit, I'm not going to lie. My hair was all messy and I had massive eye bags from not sleeping much last night, I had stayed up late working on an essay, knowing I wouldn't have time to do it today.

It was 9:30am, so we would be leaving in an hour and a half, which gave me plenty of time to get ready. I dragged myself to the shower, and I just stood there for a while, letting the warm water run down my back and wake me up.

When I was done and slightly more awake, I walked to my closet to try and find an outfit for today. I knew we were going for dinner with the cast later, but I would have time after set to go change, so I picked something casual out for going to set.

I then dragged myself downstairs to be met with a smiling Scarlett

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I then dragged myself downstairs to be met with a smiling Scarlett. She was making breakfast, and when I sat down she placed a plate with breakfast on it in front of me. "Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" She greeted me.

"Good morning, I slept well thanks", I answered with a smile before digging into my breakfast. The food was amazing like usual, and I downed it in less than 10 minutes.

I checked Instagram, but found nothing of interest, and before I knew it we had to leave. Scarlett and I walked down to the car in silence. We listened to music like usual while driving, and after a relatively short drive we arrived on set.

Before we could enter we had to sign lots of papers including an NDA, which basically made us shut up about anything that happened on set. We were then allowed in, and we were greeted by a cast member who showed us to my trailer.

He said that he would be back in 15 minutes to fetch us for the contract signing. The trailer was a decent size and it was nicely furnished, with a little kitchen and living room, a bedroom and a bathroom.

After having a good look around the crew member who I learned was called Jake came back, and we followed him to where we would be signing the contract. He lead us into a massive building, and we passed lots of movie sets which weren't completely set up yet, and we also passed a hallway of lots of doors with names on them.

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