Chapter 7

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Mention of abuse

Y/n's pov:

I had just had another nightmare. I have struggled a lot with them in the past, and for some reason they just don't stop. This time Scarlett and Lizzie had shouted mean things at me, and they had threatened to send me back to Mr. Williams, which was my worst fear, because he hits me when he's angry.

I was shaking profusely and trying to sob quietly into the pillow, but I'm almost certain that my sobs could be heard all the way into the living room where I knew Scarlett was sleeping.

And even if they couldn't, my screaming when i woke up from the nightmare would definitely be heard in the whole apartment. And sure enough, only a couple seconds later i heard running footsteps.

I quickly tried to stifle my sobs, without much success, and the next thing i knew, Scarlett was sitting on the bed beside me. "Hey sweetie, did you have a nightmare?" She asked.

I nodded. "Aww Y/n, I'm so sorry, but it was just a nightmare, so whatever it was, it wasn't real, okay honey? Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. I didn't, so i just shook my head.

"That's okay, do you want me to stay here?" Scarlett asked while holding my hands in hers, trying to comfort me. "Yes please", i whispered. I moved to the side so that she could get in, and she climbed into the bed and under the covers. I moved closer to her, and she hugged me tightly.

"You and Lizzie were shouting at me and threatening to take me back to Mr. Williams", i sobbed into Scarlett's shoulder. "It was just a nightmare honey, i would never do such a thing, you mean everything to me", she comforted me.

"I'm sorry for waking you up, I-" "Y/n, it's not your fault, and I'm happy you woke me up, because now i get to cuddle you", Scarlett said while itching closer to me, if that was possible. And just like that, i fell asleep.

~The next day~

Y/n's pov:

I woke up to the sound of something shattering. "F*CKING SH*T!" Scarlett wasn't in the bed anymore, she must be awake already. The clock next to the bed read 9:18 am. I had slept longer than usual. I always woke up quite early, it had always been like that.

I grabbed my clothes from yesterday and went to the bathroom to change. Scarlett's treatment from yesterday seemed to have helped, because my back wasn't as bruised as it was yesterday, and it didn't hurt as much anymore.

After i had gotten changed, i washed my face and went to the kitchen to see who had shouted. I found Lizzie sitting on the floor cleaning up a broken glass with Scarlett standing next to her, trying hard not to laugh.

"You guys alright?" I asked. "I heard something shatter." Scarlett came up to me and gave me a hug. "Good morning Y/n, did you sleep well honey? We decided to let you sleep in, but someone decided to make a racket", Scarlett said while giving Lizzie a stern look.

"I'm sorry, it just slipped out of my hand!" Lizzie explained. "It's totally fine, I usually get up quite early anyway. Are you sure you are ok though, it sounded like one of you got hurt, i can help clean it up", i offered.

"No sweetie, you don"t have to do that, and we are both fine", Lizzie smiled. "Are you sure?" I asked. Scarlett and Lizzie had done so much for me, i wanted to do something for them. "yes we are, and come and get yourself some breakfast, i made pancakes", Scarlett stated.

"Wait really? Thank you so much Scarlett, you really didn't ha-", I started but didn't get any further as Scarlett cut me off. "Yes i had to, and i wanted you to have a good start to your day, WITHOUT ANY CURSING LIZZIE!" Scarlett shouted the last part at Lizzie.

"Look, for probably the fifth time, I'm sorry Scar, i can't really help it!" Lizzie shouted back. I silently giggled and started eating the blueberry pancakes in front of me.

They were delicious. Seriously, i don't think i have ever tasted pancakes this good ever in my life before. "Thank you so much Scarlett, these are amazing."

"That's good to hear, they're Rose's favorite, so i hoped you'd like them", Scarlett smiled. "Rose is your daughter right?" I asked. "Yes she is."

"How old is she?" "She is 5 years old, and a little bundle of joy", Scarlett answered. "Why are you asking?" she wondered. "No reason, I've just heard about her, but i didn't know how old she was."

After i had finished breakfast, i cleaned up my plate and helped Lizzie with the dishes, even though she had tried to say i didn't have to.

We then gathered around the dining table to have what Scarlett called a "family meeting". It didn't really make sense, because none of us were related, but we just went with it.

We talked for a while about the process of getting me adopted, well, Scarlett did most of the talking. Lizzie and I mostly just listened. She then got on a call with her agent and they talked for quite a while.

In the meantime, Lizzie was watching "Iron Man 2" with me to try and keep my mind off things, but it didn't really work because i kept glancing towards Scarlett to see how the conversation was going.

Scarlett's pov:

I had called my agent and my lawyer about adopting Y/n, and we had talked for a solid 30 minutes. Lizzie was trying to keep Y/n occupied even though i knew that was kind of impossible, but i just didn't want her to be anxious.

We had now gotten Y/n's social worker to join the call, who apparently didn't know anything about Y/n's situation with Mr. Williams. Y/n's social worker wasn't very happy that Y/n was with me and not at the orphanage, but after i had explained that Y/n wasn't safe there, he accepted it.

Luckily for me, Colin and I had been looking to adopt a child for a while, so our house had in LA had already been checked over to make sure it was fit for a kid to live there, and we had done a lot of the necessary paperwork already, so after being on the phone for an hour, the social worker concluded that we meet him at the orphanage that day to sign the adoption papers and get Y/n's stuff.

After that, Colin and i would be Y/n's legal guardians. I had also convinced the social worker to allow me to bring security with me, as i knew that Y/n would be in danger the second she stepped foot in the orphanage, because Mr. Williams would probably be angry at Y/n for running away.

After i ended the call, the tears started streaming down my face. I couldn't stop them, i was so happy. Y/n came over to me, worried. "What happened, didn't the application go through?"



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