Chapter 31

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ None just some crying

Y/n's pov:

Scarlett and I were sat on my bed watching "Stranger Things" when Scarlett got a notification on her phone. Normally, I wouldn't have cared, she was a famous actress after all, but when she looked at her phone, her face immediately lit up.

"Who is it?" I asked, still focused on the TV-screen. "You have an audition for "The Maze Runner" tomorrow at 2pm!" She exclaimed excitedly and I paused the TV. "Wait, are you serious?!" I asked, not believing what I had just heard.

"Yup, they liked your application so they want you to audition tomorrow!" Scarlett said excitedly while hugging me. "I'm so proud of you bubs", Scarlett said into the hug. "Why? I haven't even auditioned yet!" I said, trying to hold back my laughter.

"But you got an audition, it's exclusive, that's why you had to apply first", Scarlett explained, still with the biggest smile on her face. "Do I have to learn any lines for tomorrow?" I asked. Scarlett had to look at the text before answering. "Looks like you don't, they'll give you your lines when you get there tomorrow", she said while reading the text off her phone and I nodded.

We didn't really do much for the rest of the day, we obviously told Colin the good news and he was extremely exited and happy for me, just like how Scarlett had been. I was really happy to have them in my life, they were so supportive of me.

Scarlett also showed Colin the drawing I had made of her, and he also complimented my drawing talent. Rose then came back from a play date with one of her friends, and we then all made dinner together as a family.

It had been a long day and honestly, I just wanted to go to sleep, but Scarlett insisted we should watch one of my movies. Rose got to decide, and after a lot of thinking she decided on "Fantastic Beasts". Yes, I had a role in "Fantastic Beasts". (I don't have the patience to make up a role so just pretend there is a 13-year old female character in Fantastic Beasts) It wasn't a massive role, but I had about 5 minutes of screen time and a fair amount of lines.

Scarlett had never seen "Fantastic Beasts" before, so she was really invested in the movie. Rose was fast asleep after like 15 minutes of the movie, her play date had apparently tired her out pretty well. Colin on the other hand, told me he had seen it before, which meant he had seen me on screen before.

When the first part that I was in came, a look of realization spread across his face. He turned to me and and said "that's why you looked so familiar the first time I saw you!" I just smiled at him and shrugged. Scarlett then averted her gaze from the screen to us. "You've seen this movie before?" She asked Colin and he nodded.

"I have, I saw it with some friends when it first came out", he explained. "I honestly don't know how I didn't recognize you", he said and looked at me. "Well, I don't blame you, I don't look that interesting", I said casually.

With that, we went back to watching the movie. Scarlett had already commented on my acting multiple times, she had said that I was a lot better than her when she was my age, which surprised me. I had never seen "The Horse Whisperer" or "Ghost World", but I had always assumed that she had been an amazing actress since the start.

I knew that i had an emotional scene in this film where I'm screaming and crying, but I hadn't warned Scarlett because I wanted to see her genuine reaction. I had gotten a lot of compliments on that particular scene and nobody ever seemed to be able to shut up about how convincing and realistic it had looked, so I was a bit nervous to see Scarlett's reaction.

Colin seemed to know what was coming, because when the scene approached, he shot me a questioning look before glancing over at Scarlett as to ask me if she knew what was coming and I shook my head as to tell him not to say anything. He suppressed a laugh and went back to watching the movie.

When the scene came and my character's heart breaking scream and gut-wrenching sobs echoed through the room,  Scarlett glanced over at me with wide eyes. She then looked back at the screen and I could see tears threatening to leave her eyes.

When the movie was finished Colin took Rose upstairs which left Scarlett and me alone in the living room. "Why didn't you tell me you had such an emotional scene?" She asked me, trying to hold her tears back. It broke my heart seeing her like this. "I'm sorry, I should have given you a warning", I apologized while walking over to her.

She collapsed in my arms, the tears finally escaping her eyes. "I'm sorry, it just looked so real, I love you so much and it breaks me seeing you in pain", she explained in between sobs. "It's okay, I'm okay, look, I'm right here and I'm doing just fine", I comforted her while hugging her.

Her sobs eventually subsided and I felt like it was time for a joke. "So I guess that means my acting is okay? Based off the fact that it had you bawling your eyes out." I asked her jokingly which earned a little laugh from her.

"Your acting is incredible, don't worry", she reassured me. "Thanks mom, it means a lot coming from you", I smiled. She smiled at the word "mom" as usual, and we hugged again. "Alright sweetie, I think we should both go to bed, It's getting late and you have a big day tomorrow", she said and ruffled my hair a little.

I agreed to that, and we both went upstairs to go to bed. Rose's bedroom door was open and when I passed it I heard a little squeal. "Sissy!" I turned around and peeked my head into her room. She was laying in her bed, already in her pajamas and with her blonde hair adorably messy.

"Can you pwease give me a good-night hug?" She asked with puppy eyes. "Of course Rosie!" I smiled. I went up to her bed and gave her a warm hug. "Alright, sleep well", I said and gave her a kiss on the forehead before exiting her room and gently closing the door behind me.

I then walked to my own room and to my closet, finding a pair of pajamas. I changed into them before going to my bathroom to brush my teeth. I also did my skincare routine and put my hair in two loose plaits for the night.

I then climbed into my bed and let sleep consume me.


A/n: Yayy!! We have an audition! How do you think it's gonna go? I already have a character made up, but youll have to wait for the next chapter to find out the name😏

How are you doing and what are your plans for the weekend? Im doing alright, but i have to go to this camp thing for the weekend and im really not excited abt it...

Remember to take care of yourselves, drink plenty of water and eat a little something💕

Love you 3000

Word count: 1266 words

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