Chapter 9

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Mention of abuse and severe bruising

Y/n's pov:

We were back at the orphanage, and Scarlett was about to sign the adoption papers when we heard someone shout.

"YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THIS! YOU DON'T HAVE PROOF! I HAVEN'T EVER LAID MY HANDS ON HER! NOT ONCE!" Mr. Williams shouted. Everyone looked at him. He was glaring at me, i had never seen him so angry.

Everyone then turned their heads in my direction, and i knew what i had to do.

Even though i was terrified, I lifted my hoodie up and turned around.

I heard everyone gasp when my back was revealed. I knew what it looked like.

My whole back was bruised from when Mr. Williams had whipped me with his belt. I also had several wounds on my back from where the metal belt buckle had pierced my skin.

It wasn't a pretty sight. I then turned back around and lifted up my pant leg, so that everyone could see my bruised legs. I then looked up and straight into his eyes as i started to wipe away the makeup that was covering my black eye.

I wasn't scared anymore. Just angry. I was angry at Mr. Williams, i was angry at how he had treated me, and he had made me believe it was my fault that he was beating me.

When i was done wiping away the makeup that had been covering the black eye, everyone was just staring at either me or at Mr Williams. Everyone was shocked at what Mr. Williams had done. Mr. Williams was struggling with four of the security guards holding him down, but i wasn't done yet.

I rolled up my sleeves and my bruised wrists were revealed. I glanced up at Scarlett who was just as shocked as everyone else, and on the verge of tears. I took a deep breath and wiped away the makeup on my neck, to reveal multiple hand shaped bruises on my neck.

I hadn't told anyone about them, but basically Mr. Williams had been so angry at me, be had tried to choke me, and hadn't stopped until i had blacked out. The gasp that escaped Scarlett's mouth told me everything.

She had no idea i had bruises all over my body, not just my back, and she pulled me into a hug and started crying.

"I'm so sorry honey, i didn't know", she sobbed into me. I then heard Lizzie mutter under her breath "I am so going to kill that guy, he is going to regret the day he was born when I'm done with him", which made both me and Scarlett giggle.

I pulled away from the hug to find Lizzie glaring at Mr. Williams who was being dragged out of the room by two security guards, while he was shouting at me. "I told you to cover them up and never show them to anyone you stupid child, I'm going to kill you!"

I knew they were just empty words, so i laughed and smiled sarcastically at him, before turning back to Scarlett and Lizzie.

The judge then approached us, and asked me, "alright Miss Y/l/n, I'm so sorry that happened to you, you were incredibly brave to show us everything. Are you sure you want to live with Mrs. Johannson, it is up to you", he smiled.

"Yes! Of course i want to, she has treated me so well", i beamed. "If it's okay with Scarlett." I looked up at her. "Of course it's okay with me, silly goose", Scarlett giggled, and engulfed me in another hug.

Scarlett then signed the papers, without any interruptions this time. I was finally adopted! As we were walking out to the car, the guy from the Child Welfare center, Mr. Adams, pulled me aside and handed me his business card.

"Listen, if you ever feel unsafe at home or just need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to  call me, I'm always here to help." He said. "Thank you so much Mr. Adams, I don't think it will be necessary, but i will keep this", i said and waved the business card.

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