Chapter 18

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ swearing

Y/n's pov:

I woke up the next day to someone tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I opened my eyes and saw Scarlett standing by my bedside. "Good morning sweetie, you have to get up", she said.

I really wasn't feeling it so I groaned and buried myself deeper into the covers. "Honey, you have to get up, I'm sorry", Scarlett laughed at my sleepiness. "You're coming with me to set today, remember?"

Suddenly I was wide awake. I was going to meet the Marvel cast today! I jumped out of bed, which slightly startled Scarlett. "Alright, I'm up, now could you please give me some privacy,  I would love to get dressed, I don't know if I want to meet your co-stars in my pajamas", i joked and gestured to what I was currently wearing.

"Alright, we're leaving in 30 minutes", Scarlett informed me before exiting my room to give me some privacy. Alright. Now i had to pick what i was going to wear.

I spent a long time trying to figure out what to wear to meet my idols, but in the end i ended up with a beige knitted sweater, some regular jeans and a black belt. I also put on some white sneakers, a necklace Scarlett had bought for me, and i did my hair.

 I also put on some white sneakers, a necklace Scarlett had bought for me, and i did my hair

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Y/n's outfit ^

I took a quick look in the mirror before heading downstairs to find Scarlett making breakfast. She turned around when i got downstairs and greeted me with a hug. "There you are, looking slightly more awake", she joked. 

"Well, I can't say i feel more awake", i giggled. We sat down and ate some breakfast in silence, mostly because Rose had already left for school, so she wasn't here to ramble about god knows what.

"Alright, time to go!" Scarlett declared after we had finished eating. I grabbed my phone and put on my coat and shoes, and after waiting for Scarlett to find her keys, we went down to the car.

The car ride was silent, the silence only interrupted by the music softly playing from the speakers. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I was about to meet all of my idols, the people who had made each horrible day at the orphanage worth fighting for.

Scarlett seemed to notice my nervousness, because she took her hand in mine, and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "It's going to be fine sweetheart, they're all incredibly kind and welcoming, you have nothing to be afraid of", she reassured me. 

"What if i say something stupid or make myself look like an asshole?" I asked. "Sweetie, just be your normal self and you'll be fine", she smiled. "And i know for a fact you aren't an asshole, otherwise i wouldn't have adopted you. You are the kindest and funniest girl I have ever met", she added.

"Yea, right. That's not true", i scoffed. "Yes it is, and I know it", Scarlett said. I went back to looking out the window, still a little anxious, but feeling slightly better about myself.

Before i knew it, we had arrived on set, and Scarlett lead me to her trailer to drop some stuff off. Luckily we hadn't met anyone yet, which meant I hadn't had an opportunity to make a fool out of myself, at least not yet.

Someone then knocked on the door, and Scarlett answered it. I panicked, thinking it was going to be RDJ or someone like that, but it was just a crew member telling Scarlett that she was needed for hair and makeup, so that's where we headed next.

We didn't really meet anyone on the way to hair and makeup, although Scarlett did greet everyone we walked past. Scarlett's hair and makeup artist turned out to be really nice, and we talked quite a lot while Scarlett was getting her hair and makeup done, well Scarlett and her makeup artist did most of the talking, but I did say a word or two when it seemed fitting.

I am an introvert, so my first instinct isn't really to talk to everyone i meet, and i was in a completely new place, so me being quiet wasn't really that weird, especially considering the fact i was still nervous about meeting the cast.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when i heard someones voice behind me. "Good morning Scarlett!" I turned around and saw Lizzie standing in the doorway, in full costume. Not going to lie, it was a little funny to see Lizzie in costume irl.

That's when she noticed i was standing in the room as well, and she tackled me in a hug. "Y/N! I didn't know you'd be here today!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Well, I'm here, so i guess you'll have to live with it", i joked.

We all laughed and Scarlett's makeup artist declared that Scarlett was all finished, so she quickly got into costume, and before i knew it we were walking to where they were going to film.

I don't think i realized where we were going before i saw RDJ, both Chris's, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Letitia Wright, Gwyneth Paltrow, Florence Puch, Paul Rudd, both Tom's, Brie Larson and Benedict Cumberbatch, all in costumes standing in a huddle a little in front of me. (Just pretend they're all in a movie together)

I froze, but Scarlett gently grabbed my hand, and whispered "sweetie, it's gonna be alright, just stick with me ok?" I nodded and followed behind her. As we got closer Chris Evans spotted us and yelled "Scar and Lizzie! There you are! What took you so long?" All of the others turned around, and everyone hugged Scarlett and Lizzie.

Luckily they hadn't noticed me yet, well not until Scarlett decided to pull me in front of her. RDJ was the first to ask who i was. "Hey kid, who are you?" I couldn't believe Robert freaking Downey Jr. was talking to me, so I couldn't manage to say more than "M-My name is Y/n."

"That's a beautiful name, but it still doesn't explain what you are doing here", he pointed out. Before i could say anything, Scarlett interfered. "She's the girl I adopted Downey, now stop asking her questions, you're freaking her out", she said sternly.

"He looked at Scarlett, frightened by her tone, and i found myself silently giggling by the fact that RDJ was scared of Scarlett. "Sorry kid, but it's nice to meet you", Robert apologized, and he held out his hand for me to shake, which i gladly accepted.

"No worries Mr. Downey", i smiled while shaking his hand. "Please, call me Robert", he said.

"Right. Robert. Sorry."

What the f*ck.

I'm on first name basis with Robert Downey Jr.

How the hell did that happen?

After my encounter with RDJ, I then introduced myself to the rest of the cast. They were all lovely and incredibly welcoming. I soon found myself talking to Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddelston while the others were doing a scene.

I was a little quiet at first, but i eventually started to loosen up and act a little bit more like myself.


A/n: Y/n finally met the cast, yayy🥰 What do you think will happen next?🤔
Anyways, tysm for all of the love I have received on this book, every nice comment always makes me smile like an idiot, and every vote warms my heart

As always, if you haven't eaten or you're hungry, please go eat something, you deserve it😘

Word count: 1278 words

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