Chapter 5

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ mention of abuse

Lizzie's pov:

I waited until Y/n had fallen asleep, which didn't take long, until I went to raid Scarlett's kitchen as I was starving, and I assumed Scarlett and Y/n would also be hungry when they woke up.

I tried to be quiet while making some spaghetti bolognese, as I didn't want to wake either of them up. The food was ready at about 5pm, and just as I was about to go sit down and eat, I found Scarlett standing in the doorway, silently crying again.

I quickly pulled her in for a hug, and then handed her a plate of food. "Thanks Liz", she muttered. The way to make Scarlett happy has always been with food, so I hoped some spaghetti would cheer her up. "Aww Scar, im sure it's gonna be ok", I reassured her while stroking her back. It hurt me seeing my best friend like this.

After she had eaten she had calmed down a bit, so I figured this would be a nice time to start asking questions. "Alright Scar, you're gonna have to tell me what's going on, I can't really see the big picture here."

~Time skip cus I'm lazy~

"And then I called you", Scarlett finished. "Sooo, basically you found this abused orphan on the street and you brought her home with you", I asked. "Yea, that's about it", Scarlett answered. "She seems really sweet", I said to myself. "I want to adopt her", Scarlett blurted out.

"Im sorry what??" I was so shocked, by brain couldn't function. "Is it stupid? I'm sorry I just thought-" Scarlett began. "Nononono it's not stupid, you just caught me by surprise", I reassured Scarlett.

"As you know, Colin and I have wanted a child of our own for a while", Scarlett began. "We've been trying for a long time, but it hasn't really worked out." Scarlett was on the verge of tears again. "So we started looking into adopting a child, and I think she is perfect, besides, Rose could use an older sister like her, she's always wanted one."

"Okay Scar, what if you call Colin and ask him what he thinks first, and if he agrees, you can ask Y/n", said to Scarlett.

"Ask me what exactly?"

Y/n's pov:

I had woken up to Scarlett and Lizzie talking in the kitchen. I didn't want to overhear anything, but i couldn't really help it. "So we started looking into adopting a child, and I think she is perfect, besides, Rose could use an older sister like her, she's always wanted one." Scarlett said. Were they talking about me?

No, they couldn't be. I had just met Scarlett the day before. They were probably just talking about some other girl Scarlett wanted to adopt. I looked down. I had gotten my hopes up that Scarlett may have wanted to adopt me, but as always, I had been clinging onto false hope.

"Okay Scar, what if you call Colin and ask him what he thinks first, and if he agrees, you can ask Y/n", Lizzie suggested. I froze. "Ask me what exactly?" I sad with anger in my voice, even though i hadn't meant to sound angry. I already knew the answer. They were going to throw me out to make place for this other girl Scarlett wanted to adopt.

Scarlett turned around and found me standing in the doorway. "I- I uhh..." Scarlett stuttered. "You're going to throw me out aren't you? You're going to send me back there so that you have space for this girl you want to adopt. Is that it?" I said with tears threatening to come.

"No! I would never-" Scarlett tried. "It's fine, i knew it was going to happen. It always does. I think i find someone i can trust, but then they stab me in the back and send me back there. Then i earn an extra round of beatings because Mr. Williams almost lost his punching bag!"

Scarlett and Elizabeth looked at me with pure horror on their faces, as i told them what had happened to me multiple times in the past. "You know what? I'm done trusting adults! All they do is betray you!" I was shouting now. I didn't mean to, but i guess i had been bottling up my feelings and my anger for too long.

"Y/n", Scarlett said. "What?" "Listen, I'm not going to send you back", Scarlett said. "Oh, do you really say so? Because it really sounds like you're about to do just that!" My anger started to come back. "I know it does, but i care about you and your well-being, and we were talking about you. It is true that Colin and i have wanted to adopt a child for a while, but we haven't found anyone, until i found you." Scarlett explained. "Wait, really? You're not going to send me back?" I was shocked.

"Yes, Y/n i want to adopt you, and you are not going back to that orphanage ever again", Scarlett stated with a smile on her face. I felt the tears come back, but this time they were out of happiness. Scarlett saw it, and pulled me in for a hug. "I'm- I'm so sorry for yelling at you, I-I didn't know-", i sobbed into Scarlett as she comforted me. "Its okay sweetie, i kind of deserved it". "No you didn't, i was just so a-angry at everyone, i let it o-out on you, and I'm s-sorry", i sobbed into Scarlett's shoulder.

"Aww, you guys are so cute, i could definitely imagine her as your daughter Scar, and if Colin says no, ill kill him, don't worry", Lizzie states. We all laugh, and Lizzie hands me a plate of spaghetti. I pretty much inhale it with how hungry i was, and both Scarlett and Lizzie look at me with a smirk on their face. "What?" I ask confused. "Hungry?" Lizzie asks. "Umm yea guess i just didn't realize", i answer shyly.

"Its really good, who made it?" I ask, because it was the best spaghetti i had ever tasted. "Lizzie did", Scarlett answers, as Lizzie blushes slightly, which made me giggle. "I love it Elizabeth, thank you so much", i answer. "I'm glad you did, and please call me Lizzie, hearing people call me Elizabeth makes me feel so old", Lizzie chuckles. "Right, sorry Lizzie." "No problem", Lizzie smiles.

"Alright, you two just have your moment, i guess I'll have to go call Colin now, because someone listened to our conversation." Scarlett said while fake glaring at me. "Sorry, i didn't mean to, it just kind of happened", i defended myself. "Scar, you should put him on speaker", Lizzie requested. "Actually, that's not a bad idea", Scarlett said while typing in what i assumed to be Colin's number.

She put the phone on the table, and after ringing three times, the person in the other end answered.


A/n: Tysm to everyone who has read this story so far, it means so much to me🥰

Word count: 1196 words :-)

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