Chapter 37

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Tiny mention of anxiety and panic attack

Y/n's pov:

I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. "Come in!" I heard  Scarlett shout so I opened the door and stepped inside. "There you are!"  She exclaimed excitedly. "Come over here, Jimmy wants to see you!" She smiled and beckoned me closer.

I plopped down beside her, smiled and waved at the camera. "Hi!" I said shyly while Scarlett brought me in for a side hug. I saw Jimmy Fallon on the screen waving back at me and I felt my shyness come creeping.

"You didn't tell me you daughter was that gorgeous!" Jimmy complimented me and I felt my cheeks go red. "Well she is, both on the inside and on the outside", Scarlett smiled proudly while ruffling my hair.

Scarlett then continued her meeting with Jimmy while I scrolled on my phone. Just like before, my head was in Scarlett's lap and she was playing with my hair. After a while Scarlett said her goodbyes to Jimmy before leaving the call and turning her attention to me.

"Do you want to do something? I just have to check my messages and them I'm good to go", she informed me. "I'm not sure, I'm up for anything", I shrugged and she nodded.

She then started replying to messages until I felt her freeze. "Y/n?" She asked and I looked up. She never used my name, was I in trouble? "Yeah, what's up?" I asked, nervous for the reply. "Look!" She exclaimed and pointed to the screen.

I sat up and looked where she was pointing. It was a message. For me. I spent a minute reading through it, and then again because I couldn't believe what I was reading. I had gotten the role for the Maze Runner! I was supposed to sign the contract and meet the cast in a few days! I couldn't believe my eyes.

My thoughts were interrupted by a giant hug from Scarlett. "I'm so proud of you bubs, I knew you could do it!" She shrieked, her voice muffled from the hug. "Thank you, I can't believe it!" I smiled when we broke apart.

Scarlett quickly responded to the message and said that I would be able to come to the contract signing and that I was looking forward to meeting the cast and crew. She then contacted my teacher so that my school hours could be a little bit more flexible in case I had scenes to film when I was supposed to be doing school work.

We then freaked out for another 5 minutes before calming down enough to call Colin. He was also really happy with the news, and he promised he'd come home earlier to celebrate.

I didn't want much of a celebration mostly because I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, and I also didn't want to be the center of attention at a party which Scarlett would definitely have hosted if I hadn't asked her otherwise, so when Colin came home we just ended up ordering pizza and watching "Friends", as that was appropriate enough for Rose to watch as well.

After a few episodes, it was getting quite late, and Rose was already out cold. I was cuddled up in between Scarlett and Colin, and Rose was asleep on top of me. Honestly, I have no idea how we managed to fit on the couch but somehow we did.

Rose shifted in her sleep and snuggled closer to me while wrapping her arms around me and burying her head in the crook of my neck. I looked down at her, smiling before gently stroking her back.

I then looked to both sides where Scarlett and Colin lay beside me, both with their arms around my back. That's when I realized I was finally complete. I had an amazing and loving family who truly cared for me. I had the best mom I could have ever asked for, I knew she would always be there to support me and to help me with anything.

I had the most incredible dad, who would always know how to make me feel better and how to make me laugh with his dumb jokes. Even though I hadn't actually called him dad yet, I was still overthinking his reaction, but deep down I knew that he wouldn't mind what I called him.

And last but not least, I had the best little sister I could have ever imagined. She had called me "sissy" within 24 hours of me knowing her, and she had trusted me immediately. Her smile always lights up the room, and she has the most adorable giggle. Even though she is only 7 years old, she is so much fun to play with, and she always makes my day better.

All in all, a year ago, I would never have seen myself where I am right now, with an amazing family, and what's hopefully going to be at least somewhat of a career in acting. The scared little girl from the orphanage is gone forever, and even though I still get anxious and panicky over the smallest things sometimes, I know that my family and friends will be there with me every step of the way to help me.


A/n: A bit of a shorter chapter for you guys (I'm sorry), but I feel like there's not much more to write in this chapter, so I'll try to make it up to you guys with the next chapter being a bit longer (hopefully)
As always, remember to take care of yourselves, you always come first. :)

Love you 3000 <3

Word count: 947 words

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