Chapter 44

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ just some crying

Y/n's pov:

I handed Scarlett her birthday presents. She read the card first, and by the end of it, she was already emotional.

Well, it was understandable, I had written what seemed like a whole book of sappy shit on the card, telling Scarlett how much she meant to me and how grateful I was for what she had done for me.

I even included how she and the Marvel cast had gotten me through the worst days at the orphanage, and that was enough for her to engulf me in a hug. "Thank you so much sweetheart, I love you so much", she basically sobbed into me.

"You haven't even opened the presents yet", I giggled. She pulled herself together, not entirely successfully, but enough to open the gifts. She opened the one with the necklace in it first, and she immediately asked me to put it on for her, which I did gladly.

The next present to be opened was the one with the framed picture in it, and she stared at it in awe for a moment before hugging me again, managing to keep the tears at bay. "You didn't have to get me all this", she said.

"You haven't opened the last one yet", I pointed out, and gestured to the last gift still left unopened. She opened that one too, and when she saw that it was a picture album, she looked at me questioningly. I gave her a reassuring nod, and she opened it.

She flipped through the pages, with both Colin and Rose looking over her shoulder. When she got to the end of the pictures, and she saw the empty space I had left along with the not that read, "for our next chapter", she couldn't keep it together for any longer.

I know it was a bit cringey, I just didn't know what else to write. Scarlett then launched herself into my arms, tears falling down her cheeks, but with a smile on her face. "Thank you so much bubs, you really didn't have to", she sobbed while I rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.

Scarlett's pov:

Y/n had given me a photo album filled with pictures of our family for my birthday. She had even left some space at the end for "our next chapter", as she had called it, and I think that is what made me tear up.

She had only been here for a couple of weeks, and honestly, I hadn't expected to get anything from her, but she had gone all out and gotten me not only the picture album, but also a beautiful necklace, a framed picture of the two of us, and a couple of days ago, she had drawn me a stunningly realistic self-portrait.

Y/n was so kind and considerate, she always put everyone before herself, and I didn't want to think about how much money she had spent on me. The surprised look on Colin's face when I opened my presents from both Y/n and Rose told me that he hadn't taken any part in the girl's presents, which meant that Y/n had also helped Rose with her present to me.

"Thank you so much bubs, you really didn't have to", I sobbed into Y/n while she rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. "Aww, mum, don't cry", Y/n giggled. Rose and Colin joined in on our hug, and we had a giant group hug.

After I had composed myself, we all pulled apart, and Y/n wiped away the last tears left on my cheeks. "Thank you", I whispered and she smiled softly. "Of course, it's your birthday!"

I then went to the bathroom to clean myself up because I looked like I had just gone through a high school breakup. We then decided to go for a walk before my family came over. We had invited my family and the cast over in the evening, and today was the day that Y/n would be meeting my parents for the first time.

We hadn't told her yet, I decided to tell her while we were out on a walk. I knew that she would need some time to process it and a bit of reassuring so that she knew that everything was going to be alright.

We all put our shoes an and started walking to the park. Rose was skipping ahead of us, pointing at random things we passed, while Y/n was walking in between Colin and I.

After a 10-minute walk we made it to the park. Rose immediately ran to the swings, dragging Y/n with her. Colin and I sat down on a park bench, where we could still see Rose and Y/n. Y/n was pushing Rose on the swings, and we could hear occasional giggles and squeals coming from Rose.

I rested my head on Colin's shoulder as I watched my two girls run around and play. Colin gave me a little peck on the head and we smiled at each other. After sitting like that for a while, Y/n finally came back to us, completely out of breath and panting.

She collapsed on the bench just as Rose came running after her. "How are you not tired Rose? I don't get it, you have better stamina than me!" Y/n exclaimed and we all laughed.

Colin then went to play with Rose which left me and Y/n alone. "Umm, Y/n?" I said carefully, not wanting to startle her as she was zoned out. "Yes?" She spun her head around, looking a little worried, probably because I didn't normally use her name.

"You haven't done anything wrong, don't worry", I reassured her with a smile. "I just wanted to tell you that my family are coming over together with the cast today", I told her.

"Wait... So you're telling me that I'm going to meet your family today?" She asked me. "Well yes, don't worry, they're-"

"What if they don't like me? What if I'm not good enough, what if-" she immediately started ranting but i cut her off by gently lifting her chin up so that she was looking up at me. "Sweetheart, they already love you and they haven't even met you yet", I told her.

"You're going to be just fine, just be yourself and have fun okay? If it gets too much you can go up to your room or you can go on a walk with Lizzie or something", I smiled and she nodded.

"Thank you mum", she mumbled before hugging me tightly. "Of course bubs", I smiled before kissing her forehead which caused her to giggle.

We stayed at the park for a little while before heading back home.


A/n: Helloooo lovely people, how are you doing?

So Scarlett likes the gifts, so yk that's good, but how will Y/n and Scarlett's parents get along?

I hope that you're doing well, try and get a decent amount of sleep tonight, and remember to stay hydrated <3

Ideas and feedback are always greatly appreciated :)

Love you 3000 <3

Word count: 1180 words

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