Chapter 48

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ none

Y/n's pov:

-Massive time skip to 2 months later-

I've now been shooting The Maze Runner for 2 months, and filming is unfortunately drawing to a close. During the last two months I've gotten incredibly close to Nathalie, we're basically inseparable now.

One of us will go to the other persons house pretty much every day after set. She met my family for the first time a little over 1 month ago, and it's safe to say that she was shocked to find out that Scarlett is my mother.

-Flashback to when Nathalie first met Scarlett-

"Alright this is my house", I smiled to Nathalie and gestured to the massive house which was my home. "Wow, it's huge, are your parents rich or something?" Nathalie asked with wide eyes, still gawking at the house.

"Yeah, about that, you probably know who my mum is, please don't freak out", I warned her while walking up the driveway. "What do you mean by that?" Nathalie inquired, but I just shot her a teasing smile.

"Oh come on", Nathalie sighed while I opened the front door. "Mum, I'm home and I brought someone!" I shouted into the house while gesturing for Nathalie to enter.

"Sissy!" I heard a squeal come from Rose who came running up to me and tackling me in a hug. "Hi Rosie, how are you", I asked her. "I'm good, guess what, we did something so fun in school today, we-" she started rambling but cut herself off when she noticed Nathalie.

"Umm, yeah, Rose, this is my friend Nathalie, Nat, this is my sister Rose", I introduced them. "Hi miss Nathalie, it's nice to meet you", Rose mumbled from behind me, she got a bit shy around new people.

"Hi Rose, it's nice to meet you too, please call me Nathalie or Nat, whichever one you prefer", Nathalie said while crouching down to Rose's height.

They shared a hug which I internally awed at before Rose ran off to do god knows what. I noticed Scarlett standing in the doorway, watching with a smile on my face.

Nathalie then noticed Scarlett, and she froze. She then looked from me to Scarlett and the at me again with a questioning look, I just laughed and nodded. "So Y/n, care to introduce me to your friend here?" Scarlett asked with a little smirk.

"Yeah right, Nathalie this is my mum, but I think you already know who she is", I giggled at Natalie's frozen state. She snapped out of her trance and said: "it's an honor to meet you Mrs. Johansson".

"It's a pleasure to meet you too Nathalie, please call me Scarlett", she kindly smiled before going back to the kitchen.

As soon as Scarlett left, Nathalie playfully glared at me. "Your mum is Scarlett Johansson? You could've given me a heads up!"

-Present time-

Yeah, she was pretty stunned to learn that my mum was Scarlett Johansson. Anyway, enough of that. The point is, Nathalie and I have gotten closer, not in a romantic way, she has a girlfriend, a very nice one by the way, and I see er more as a sister than anything else.

Kaya and I have also gotten closer, and we've shared a kiss here and there. We're nothing official, and I also haven't come out to my parents yet, so yeah... I know, I'm bound to come out of the closet soon, even Dylan knows. After I told him he's been a lot nicer around me and a lot less flirty, so yeah, we get along nicely now.

Scarlett revealed me to the public a few weeks ago, so now everyone knows who I am. I've been getting more hate, but also a lot more support, so I just try and focus on the positives.

My social anxiety has also gotten a lot better. I don't have panic attacks as often and I feel more comfortable around people which is good.

The trailer for "The Maze Runner" was released a week ago, so we've been doing lots of press and interviews. Today for instance, I was at the Ellen show with Nathalie, and I think I may have accidentally dropped a hint of my sexuality, so that's not great.

Even though I'm almost certain that my parents will support me, I'm just scared to come out because I still have slight trust issues from my life in London. I didn't drop a huge hint, but we were playing "Who'd you rather?" and I ended up with a girl. Kaya to be exact.

So yeaahhh.... I guess I'll have to come out to my parents now, because a lot of my fans are already figuring it out.

I'm currently sat in my room contemplating whether to go downstairs and come out or not. After an internal battle, I decided to do it. I took a deep breath and went downstairs.

Scarlett and Colin were in the kitchen making dinner when I got there, so I cleared my throat to make myself known. "Hi bubs, there you are, are you alright?" Scarlett asked me while coming over to give me a hug.

"Well, I guess we'll see if I'm alright or not", I mumbled just loud enough for Scarlett to hear. "Can I talk to you guys about something?" I asked. "Of course honey, let's go to the living room shall we?" Scarlett said while leading me there.

I plopped down on the couch in front of Scarlett and Colin, suddenly very nervous. "What did you want to talk about?" Colin asked a bit worried. "Umm, how do I put this..." I thought aloud.

Before I could say anything, Colin broke the silence. "Did you hook up with a boy?" He asked and I couldn't help but snort. "I'm sorry what?" I asked, trying to contain my laughter. "Well, I just thought-", Colin continued but he cut himself off, not knowing what to say.

"Well, to answer your question, no, I didn't hook up with a boy, it's quite the opposite actually, umm, I'm gay." I said to my parents who were sitting opposite of me. Scarlett and Colin looked at me with a shocked expression, and the room went completely silent until Scarlett finally said something, or well, did something.


A/n: So sorry to end this here, I just felt like I had to include a little cliffhanger, will they support or not? (I think we all know the answer to that but oh well)

How are y'all doing? It's finally Friday, which means, it's almost the weekend wohooooo

Anyways, I just got wanted to say that Scarlett looked absolutely ✨amazing✨ at the American Cinemateque awards last night (picture above), my entire TikTok fyp is just her, and I'm kinda freaking out abt how stunning she is

If you haven't eaten today, please do so, your body needs it, and remember to stay hydrated :)

Love you 3000 <3

Word count: 1161 words

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