Chapter 23

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ vomiting

A/N: This chapter was requested by ravenalways so thank you so much for the request bestie<3 I hope you like it:D If you have any requests or feedback, any at all, I would love to hear it, I don't care how little you idea is or stupid it sounds :)

-The next day-

Y/n's pov:

I woke up the next day feeling horrible. I had a terrible headache, it felt like someone was hitting my head continuously with a hammer. My throat was also sore, I felt like I had to throw up, and I'm pretty sure I had a fever.

The day before had been amazing, I had gotten to meet the Marvel cast, and Scarlett had said that I could keep on acting if I wanted to. This morning, not so much.

Scarlett gently knocked on the door. "Sweetheart are you awake, is it okay if I come in?" She gently asked. I groaned as an answer. She came in and sat on the side of my bed. I glanced up at the clock on my nightstand, it read 07:38am, aka way too early to be up.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" Scarlett asked me. I should probably have told her i was feeling like shit, but as always, I didn't want to bother her. She was all dressed and her hair and makeup was done, so I assumed she had somewhere important to be, so I didn't want to be an inconvenience to her, and therefore I didn't tell her i was sick.

 She was all dressed and her hair and makeup was done, so I assumed she had somewhere important to be, so I didn't want to be an inconvenience to her, and therefore I didn't tell her i was sick

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What Scarlett is wearing: ^

"I'm feeling fine, just a little tired that's all", I mumbled, and even though Scarlett looked slightly suspicious, she let it slip, we had been awake quite late yesterday.

"Alright honey, Colin and Rose just left for school and work, and I have a couple of interviews i can't skip today so I'll have to leave soon too, but I promise I'll be back before 12 okay?"

That way we can have some mother-daughter time today", she smiled and kissed my forehead. "Alright, have fun at work", I said which earned a little laugh from her.

"Alright bye, I have to leave now, you better be out of bed when i get back", she said jokingly. "There is some breakfast on the kitchen counter, you can eat that if you want to, call me if you need anything", she said before disappearing.

The last thing I heard before dozing off again was the front door close, and a car drive out of the driveway. I woke up a couple of hours later, feeling just as shitty as earlier, and after scrolling on my phone for a while, I decided to try and drag myself out of bed, despite how shitty i was feeling.

I felt weak, and my headache wasn't getting any better. I then tried to stand up, but I collapsed back onto the bed, I was too weak. I debated whether to call Scarlett or not, but I decided not to, she was probably busy with interviews.

The only thing I could do was lay in bed, until i suddenly felt the urge to throw up. I rushed to the bathroom, all of a sudden I was strong enough to walk again, what a miracle!

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