Chapter 47

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ none

Y/n's pov:

Today was the first day on set for Maze Runner. I was currently in the car with Scarlett on my way there. I was a bit nervous, but mostly excited. The car ride was pretty silent, because both Scarlett and I were kind of tired, it was pretty early after all.

We eventually arrived, and before I stepped out of the car Scarlett stopped me. "Good luck bubs, have fun and remember, if you need me, no matter what, you can always call me okay?" I nodded. "Okay, I'll pick you up at 5 unless you say otherwise, you're welcome to hang out with the cast if you want", she told me.

"Alright thank you, have a good day, bye mum", I said before stepping out of the car. I signed in and walked to my trailer, luckily not meeting anyone yet. My call time was at 9 and it was currently 8, so I just hung out in my trailer for a while, reading through the script and the scenes we were going to do today.

I had gotten my script a few days ago, and I had spent every spare minute I had reading through it and practicing. Scarlett had helped me practice my scenes because she had obviously already signed the NDA.

I was currently going through the first scene we were going to shoot today, when I was interrupted by a knock on the trailer door. I sighed and got up from the sofa. I opened the door and was met with a crew member.

"Umm hi miss Y/l/n, you're wanted at hair and makeup in 10 minutes", a boy around my age told me. "Alright, thank you so much, and please call me Y/n", I smiled.

When he left, I went and put the script away as well as tidying what mess I had made, before making my way over to hair and makeup. When I got there, I was greeted by my hair and makeup artist Matt, who I hadn't met yet.

"Hi! You must be miss Y/l/n, I'm Matt, your hair and makeup artist, it's nice to meet you", he greeted me while shaking my hand. "Hey, yeah that's me, nice to meet you too Matt, and please call me Y/n", I smiled.

While he was doing my hair and makeup, we were chatting along, getting to know each other. Even though I hadn't said anything about it, he seemed to have gathered the fact that I was an introvert and didn't like talking very much, so he did most of the talking.

After talking to him for a bit while he was getting me ready, I figured he seemed cool, he was very kind and respected my boundaries which I greatly appreciated.

When Matt was done with how I was looking, Anna, my costume designer came with my costume for today. It was a slightly dirty and ripped green button down shirt, a pair of black jeans, along with some worn black combat boots.

I went to the dressing room to get dressed, and emerged a minute later, in costume. My hair was up in a ponytail and my makeup was natural, and I had some dirt and cuts on my face.

Both Anna and Matt looked happy with how I was looking, so they said I could go to set. They had told me we would be filming on set 11 today, so I walked to where I thought it was.

I eventually found it, and everyone was already there. We were filming a flashback scene in the girls maze, and it was just me, Nathalie and Katherine on screen. "Y/n! There you are, it's good to see you again!" Nathalie shouted when she spotted me.

"Hi, it's nice to see you too", I smiled and hugged her. I did the same thing with Katherine, and then we walked over to the director so that he could say what we were supposed to do.

-Time skip until after filming cus I'm lazy-

We eventually finished filming the first scene today, and by the time we were done, it was already 2pm, so we were all quite hungry.

The scene we had filmed had been a flashback scene, and it was supposed to be a meeting with he leaders of Group B, aka me, Nathalie and Katherine, so we had been the only ones on screen.

Nathalie and Katherine were both incredible actresses, I had noticed that pretty quickly, and I had also received quite a few compliments regarding my acting myself. Not only from Katherine and Nathalie, but also from the director and several cast members.

We were currently walking to the cafeteria to get some lunch, still in costume. "Great job back there by the way, both of you, I'm impressed", Nathalie complimented me and Katherine,. "Thanks, I could say the same for you", I smiled.

We sat down at a table with our food, and wasted no time before digging in. We had a half hour break so we had to use it wisely. We chatted a bit during lunch, and before I knew it I was back in front of the camera.

The rest of the day was spent filming various little clips, mostly up close, nothing major as it was our first day and we hadn't had much time to look over the script.

At the end of the day, I was sitting in my trailer with Nathalie, we were both on our phones. We had just finished filming, and we had gotten changed out of costume. Nathalie was sitting on an armchair while I was splayed out on the couch.

I had texted Scarlett to let her know that I was done and that she could pick me up whenever she had time. I was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram when I got a text from Scarlett saying that she was on her way.

"My mum is coming to pick me up in a few minutes", I let Nathalie know. "Alright, I'll leave then, I don't want to interfere", she smiled before packing up her things. "You don't have to leave you know", I told her.

"I know, but I have some school work I need to do, I had a great first day here, I can't wait to work with you, you seem cool", she grinned before leaving to go to her trailer.

I smiled to myself before also getting packed up and exiting my trailer and waking to the car park where Scarlett would be in a minute to pick me up.


A/n: Helloooo lovely people, how are you doing? (Why have I started saying that, I have no idea lol)

So the first day on set went well for Y/n and everyone is nice, so that's good.

I hope that you're doing well and that you're taking care of yourselves, self care is important, remember that :)

These next two weeks will be quite stressful for me, we have a lot of exams and assignments to do, so I'm not going to be able to write that much. I just have one more chapter to write on this book before it's finished, chapter 50.

About the other book I'm currently writing, my oneshot book, I don't really have time to write any one shots rn, but if you have an idea, don't hesitate to let me know, maybe motivation will strike me

Love you 3000 <3

Word count: 1219 words

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