Chapter 35

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Catcalling, panic attack

Y/n's pov:

Scarlett eventually turned up in the doorway, and I heard a gasp come from Emma through the screen. "You've told your friends about me?" She questioned while coming over to give me a hug.

"They saw you commenting on my post and Emma over here started freaking out", I said and gestured to the screen. "Hey, I wasn't freaking out!" Emma defended herself and I could hear both Willow and Ashton scoff. "Yeah right, oH mY gOd, iS sCarlEtt jOhanSsoN yOur moM? wHen cAn wE meEt hEr, omG, i'M suCh A hUge fAn!" Ashton laughed, imitating Emma.

Even over zoom, you could visibly see Emma's face turn red and we all laughed, even Scarlett. We were so chaotic. "Well, it's nice to meet you guys, I'm Y/n's mom, but you clearly already know that", Scarlett laughed.

"I have to apologize over Emma here, but it's nice to meet you Mrs. Johansson", Willow said, which earned a "Hey!" from Emma. "Sorry Ems, but you are really fangirling over here", Ashton shot in which earned a snicker from Willow and me.

"Please, call me Scarlett all of you, Mrs. Johansson is way too formal", Scarlett smiled. Scarlett then eventually had to go because she had some office work to do, so we continued with our schoolwork.

I started getting hungry, so I said bye to my friends and went downstairs to make myself some lunch. I made Scarlett some too, and put it on a plate for her.

I then brought Scarlett's lunch to her office along with a glass of water. She was writing something on her PC, and when I entered she quickly turned around. "Hi mum, I brought you some lunch, I figured you'd be hungry", I said shyly.

"Thank you so much bubs, you really didn't have to!" Scarlett exclaimed while taking the plate from my hands. She took a bite and her face lit up. "Wow, this is really good! Thank you so much!"

You're welcome, I'll leave you to your work, I don't want to disturb you", I smiled before backing out of her office. "You're not disturbing me sweetie, but thanks for the food", she shouted after me.

I smiled and walked to my room with my food to finish my school work. After eating I joined the zoom call with my friends again, and we chatted for a while before actually getting any work done.

All I had left today was Art, so I got started on that. The assignment was to draw a self-portrait, which was something I hadn't done before, so it was a new experience for me. Since I liked drawing and I did it a lot, I found it quite easy, but Emma and Ashton on the other hand, seemed to be struggling.

We were all working on the same thing, and every once in a while Willow and I could hear frustrated grunts and groans from our laptops. Willow also liked to draw, so we were chatting casually while drawing, and every time one of the other two let out a groan, we both laughed.

The Art project was due on Friday and it was currently Tuesday, so we had plenty of time to finish our drawings. When the clock hit 2pm, I decided I had done enough for today, so I mailed in all the work I had finished today before saying goodbye to my friends.

Even though we would be seeing each other for class tomorrow, we promised to text each other and Emma also made a group chat for the four of us. When I checked my phone I saw that I had gotten a notification saying that my package could be retrieved at the nearest post office.

That package was my present for Scarlett, the necklace I had gotten her for her birthday which was in a few weeks. I knew I had to go get it, but I couldn't just tell Scarlett "hey, I'm going to go get your birthday present from the post office, I'll be right back".

I googled the post office and I noticed a boba shop right next to it, so I decided to tell Scarlett that I was going to the boba place to get boba. I walked to her office and cleared my throat, and she quickly turned around in her office chair.

"Hey sweetie, do you need help with anything?" She asked. "No, I'm good thanks, I was just going to say that I'll be going to go get boba tea if that's okay with you", I asked shyly. "That's alright, I'll come with you", she suggested.

"Umm, no, it's fine, you probably have important work to do, I'll get you something if you want to", I said, panicking a little. I eventually convinced her after I made sure that I was going to be okay walking alone and that I wouldn't get kidnapped.

The boba place wasn't that far away, maybe a 5-minute walk, so I got there pretty quickly. I went to the post office first and picked up my package before going to the boba shop right next to it. Even though I wasn't really craving boba, I knew I couldn't just come back home empty-handed as that would definitely raise suspicion, so I just bought a classic boba milk tea.

Scarlett had asked for the same thing, so I got her one too. As I was exiting the shop, I heard a whistle behind me. "Hey girl, nice ass!" I turned around and saw an elderly man leaning against a wall, with his eyes on my butt. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing alone?" He asked, and I walked faster, still ignoring him. "Come on, answer me beautiful", he said and slowly started walking after me. I sped up and rounded a corner, desperate to get away from him.

Luckily I encountered a large crowd of people and I was able to shake him off. I speed walked, almost ran back home, constantly checking behind my shoulder, but I didn't see anyone. When I finally got home, I slammed the door shut behind me and leant against the door, trying to control my breathing.

Scarlett must have heard the door slam shut, because I heard her shout. "Young lady, we don't slam doors in this house, no matter how big of a rush we are in!" My breathing was getting more erratic, and I just managed to gasp "I-I'm s-sorry".

She must have heard that my voice sounded off because I could hear her footsteps come down the stairs and her voice, sounding worried. "Sweetie, are you alright?"

She appeared in front of me and saw me sitting on the floor, gasping for air. She quickly rushed over to me and cupped my face with her hands. "S-Sorry", whispered shakily, but she cut me off before I could say anything else. "You have nothing to be sorry for bubs, just look at me. Focus on my voice okay?" I tried to nod, but my hands clenched my chest, my lungs desperate for air.

"Try and take a deep breath for me, can you do that sweetheart?" It took me a couple of tries, but with Scarlett comforting me, I finally managed to take a somewhat deep breath. "You're doing amazing sweetie, just keep breathing okay?"

After I had calmed down, I just started sobbing. Panic attacks in general were draining and I was exhausted. "You're okay honey, just let it all out, I'm here", she comforted me while rubbing circles on my back.

"I-I'm sorry", I sobbed. "I shouldn't have s-slammed the door, it's j-just that t-this guy, h-he-" I couldn't continue. "What did he do to you sweetie?" Scarlett gently asked.


A/n: Yayy, another panic attack...
Sorry for yet another angsty chapter, I promise the next one will have more fluff :)

How are y'all doing? Remember to take care of yourselves, eat if you haven't already today, and don't forget to get some sleep <3

Love you 3000 💕

Word count: 1300 words

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