Chapter 16

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Mention of bruising

Y/n's pov:

I was laying on my bed watching "Stranger Things" when i heard the front door open. I assumed it was Scarlett, so I turned the TV off and ran downstairs to greet her. She was standing by the front door, with two shopping bags in her hands.

I quickly ran over to her and helped her with the bags so that she could take her shoes and coat off, and i didn't notice the second person standing beside Scarlett.

"How was work?" I asked. "It was great, I did get a lot of questions regarding you though", she answered. "Really, what did you say?"

"I said that i would bring you on set tomorrow if you wanted to, and they could meet you then", Scarlett smiled at me. "What do you think about that? You can think about it, you don't have to answer now."

"Yea, I can come with you if that's fine", i said while bringing the shopping bags to the kitchen as they were filled with groceries. "You couldn't have bought any more stuff?" I said sarcastically while struggling to lift the bags up on the counter.

"Sorry, I wasn't sure what you liked, so i just kind of bought everything", she shrugged. I turned around. "Wait... You weren't sure what i liked so you bought all of this?" I said while gesturing to all of the groceries on the counter.

"You know I'll eat anything, especially if you have cooked it, your food is always amazing", i said and Scarlett blushed.

"See, i told you you are an amazing cook Scar", someone said from behind me. I jumped and turned around. I didn't expect anyone else to be here, but when i turned around i found Lizzie standing next to the kitchen island, smiling.

"Lizzie!" I squealed and I ran up to her, tackling her in a hug. "Hey honey, how are you", she asked. "I'm good thanks."

"How was your day sweetie?" Scarlett asked while putting the groceries away. "I'm sorry, i tried to take a day off work today and stay home with you, but we had some important scenes to film so it didn't really work out", Scarlett apologized.

"It's totally fine, I didn't really do much, I pretty much just watched "Stranger Things" all day", i laughed. I left out the part about me buying Scarlett's birthday present as it was obviously a surprise.

We were all kind of hungry, so we decided to make some lunch. Scarlett said she was craving scrambled eggs for some reason, so we ended up with some scrambled eggs on toast and a mozzarella salad.

The food was amazing, and we consumed it in less that 15 minutes. After lunch Lizzie had to leave as she had some plans with her boyfriend which left me and Scarlett alone.

"Alright Y/n, what do you want to do?" She asked me. "Umm.. I wanted to ask if i could maybe take a quick trip to the gym, i enjoy working out", i said shyly. Working out had always been a way to distract myself from reality, and i had found a passion for it, however i was scared Scarlett wouldn't let me.

"Of course you can sweetie, we actually have an indoor gym of our own, do you want to use it?" Scarlett said. "Wait, are you saying you have a gym in your house?" I said, astonished.

"Yes we do, it's mostly so that we can work out in peace without any paparazzi disturbing us", Scarlett explained. "I would love to use it, if it's okay with you", i said looking up at Scarlett.

"Sweetheart, you don't have to ask for permission to use anything in this house, it's your house too after all."

"Do you want me to join you for a workout or do you prefer to work out alone?" Scarlett asked. "I mean, you can join if you want to", i said.

"Alright, I'll go change and I'll meet you here when I'm ready, then I'll show you where it is okay?" Scarlett informed me.

"Alright, I'll see you then!" We parted ways and went to our own rooms to change. I changed into some leggings and a somewhat breathable hoodie as i wasn't really comfortable showing my bruised body quite yet, even though Scarlett had already seen it. I also put my hair up in a ponytail.

I then went back down to the kitchen and found a water bottle in a cabinet before filling it up with water. Scarlett soon came down the stairs in leggings and a sports bra. I had to say, she looked like she was in good shape, to say the least.

"How are you so fast at changing?" She joked. "Well, I guess I've just had lots of practice", i joked back. We both laughed at our terrible jokes, and she showed me the way to the home gym.

I was expecting a little room with some weights and a punching bag, maybe a treadmill if i was lucky, but there was no way i could have guessed just how big the gym was.

It was a full gym, equipped with everything you would ever need. I just stood there, starstruck. Scarlett noticed, because she decided to crack yet another joke. "Are you going to work out, or are you just going to stand there all day?"

"Oh yea, right, sorry", I said, pulling myself together, as I started to explore the gym, trying to decide what i wanted to do.

"Does the whole Marvel cast work out here or what, surely you don't need all of this space for yourself", i said. "Well, they do come over quite often, but they don't really work out here that often though", Scarlett answered.

We both decided to start on the treadmill as a warmup. I started off slow like i always do, but i gradually increased the speed, and i jogged until Scarlett started having trouble keeping up with me.

I silently chuckled. At first glance it may not look like I'm in good shape because i always wear baggy clothes, but I am actually in fairly great shape.

After the treadmill Scarlett seemed pretty exhausted already, but i was just getting started. I decided to do legs today, so i started with squats. Scarlett decided to do a core workout, so we both just kind of did our own thing.

Scarlett was done before me, so she just sat and watched as i finished up my workout with leg press. After i was done we sat on the ground and stretched.

"You're in better shape than i was expecting", Scarlett said. "Thanks, you're not in to bad of shape either", i complimented her back.

We talked a little while stretching, and i told her about how working out had been an escape for me, and how i had always enjoyed doing it.

"You know, I had imagined me doing something like shopping with my daughter, but it now looks like my mother-daughter time is going to be spent at the gym", Scarlett said, which made me giggle.

"Yea, I'm not your average teenager", i replied. "I've noticed, and i love that about you", Scarlett said. "Don't ever be afraid to be yourself", she smiled.

"Thank you Scarlett, it means a lot", i said while giving her a hug. "I think we both need a shower", I pointed out.

"Are you saying I smell bad?" Scarlett inquired. "No, I just-", I didn't get any further as Scarlett started chasing me, and i squealed and ran for my life. Luckily Scarlett was tired from her workout, and i was faster than her, so i made it back to my room safely.

I quickly locked the door and i heard Scarlett trying to open it, without much success. "You just wait, I'm going to get you young lady", Scarlett shouted from the other side of the door. I just laughed.


A/n: HOW DOES THIS BOOK HAVE 10K READS?!? Thank you so much for reading this book, it means so much to me💛 I literally started writing for fun, I never thought anyone would actually read this book, tysm!!

I also hope you're having a great day, go drink some water or eat a little something, you deserve it

Word count: 1405 words

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