Chapter 1: Meet-N-Greet (edited)

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Plot line property of blueeyedangel56, DO NOT STEAL!

I slump further into my couch with a scowl, completely bored as I viciously slash my arms in all directions. It's a miserably hot and humid Texas summer day, and none of my friends are home to help alleviate this boredom. I'm playing wii all on my own, slashing my arms violently to beat shadow demons on screen while my dog Missy snoozes on my feet. The doorbell peals suddenly, startling me to the point that it makes me lose my game. Grumbling, I pause my game and get Missy off my feet. I shuffle to go open my front door, finding my good friend Jack on my doorstep. I grin brightly, happy to see a familiar face, "Hey Jack! Whatcha doing here?" My eyes bulge out of my sockets once I see what Jack is wearing, I speak again before he can answer.

"Holy hell Jack, how are you not DEAD?! It's way too hot for all that!" It's over 100 degrees outside, but Jack is basically dressed for a blizzard. In a long sleeve black under armor shirt, a black t-shirt, long jeans, long black knee socks, and black shoes, Jack doesn't even look remotely uncomfortable, much to my shock. At my incredulous question, he just shrugs, "I love the heat, and I just got out of summer school and thought I'd say hi.... Hi Clarice." He grins at me, my first name rolling off his tongue while I scowl playfully at him, "It's Clair, and you know it, smart butt." My mom comes up behind me, shooing me out of the house to walk Jack to the library.

I groan when I feel the heat and humidity, not even bothering to grab shoes as I walk out into the beaming sunlight. I'm dressed for the weather, in loose gruddy blue short shorts and an over-sized "Alaska, the last frontier" t-shirt. My shorts cling to my thighs, highlighted with a green trim along the top and bottom. The shirt covers half of the shorts, hanging loosely off my torso and curves. My feet are bare, I'm enjoying the feeling of the hot cement and various debris under my callouses. My hair is a mess, twisting in every direction and frizzing in the humidity until I very strongly resemble a lion. To top off my look, I have a full set of silver braces that highlight my light green eyes. As Jack and I walk through my neighborhood, I don't bother to filter my language or keep any of my self imposed boundaries in place. It's summer, I'm on break from keeping my true nature under lock and key, I can relax for now.

Jack is laughing, enjoying my broken filter and lack of boundaries. Jack stops suddenly without warning, and I bump right into his wide back. Grumbling and rubbing my sore nose, I peer around him to see what stopped him. Our path is blocked by a patch of broken glass, the jagged shards covering everything including the grass surrounding both sides of our path. Before I can protest or even process anything, he swoops in and flings me over his shoulder like I'm an empty sack and not a person. "Hey! Smart butt, put me down!" I can't stop the laughter from seeping into my voice, my hair flowing past my face as I dangle down Jack's back like a pendulum. Another set of footsteps approach, these slightly faster and heavier, as if the person is wearing heavy shoes or jogging. Curious, I push my hand into the curve of Jack's back to raise myself just far enough to look at the person approaching us. A boy jogs up on the other side of Jack, a boy wearing a dark blue baseball cap. His eyes are a brighter blue than his hat, his hair is sandy blonde. He's about three inches taller than me, and he's wearing jeans, a grey long sleeved t-shirt, and thick hunting boots. He smiles at me when he catches sight of me, a friendly, adorably lopsided smile. My heartbeat instantly speeds up, to the point where I'm sure Jack can feel it. I don't care at this moment, because gravity moves for me and takes my breath away. His eyes are dark blue, like pools of melted sapphires sparkling in the sun. Blue meets green, a lopsided smile and a set of crooked braces. "Oh yeah, Clarice, meet Liam." Jack breaks our eye contact, telling me his name. Liam.

Jackson POV
Clair pads next to me on her bare feet, taking no notice to the sharp objects under her callouses. She's a lot different right now than from the shy girl I know during school, she's more relaxed and open, not to mention blunt. Clair has issues with shyness and self consciousness, but she doesn't know that she's beautiful. In her own way, Clair is Helen of Troy. I mean sure, she's a little rough around the edges, but who isn't? Clair's only 14, but she has a strong and slim athletic figure, deep curves in her waist, a natural dip in her spine, a perky and firm ass, a small but budding chest size, and broad shoulders.

Her eyes are absolutely beautiful, deep shimmering pools of sea green glass. Framed with dark, naturally long lashes, Clair could be a model. She's no girly girl at all though, so the chance of her modeling is slim to none. In fact, if you call Clair girly, she'll happily bite your head off. I've only known her for a short two and a half years, but she has this way about her that can make the hardest and coldest person warm up and smile.

I have the biggest crush on her, and she knows this. I'd asked her out many times in sixth and seventh grade, but she was always polite when she would turn me down. We come across broken glass, and before she says anything, I fling her over my shoulder. "Hey! Smart butt put me down!" I can hear the laughter in her voice, that adorable slightly husky giggle as she dangles down my back. Breaking me out of my thoughts on Clair, I hear steady footsteps behind us, Clair looks up curiously. Pushing her elbows into the soft tissue of my back, she raises herself up enough to look at the approaching person.

My friend Liam comes up on my other side, grinning. "...Is there a reason you have a girl flung over your shoulder like that, Jack?" He grins, his eyes discreetly roaming what he can see of Clair's figure. Since we're past the glass, I set Clair back on her feet. Liam locks eyes with Clair once he sees her back on her feet, meeting her soulful green eyes. Unaware, both simultaneously let out a quiet gasp when their gazes lock. Their eyes stay locked, they stop moving all together. Liam looks at Clair like he can see through her shyness and wiry curls, to see the "one of the guys" bad ass country girl she truly is inside. Clair looks at Liam like she can see right through him, straight to his hidden heart. Liam, like Clair, is a kind country boy at heart no matter how much he hides his kindness. Their eyes stay locked, their mouths slightly open.

Shocking me into silence, the scene in front of me blurs until an unfamiliar one takes its place. ~Liam and Clair are about 19 and they have three kids, two boys and a girl. They're glowing, they're in love. Clair has many scars on her body, Liam doesn't care. They've gone through hardships to get where they are, but they made it. Nothing can break them apart, no matter how hard people try. Who would want to break them up anyways? Any idiot can see how they complete each other, any idiot can see that they are in love. They go through life together, passing away many years later in each other's arms.~ What the actual hell just happened? I snap out of it, blinking quickly. Clearing my throat, I break their connection.  I have a feeling this is only the start of something new between them, I can feel it...

Hi! I'm blueeyedangel56, but you can call me Angel! This is a story I came up with so please, Vote Comment, Share, and PLEASE DO NOT STEAL! Give me feedback plez, but don't be too harsh!

That is all for now, ANGEL OUT!

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