Chapter 52: The Heartbreak

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Clair POV

Running. My feet are moving relentlessly through these woods that surround my house, my desperate eyes combing everything as I search for a way out. Crying. My tears are relentless, blurring my vision as I stumble on my own feet in an effort to go faster. Screaming. I can't hold back my fear anymore, the naked terror in my soul releasing itself in the form of high pitched shrieks and screams. It doesn't matter how many times I repeat my mantra, my fear is too out of control. How long will this go on? It's been an hour since Josh's first attack, an hour since I've heard anything from anyone. I'm struggling to find my way to the exit of this foliage, desperate to lead the cops when they arrive. Liam has to be ok, he just has to. I push my feet harder with the fear of Liam getting hurt, my foot catching on a root as I fly forward with a scream. My hands fly out to break my fall, my vision still blurred with my blinding tears. I'm yanked to my feet by two arms gripping my upper arms, a yelp escaping my mouth as the arms tighten painfully. I snap my eyes to my attacker, to give a scream of disbelief. A face and eyes I know, one I never wanted to remember, I know my attacker!

Liam POV

I angrily punch Josh's face where it rests below me, tuning out the sounds of my brothers and the guys beating their attackers to a pulp. It's been an hour since the beginning of this fight, and we've been overpowering Josh's group of men since this fight started. I'm sitting on Josh's chest as he grimaces below me, nailing punch after punch to each bit of flesh I can hit. The acrid smell of bleach is sickeningly strong in the air, and hopefully the chemical has blinded one or many of our opponents. To my complete surprise, Josh's face is set in a bloody smirk below me as he cackles, "You still don't get it, do you? The point of my plan was to get you AWAY from my girl so I could take her to her rightful place! You helped me achieve that, and helped me achieve my partner getting her hands on Clair! You're so fucking stupid! It was never you or the twins we wanted, all we wanted was her! You led her right into our trap!" My heart drops, because in that moment, I hear a faint scream of terror in the distance, Clair's scream of terror. I look back at Josh with a snarl, gripping his hair and slamming his head into the stone floor over and over until he goes completely still, his blood covering my hands and arms as he stops breathing. I don't dwell on this before I grab his gun and take off at full speed through the rooms of the mansion. I need to get to Clair no matter what!

Clair POV

"Hello, Princess." The voice of the face spits venomously, smirking at me with wild brown eyes as she digs her nails deeper into the skin of my shoulders. I shoot my foot out, kicking her harshly in the gut as I answer, "Why Hello Melody, it seems you were never able to leave your bitchiness behind. Didn't I tell you to never talk to me again unless you stopped being bitchy?" Melody pulls her lips back and snarls viciously at me, sending a punch my way that I neatly dodged. In turn, I nail another hit against her flabby gut, much harder this time. Melody doubles up with a wheeze, her foot lighting out in an effort to make me unsteady on my feet. In the several minutes that follow, I nail more shots on Melody than she does on me, before Melody starts to play dirty. 

With a snarl set on her bloody face, Melody pulls out a gun. My gut instantly fills with dread, my heart scrambling to the lower regions of my throat with my fear. She wouldn't, would she? Melody and I may have had our falling out and stopped talking years ago, but there's no way she can be vengeful enough to kill me, right?  It's then, as Melody smirks at me with a smirk of insanity, that I realize that she can kill me. The girl I was friends with for so many years is gone, replaced by a revenge fueled bitch who wants nothing more than to kill me, I'm going to die. I slowly back up as Melody cocks and aims that pistol, prepared to turn and run. What I'm not prepared for though, is the strong arms and hands that shove me to the ground, just as the shot fires out. 

The shot snaps me out of my trance, I look up at Melody with a face of terror. She's looking at me with a face of fury, aiming the gun back towards me as she determinedly tries again to shoot me. My instincts take over, grabbing the gun that somehow came to be laying beside me, shooting Melody in both wrists and ankles so she can't shoot or run. It's only when I hear a weak voice call my name, do I look back at the person who saved my life. When I see their face, my blood freezes. My lungs collapse in horror, I'm unable to breathe as I stare at Liam's hunched form in front of me, clutching his chest as blood pours over his fingers at an alarming rate. OH MY CHRIST, NO!

Chapters from here on out are going to suck ass, so they'll be under severe editing until further notice. FAF will be finished very very soon, y'all will see Calvin and the Texas group again, and you'll see what happens to the kids and Clair, and whether or not I let Liam live. Comment "DIE" if you want him dead, or comment "LIVE" if you want him to live


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