Chapter 36: Life on The Run Liam POV (edited)

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We drive like hell after leaving Clair's messages and clues. We need to get out of here, before we get caught. I don't want to take any chances of running into Josh's contacts, so I keep my foot firm on the gas pedal to get us out of Texas faster. As we get farther from Clair's abusers, her body begins to slowly relax. I look at Clair, hooking our fingers together tightly as I praise the lord or whatever divine being there is for her safety.

We don't know where we can go, but we have to go somewhere. Clair has been quiet, planning our course and disguises. We know we need to throw Clair's parents and Josh off our trail. When we hit a small town with a bright sign advertising sales on tattoos and piercings, Clair speaks up for the first time since we left Houston, "Liam, lets get tattoos."

I grin, thinking the same. We walk in, looking around. Four tattoos, a belly button piercing, and two industrial ear piercings and four regular ear piercings for Clair, four tattoos for me. Clair got ink on both of her hips, on her back, and on the inside of her right wrist. The skin on her right hip is now marked with a tribal angel wolf, symbolizing her inner animal. Her tattoo on her left hip depicts a treble clef and a bass clef (Clair is a choir nerd) forming a heart on a musical staff that's curled like a ribbon, the words "never louder than beautiful" giving the perfect finishing touch. The music notes dance around as she walks, just adding to her beauty even more. On her back, going from the middle of her shoulder blades halfway down her spine is a black pair of angel wings. Positioned the way they are, they expertly hide the whip scars littered there and all over her back.

Her tattoo on the inside of her right wrist however, is my favorite. Another pair of angel wings, one white the other black, now mark her skin. In the white wing, in an elegant curving black script, rests the word Soldier. In the black wing, in a messy gothic scrawl, rests the word Baby in white.

Under the wings, in a semi neat scrawl, is the word


My tattoos, however, are a different story. On my right hip, are the words One Love Forever with Clair and I's zodiac symbols underneath it.

On my right bicep, I got a tribal style buck silhouette to go with Clair's wolf.

On the right side of my chest, going from my pectorals to my abdomen in a straight line, is a series of dates. 7/15/13- the day I met Clair, 5/20/14- the day I asked her out (best decision of my life), 9/30/15- Clair's 16th birthday, and the night our child was conceived.

And on the inside of my left wrist, I got a pair of crossed swords on top of the words "A Soldier Can't Fight Without A Battle."

~Time Lapse- A Few Weeks Later~

Living off the grid the way we are? It really fucking SUCKS. We've been driving for what feels like forever, we're running extremely low on funds, food, and gas. It's midnight, Clair is knocked out cold for once next to me. I reach over to brush her hair behind her ear, and jump back with a yelp.

Clair's skin is BURNING. Clair has always been naturally warm, but this isn't her normal warmth. This warmth is feverish, and fills me with fear. Her breathing is extremely shallow, the fever's dangerously high even for someone who's body heat runs above the norm naturally. I have no choice, we're on an abandoned road with the houses few and far between, we need some fucking help!

I pull to a stop, unbuckling Clair and pulling her into my arms. I run like a mad man to the nearest house, hoping I could find a lake or something to dip her into to cool her down. "You ok, son?"

I jump at the voice, snapping around while Clair's head lolls on my chest like the head of a badly stuffed rag doll. A man is watching me, looking worriedly at the unconscious Clair in my arms. He looks to be about mid fifties or sixties, with thick graying brown hair and dark grey eyes.

"I'm sorry sir, my girlfriend has a really high fever, we have nothing, she's pregnant and I'm worried about our baby, please PLEASE help me!" The man says nothing, face setting determinedly. "Right, follow me boy."

I run after him as fast as my legs will allow me, following him into the house. He leads me to a bedroom, handing me a loose tank top and boxer shorts to put Clair in.

After we get her changed, we start working on the fever. He coaxes Clair's lips open, and slides two fever pills safe for pregnancy down her throat. He disappeared quickly after that, before reappearing with a metal basin of water and ice, handing me a washcloth. I dip the cloth in the water, wringing it out and placing it on Clair's burning forehead. I pay no attention to the fact my tongue is poking out of my mouth, I'm more focused on trying to cool down my soulmate.

~Time Lapse~

Clair's fever is finally under control and her breathing is deep and even. I walk out of the room, pulling my soaked and sweaty shirt over my head and sighing with relief. "Is she ok?"

The man's voice is worried and quiet. I nod, rubbing sweat from my brow. "She'll be ok."

The man studies me, studying my revealed, still red, tattoos. "I don't want to frighten you, but I am merely curious. Is your girlfriend's name Clair?"

Oh No! Will their cover be blown?! How does this stranger know Clair?! Will the stranger help? Read on to find out :D


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