Chapter 33: What do we do Now? (edited)

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Mystery person POV

I can't believe this has happened to Clair, I've heard her screaming so many times. At first, the manipulation Josh was using on me worked, but the moment I fought through it, horror has been the only emotion I feel.

Josh isn't a good person as he has led us to believe, he's sick and twisted with a horrible obsession. Raping and controlling her, punching and hitting her. She's been stuck for four months now, with no means of escape or even relief. I hear her scream, I hear her beg. On more than one occasion I've had to clean up her blood from where Josh got too vicious with her.

I need to help her, she doesn't deserve this at all. But how can I help her? Realization hits me, before I realize I'm scared shitless and don't want to risk it. I have to do it, for Clair. I owe her that much. Making up my mind, I take a deep breath, dialing a familiar number with trembling fingers. "Hello?" The voice is groggy, understandable, it's 1:00 AM. I take a deep breath,

"I know how you can help Clair, meet me in the Godwin park in an hour." The voice starts, wide awake now, "Who the hell is this?!" I ponder, before answering, "A friend who wants to do nothing but help."

Liam POV

What the hell did he mean when he said, "A friend who wants to do nothing but help"?!

It could be a trap, I shouldn't go. But what if there's a chance I could help the girl I love? If I can truly help Clair, then I'll gladly risk it.

I take a deep breath, climbing silently out my window. Making a couple of quick trips, I leave notes on Kaitlyn's, Sage's, and Carla's windows. Sage and Carla are sisters, and Clair's other best friends.

They've been there for Clair since her early childhood, helping her through the hardest times of her life. They haven't been around recently, for they were in London studying abroad, and just got back tonight. I stick notes to their windows, before sprinting to the park.

When I get there, I see a dark figure. A shocked yelp escapes my throat, I know who he is.

Kaitlyn's POV

I sigh, laying back. Sage and Carla are breathing deeply next to me, untroubled in their slumbers. I have lost a lot of sleep these four months, trying to find a way to get Clair out of Josh's clutches. Sage snorts quietly, flipping onto her stomach in her sleep. A thump at the window startles me, I let out a quit gasp. Sage and Carla shoot to their feet, staring at me. "Kait, what happened?" Sage's voice is quiet, yet curious. I point to the window, creeping over to it. I pull the curtain back a fraction, staring at the glass. A piece of paper is taped there, I open the window and snatch it off. Liam's boyish handwriting greets my eyes, 

"Sage and Carla, I have news. Clair is pregnant, the child is mine. Don't kill me, it was an accident, the protection busted. I'm getting her out of her house and taking her to a safe location. I don't know if we can ever come back once she's out. That is all I can say for now, I will keep you posted.~Liam." 

I sigh, pulling out my phone. "Calvin, do you know what Liam is planning?" Calvin responds, his texting sloppy in his groggy state, "I dunno Kat, he hasn't talked to me at all because unfortunately he's still under the impression I'm helping Josh so....I dunno."

Liam POV

The figure steps into the light, hands in his pockets. He's gangly, thin, blonde with grey eyes, and wearing a serious expression.

"BRANDON?!" Clair's brother nods, rubbing his hand through his hair. "Hi Liam." I stare at him, my jaw on the ground. Before I can say anything else, Brand speaks,

"Look Liam, I don't like you, but I know you love my sister. I'm tired of hearing her scream, I'm tired of seeing her battered and bruised. And I'm really fucking tired of having to clean up her blood."

I cut in, "What do you mean battered and bruised, why is she screaming?" Brand chews his lip, reminding me of his sister with the action.

"Her ex friend Josh wiggled his way into my parents' heads. He convinced them he knew what was best for her, he convinced them she loved him more than she loved anyone else in this world. He's sick and twisted, we need to get her out. I've already talked to my neighbor, she's willing to help. This is going to stay under wraps no matter what, because Josh's stepfather has a contact at the police station that will keep any of the charges we try to press on Josh from sticking. What you need to do is pull your car in the driveway next door to Clair's windows. The windows are locked from the outside, so you should be able to get through. Lock her door, and take all of Clair's possessions. Her room is soundproofed so that her screams won't alert any of the neighborhood kids that something is amiss. I'm counting on you to save my sister Liam, don't fail me and for god sake, make her happy." 

I look at the serious boy in front of me, before sticking out my hand.

Expecting a handshake, he puts his hand in mine. I pull the gangly teen into a brotherly hug, whispering, "Thank you for helping your sister, you're not half bad kid."

Brand smiles, before nodding his thanks. I run then, I'm going to save my girlfriend.

~Time Lapse~

I pull my truck silently into Clair's neighbor's driveway, leaving the car running.

I climb to her window, opening it quietly. I land on her fuzzy green carpet, looking around.

Clair looks up warily, her eyes tired. "Who's th-OH MY GOD LIAM!" She whisper-yells, tears running down her cheeks. She flings herself forward, I do the same. I hit her stomach before I expect, staring down with wide eyes. I'd only been there for one ultrasound, I missed the growing of my child.


Clair's name is called, she grabs my hand and stands up. We walk into the room, hand in hand. The doctor smiles at us when we come in, her eyes friendly. "Is this the father?" She asks, pointing at me.

I nod, pulling Clair close. "Yes ma'am, I'm the father. I'm in this for the long haul." I look into Clair's deep green eyes, smiling at her softly.

Clair smiles back, before laying down on the table. She rolls her shirt to just below her bra line, her slightly protruding stomach exposed.

The tech smears some blue gel on my girl's stomach, waving a wand over the gel. A thumping sound fills the room, I focus my eyes on the screen.

There it is, a flickering inside a jellybean. My child. Clair's child. Our child. I grab Clair's hand, my eyes on the screen.

~Flashback Ends~

A soft thud against my belly makes me look down again, then look into Clair's eyes. She rubs my cheek, before stating seriously, "Liam you can't be here, Josh will kill you." She looks a lot different than she did four months ago, she's taller, curvier, and her acne is completely gone. Her breasts are still perky, hanging at the top of her chest but pulled down slightly by gravity. They're beautiful, adding the one thing Clair's figure needed to balance her out. They're full and round, one of the happy side effects of her pregnancy. What infuriates me most, is the scars and bruises that line the skin of her upper legs, shoulders, and back that are visible to me through her pajamas. She's even more beautiful, even with the scars. The mental scars, those need to fade, and soon.

I look deep into her eyes, "I'm getting you out."

Go Liam! You will succeed! Save the girl you love!


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