Chapter 8: Liam's Antics- The Next Day (edited)

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"Will you two stop goofing off?! Clarice and I actually need your help on this! Get your asses up here!" Henry growls in exasperation, "We need to start filming, so cut it out and get up here." Both boys look up at Henry and I, before they continue to goof off like the adolescents they are.

I sigh quietly, my fingers moving quickly across my phone screen as my once again fluffy hair hides my face. Henry growls in annoyance again, fussing with the camera while grumbling angrily under his breath. I can hear some of what he's grumbling, the language he's using enough to make Satan blush. I ignore him as best I can as I continue playing with my phone, playing a hunting game in an attempt to keep my visionary skills sharp. I'm no girly girl, not even close. I'm one of the guys, plain and simple. I blame all my male cousins I grew up with, but I love who I am.

I've been teased a lot through my life, so my true attitude and personality are repressed by layers of shyness and self consciousness. It's where my mantra, "Deep breath and repress" came from. My figure has always been a source of the teasing directed at me, deep curves and a slim figure developing when I was just a young girl in fourth grade. The snide comments got to me, I started wearing loose shirts to hide my figure. I'm young, but I have deep curves in my waist that only get deeper as I get older. I have an athletic figure, and hair bleached by seven years of swimming in a highly chlorinated pool under the hot Texas summer sun.

Despite all the muscle mass on my body and my broad shoulders, I have small delicate feet and a slim waist and hips. My back arches naturally, giving me a deep dip in my spine. My hair has always been a source of annoyance, spiraling uncontrollably in every direction no matter what I do. If I DO try to tame my hair, it takes about two hours before it's even presentable, and even then it's springing back up into uncontrollable curls within ten seconds. That's probably why my love life is non-existent, I'm too crazy.

I mean,

what guy wants to date a girl who hunts and is freakishly good at it, a girl who's athletic in so many sports and martial arts, a girl who could quite easily kick his ass, and a girl who is more at home having video game wars on the couch than browsing the mall for trendy clothes? What guy wants to date the get down and dirty kick ass country girl I truly am inside?

What guy would want to date a girl who is one of the guys with no fashion sense?

Cutting off from my internal ramblings, I look up from my phone and accidentally lock eyes with Liam. The liquid sapphires that are his eyes sparkle, hitting the light just right to shimmer. My face turns completely crimson when he catches me looking, I duck my head down to let my curls hide the hue of my cheeks.

Shielding my face with my multi-colored hair, I peer at him from under the mess. He's still looking at me, but from the corner of his eye. I shake off my confusion as the boys adjust the camera once again, leaning against the wall as I jam my headphones deep into my back pocket. I play the song on my phone, singing to the camera. I look up when the shot is cut, gazing warily under my wiry curls. Liam is looking at me again, adjusting the camera to get less of the wall and more of my face. "Sick as tits angle, it's fucking awesome, you can really see Clair's face and big green eyes." Liam's voice is pleased, which surprises me.

Who wants to see more of my face? And how did he know I have green eyes? 9 times out of 10 they're hidden. My ugly, pale, scarred, acne ridden face. A face no guy will ever love. My eyes are my only saving grace, deep pools of shimmering shadowy green that shift colors according to lighting or my mood. My eyes are the one good thing about my face, the color and the position causing them to pop. The only unique thing about me, and the only thing I'm proud of. I'm torn out of my self deprecating thoughts, however, when Henry snaps at me to pay attention. "Sure, Liam. I agree she sounds good, but she's looking down way too much for too long each time! Clair! Look at the camera more, and down at the paper less! Keep your hair out of your face! All we see is hair in the video! Hair is NOT going to get us a good grade! Focus on the lyrics of the song dammit, and the beat. You're off tempo and rushing! Slow down and follow the tempo!" I wrinkle my nose as I appraise Henry, sticking out my tongue as he continues to lecture me.

Crossing my arms, I glare back at him, "Yeah, you think. Who's the music nerd here, buddy? I'm doing fine! Stop being such an uptight little bitch. Because the music nerd in this room sure as hell isn't you seeing as you're lecturing me about things I'm doing just fine in!" I snap my mouth shut in shock as the foul word slips past my lips, my hands gripping tightly over my lips as my eyes widen above them. Liam and Andrew, to their credit, laugh loudly and congratulate me. Henry glares at me, before rushing off into another long lecture about how I need to improve. 

Ughhhhh......this is going to be a very long day.

Well no wonder Clair feels like no one would love her, she's been teased for ages. Hmmm... hope she'll grow that out soon.

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