Chapter 14: My Answer And a Skip in Time (edited)

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"Yes, Liam. I'd love to go out with you."

Relief instantly replaces the nervousness in his eyes, a bright smile stretches across his face. I grin back, my eyes sparkling as I step forward and hug him gently. He hugs me back, relaxing as he buries his face in my curls. Melody walks by, wiggling her eyebrows at me suggestively. Wait.....what? I thought Melody hated him? And I thought we agreed to stop being friends after the fiasco with Callie....

~Flashback- Three Months Ago~

"So who are you crushing on, girl? I know you're crushing on someone, because you're actually dressed like a girl with a fashion sense for once! That means you're trying to impress someone because there's no other reason you would dress like this!" I blush, brushing wrinkles out of my black skinny jeans as I stare down at my black uggs. "I'm not impressing anyone Melody, I just dressed differently today." Mel gives me a look that says "I know you're full of shit", before she grabs onto a strap on my backpack to yank me sharply to a stop, "Girl, I have known you since third freaking grade! I know all your tells when you lie, I know your preferred fashion sense. You've never dressed this, well, FEMININE for ANYONE! You're too much of a tomboy to dress like this without a reason! So seriously, tell me who you're crushing on. Otherwise I'll find out through my own means and blackmail you with it."

 I sigh, before I squirm, "Promise not to tell?" Melody nods, leaning against the wall as I bite my lip, "Well, I have a crush on this boy in my class, his name is Liam Black." To my surprise, Mel's face twists into a scowl, "You like HIM?! He's such an ASSHOLE!" I blink, not expecting this piece of information, "He's....he's been nothing but nice to me.....and.....I think he might actually like me back. Despite everything about me that usually throws guys off." I brush my hair behind my ear with a small shy smile. Melody glares, clenching her jaw tightly, "Oh please Clair! Wake up! No one likes you like that, and he's no exception. He's not nice to ME so I suggest you end it! Clair, you can do soooo much better than that stupid country boy. Not only is he an asshole to everyone, he's an ugly as fuck son of a bitch with barely enough brains to fill a teaspoon." She flips her hair angrily, giving me a look I recognize immediately. It's the look I've received several times over the years, the look that says I need to severe all ties with him since he's not nice to her. Mel has always been very self centered, but this is getting out of hand. She's gone from controlling to who I'm friends with to controlling (or trying to) who I crush on and want to date.

She's gone from being my only friend in elementary, to trying to completely rule every aspect of my life in middle school as bits and pieces of my true nature slowly fight their way out of the years worth keeping it repressed. I mean, what in the actual hell?! How can she even think this is remotely ok? Is she out of her mind? Does she really think I'm gonna stop crushing on someone just because they're not nice to her? I deserve to be happy too for once don't I.....?

~Flashback Ends

Through my confusion, I scowl at her playfully, deciding to let the water flow under the bridge. I pull away from Liam slightly, flinging my arm out like I mean to hit her.

Unfortunately, my lunchbox with my metal thermos sealed inside that is wrapped around my wrist flies off, hitting Melody squarely in the back of the head. Melody turns around with a playfully murderous look on her face, sprinting towards me. With a yelp, I take off at full speed, using my smaller stature and higher level of agility as an advantage. Making a big loop, I skid to a stop behind Liam, panting.

I peer over his shoulder, to see a grinning Melody as she rubs her head. "Congrats Clair Bear, you scored the guy. Never throw anything at my head again unless you wanna deal with the consequences." Liam laughs, his chest vibrating with his laughter as Mel walks away from us. I smack his shoulder softly with red cheeks, scowling playfully as I bury my head in his shoulder. I get pulled aside by a text from my mother, looking at my phone in distraction. I look back at Liam, chuckling at what I see.

Daniel and Liam are having a burping contest, laughing and grinning in amusement. When they see that I'm watching, Liam starts to look nervous, like he thinks I won't approve. I actually don't care, contests like that don't bug me. Growing up with four guys, I'd participated in (and won) several burping contests. Surprising them both, I give a Cheshire cat grin. I grab my own can of soda, chugging it quickly and loving the feeling of the carbonated bubbles tickling my throat. Swallowing, I look at them mischievously and let out a burp louder than both of theirs combined.

I grin brightly with just a small hint of a flush on my cheeks, "Safe to say I win, huh? I actually don't care if you do that, I grew up with four guys and actually beat them at burping I just demonstrated.." Daniel stares at me with wide eyes, before declaring quite loudly, "She's a keeper, Liam! Don't let her get away, or I will kick your ass and have Clair kick mine!" Liam laughs, smiling brightly at me as his eyes soften, "Don't worry, I won't let her get away."

Looks like Clair met her match :) Liam loves the fact that Clair is different, she loves being different. Awww they're so perfect for each other! XD

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