Chapter 11: Three Weeks Later: Day of The 8th Grade Dance (edited)

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I type away at the computer, my tongue poking out of my mouth in concentration as I edit our footage. Liam is sitting next to me, Andrew and Henry are behind us as Liam and I finish up the scene we edited. Our knees are pressed together like always, Henry's questioning of Liam blurring slightly as I zone out into my own little dream world. 

Music plays sweetly, his dark blue eyes locked on mine as we sway softly to the music. We're in our own world, no one can touch us in this moment. He leans towards me slowly, his lips almost resting on mi- a hand waves in front of my face, "Clair, you ok? You look kinda spacey." 


I blink, before I look at Liam a bit blankly, "Uh, yeah, I'm fine. I just space out sometimes." Liam chuckles, nudging his knee against mine as Henry and Andrew watch the finished scene. "Oh yeah, did Liam and I tell you that some kid thought we were related a few weeks ago?" My question comes from nowhere, and I flush at my slip of tongue. I hadn't meant to mention that to them, but it's something I've been curious about since it happened. Henry and Andrew look up, studying both Liam and I in our mirrored positions sitting side by side, "I can see it. You guys look like you could be biologically related, you both have the same hair color, and slightly the same face shape." Andrew speaks up this time, "Besides, you guys both have sporty figures, though Clair's is barely visible around all the loose clothing she wears. You both are country, you both act like it, you have the same eye shape, the same slight accents, the same attitudes, same complexion, same messed up teeth, same hair colour. And Clair's nearly completely flat chest just solidifies it." At that, I self consciously curl my arms across my chest with cheeks flushed with shame in an effort to hide just how lacking my physique truly is. Andrew doesn't notice my reaction of discomfort, continuing, "Hell, I  thought you guys were brother and sister on the first day, even though you both have different last names. Face the facts guys, you look like you two could be twins." Liam and I stare at each other blankly, searching each other's faces for what it is that makes people think we're related. Finding nothing, we both shrug, before we both break into almost silent laughter, not wanting to argue with Andrew and Henry as the bell rings. Well, looks like I have to go to swim class now.....Yay me.........

~Time Lapse- After School~

I sigh in relief as I walk into the bright sunlight, shaking my wet hair out so that it flies to rest on the back of my shirt. Ew....that's going to make my shirt all wet... I hate swim with a passion, but it keeps me out of gym class and out of the miserable god awful Texas heat. It's one of those "I hate it but I'm good at it" things. Thank god it's Friday, and thank god it's the day of the school dance. My friends and I have been counting down the days until the dance, counting down the days that mark the best thing for eighth graders at our middle school. I walk further outside, leaning against a brick wall hoping the heat will dry my hair a bit as I wait for my friend. Since the dance is going to run late and most of my friends live pretty far away, my friends and I all agreed to have a sleepover at my house after the dance ended since I live closest.

I'm standing on the stairs, when Sarah comes bouncing out with happiness shining in her bright brown eyes. Tailing her is our friend Daniel, and Liam himself. We're still waiting for our friend Callie, so we stay and chat with the boys. "So Daniel, you going to the dance?" He shakes his head, "Are you?"

I nod, "Yeah, I got a blue, lacy dress. It's not normally my style, but it's better than some of the outrageous dresses Callie wanted me to get. hides my lacking feminine physique." My eyes are alight with humor, Daniel suddenly smirks, "I bet Liam would love to see you in your dress. And knock that shit off, Clair. You are not lacking in anything, you. Are. Beautiful." Liam doesn't notice Daniel's statement, walking a little bit ahead as he calls out to someone in the distance. My jaw drops, "Wait, what? I....what?" Daniel bites his lip, casting an eye in Liam's direction before pulling Sarah and I completely out of Liam's earshot.

"Liam's actually been trying to ask you out for the past month. He really likes you, but he saw you, and got cold feet. Every time he sees you, he gets cold feet. He thinks you're beautiful, smart, funny, and he loves the way you can be sassy." Both my jaw and Sarah's are resting on the ground, we're both shocked, extremely shocked in my case. "Really? Wait, seriously? He-he Not Brianna, not Amy, but...ME?!" my eyes sparkle,

"Because, in that case....well....I really like him too, but I'm too scared to do anything because I thought he would want someone better than me." Daniel's eyes dart to where Liam is, "Here, take my number. You can ask me any questions, but I've got to go. Also: knock that shit off, Clair! I won't stop saying that till you accept that you are beautiful!" He hurries away before I can respond, catching up with Liam. I look at Sarah with extremely wide eyes,

"Am I dreaming, or did that really just happen?"

~Time Lapse- The Next Day~

I grab my phone, itching to have my questions answered:

Me: Hey Daniel, this is Clair.

Daniel: Hey Clair, so any questions?

Me: Yes, what should I do?

Daniel: Ask him out Girl, I mean normally the guy does it, but in this case you need to go for it.

Me: Daniel, I'm a little scared.

Daniel: Don't be. Be the brave and sassy country girl I know you lock away. Be that for him, because I have a feeling that if you don't, it could be something you regret for the rest of your life.

Me: What if he turns me down? And why would I do that? It's hard enough as it is to keep it locked away. :/

Daniel: He won't do that. And what did I say yesterday? I'm not going to stop reprimanding you till you knock that shit about not being beautiful off. He's completely crazy about you.

Me: How do you know? I've been wondering about that :(

Daniel: Girl, I'm one of his best friends. Not only that, but he knows that I'm friends with you and is always asking me to tell him stories about you. He's liked you since the first day of school, hell, even before that. He just never said anything because he thought you wouldn't like him.

Me: WHAT?! He's liked me since then?! Wow! :)

Daniel: Yes Clair, he's liked you that long. He's liked you since he met you when you walked Jack to the library last summer. I guess he has a thing for crazy bare footed country girls hanging over a dude's shoulder.*Amused face*

Me: -_- Shut up Daniel. And wow, I forgot about that honestly. I'm just surprised he's liked me that long. Ok, so I'm going to do it, but I'm still scared.

Daniel: Now you know how he felt. Again, don't be. He really likes you, and if he knew you liked him too, he'd be overjoyed.

Me: Are you serious? I've been on cloud 9 since you told me he likes me. I'm so happy he feels the same. Thanks Daniel, you've really helped. :)

Daniel: No problem Clair Bear, don't be scared. Text me how it goes after you ask him :)

WHAT?! LIAM LIKES CLAIR?! LOL so next chapter contains BIG CHANGES! Will Clair go through, or will she chicken out? We shall see!

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