Chapter 40: Whose at The Door? Clair POV (edited)

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As I'm walking, I feel a strange twinge in my stomach, and it doesn't feel any kinds of good. I shrug, continuing to walk. When I reach the door, I feel a pop in my lower gut, oh fuck!

For two seconds I forget, and for two seconds I ruined what we've spent so much time running from. The thing I screw up on, is a name.

"LIIIAAAAMMM!!! MY WATER BROKE!!!" All the boys come running in, confusion on their faces.

"Who's Liam?" Jazzy questions. I catch my breath, stupid stupid stupid! "Liam is shorter than Landon, it's easier to shout Liam than it is to holler Landon...guys you're kinda missing the point, I'M IN PREMATURE LABOR AND MY WATER BROKE!!"

That snaps then out of their weird daze, Liam lunges forward and pulls me into his arms. Without knowing, Liam slips too. "Hold on Clair, just hold on." Confusion passes through our friends, settling into their eyes. A sharper pain than all the others in my lower gut causes me to start flat out cussing, at the top of my lungs. This is going to be a long process.

Damon POV
I watch as Christian clutches her stomach, and starts cussing at top volume. Good lord, this girl's got some serious lungs on her! Not even going to mention her colorful language... My mind whirls, puzzle pieces snapping into place.

~Flashback, 4 Months Ago~

I'm on the Internet, browsing in boredom. A headline catches my eye, I click on it curiously. "Pregnant Teenager missing, kidnap suspected. 16 year old Teen Clarice (Clair)Wolfe disappeared from her Texas home late last week. Her ex-boyfriend William, or more commonly known as "Liam" Black, currently under the accusation of kidnapping her, is also missing. Black and Wolfe dated briefly, having a small summer romance before Wolfe left Black to date her current boyfriend and the father of her child, Joshua Woods.

Woods said Wolfe was happy being with him, that she loved him and she never wanted to leave him. Unfortunately, Black had plans for Wolfe that did not include Woods. He kidnapped the 4 3/4 month pregnant teen from her bedroom, leaving absolutely nothing behind. According to parents and anonymous sources, Black is a whiz in chemistry and pressure points. Theories are currently pointing to the accusation that Black drugged and temporarily paralyzed Wolfe to get her out of the house.

Black is currently on the run with Wolfe, seen near the border of Texas with Wolfe drugged in the front seat. Parents and friends were interviewed, but none know where Black took Wolfe. Black's best friend Calvin Cox had this to say, "This doesn't sound like Liam, he's not the type to kidnap. If he were to be a kidnapper, he'd probably hide Clair in Oklahoma. I think there is more to this situation than meets the eye, we need to figure out what that is before we blindly blame my best friend. That is all I will say on the matter."

Wolfe's brother Brandon was also interviewed, "My sister wasn't kidnapped. She's a girl, but she's kick ass as hell. She's taken down a guy twice her size before, I think she'd be able to deal with a boy whose only a few inches taller than her.

With years of self defense training in her past, Clair is also a multiple degree black belt in many forms of martial arts and a master in gymnastics, acrobatics, ice skating, judo, competitive swimming (which she hated), and track and field. This may seem irrelevant, but look at the big picture. My sister is an athlete. She has years of athletics and strength behind her, she'd be able to hold her own. My guess is, she left on her own."

I can't read anymore, it's too intense. I flick my eyes to the pictures attached, scanning the missing teens. Liam is about 5'11, blonde, blue eyes, broad muscular shoulders and build, solid jaws.

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