Chapter 37: Oh Crap, We're Caught (edited)

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My eyes widen, giving the guy his answer. "Please don't turn us in, sir! We had to leave, her parents wouldn't let us be together, she's carrying my kid! She was being abused by this maniac who is obsessed with her, he kept raping her, so please don't make us go back!" My voice is desperate, babbling and pleading.

The man says nothing, studying the dates on the side of my chest. "I'll help you." His voice is soft. Wait.....WHAT?! My jaw drops, I stare at him open-mouthed. He smiles slightly at my response, "You must love her a hella lot to get her birthday tattooed on your chest, and to run away with her to be together. AND to raise a baby together on top of that. A lot of guys your age in your situation would probably bail, but not you. I can see it in your eyes, you don't love her in a teenage romance way, you're IN love with her. I see the way you winced when you saw the bruises and scars all over her body, I know you didn't inflict them."

I grimace at that, "That's what I meant when I said he kept raping her. He continuously roofied and raped her." But I smile at his other words, "Yes, I am IN love with her. I know she got knocked up young, but nothing is going to scare me away from her, I love her too much." The man smiles, "This is why I will help you, you seem to really love little Clarice."

Biting my lip I ask, "With all do respect sir, how do you know her? And I forgot to ask this, but what is your name?" The man smiles, "My name is Austin, and I've known Clair's aunt Lucy for decades. When Clair was a little girl, our families were close. I was there when Clair was born, I was there when Brandon was born. I was only 49 years old when Clair was born. I babysat her so many times until she was three. Over the years, our families drifted. Tonight is the first time I've seen Clair since she was three years old. To help you guys out, I can get you fake IDs that say your 18, a house in a safe location, and a whole new identity that can fool even that bastard's contacts. I know where you guys have planned to go, especially since you're with Clair. I have a large mansion there you guys can take residence in. And your previous question is now my current question, what is your name son?"

I nod, "My name is William Black, I'm Clair's boyfriend and the father of her child. Thanks Austin, the help will be great, we'll need all of it we can get. We can't take the house though, that's yours." Austin smiles, "Kid, you can't raise a child out of hotel rooms and on the streets, it's too noticeable. I have a large amount of money and jewels tucked away, I have no children, and no other family to speak of. I want to give it to the happy child I knew years ago, I have enough to live off of with my US veteran retirement, so I want you to take my valuables. Before you say you can't take them, think of Clair. She's going to need a lot of attention, and a place to live. Please Liam, let me take care of the girl that I've considered family."

I bite my lip, staring at him. "Okay, thank you so much. Can you help me with these documents?" Austin grins, his teeth glinting. "Of course, Liam."

~Time Lapse~

I stare at my new documents, sadness pinching my chest. My name can no longer be Liam, I have to leave Liam behind. My new name is Landon Tyler Parker, I'm now 18. Clair's new name is Christian Jane Harper. In order to really sell these new identities, Clair and I need to make sure we're not recognized as our old selves. I stand next to Clair's bed and bite my lip, hating what I know has to be done. I slowly grab a lock of her long gorgeous hair, snipping it off where her jaw meets her throat. The lighter natural highlights at the bottoms of her hair fall to the ground, pinching the ball of sadness in my chest tighter. I move through the rest of her hair in the same fashion with slightly trembling hands, snipping it a bit shorter in the back. Aust comes bustling in behind me with a tray in his hands, shooing me out as he takes over the next stage of Clair's transformation. Now, as I stand in front of a floor length mirror and face my reflection, I raise the scissors confidently. I cut the hair around my ears and most of my face short, trimming my sideburns and the back of my hair. I leave it slightly long in the front, long enough to cover my forehead but not my eyes. I study my dark blue eyes, deciding it was an average enough colour that wouldn't draw attention. Aust comes out of Clair's room a few minutes later, nodding in approval at my new look. About an hour later as Aust is finishing up the finer points on my hair, we hear a door open. Clair pads out quietly, still looking groggy. "Liam?" She's now dressed in a black maternity blouse and yoga pants, both that flatter her figure greatly. Her hair is now streaked with icy streaks of blonde throughout, giving it the ever growing colour resemblance to sand mixed with dirt. There's a single streak of blue hair on the right side of her face, and a single streak of electric pink on the left. The streaks compliment her green eyes with just the right hint of colour, and bring out the harder to see hues. Clair's eyes sweep over me quizzically, taking in my new appearance.

Then her eyes land on Austin, her jaw drops. "Aust?" Her voice is hesitant, her eyes struggling to pull a distant memory from her childhood.

Austin grins, "Hey C." Tears start running down Clair's face, she catapults herself forward. She lands in Austin's arms with a thunk, sobbing viciously as she keeps her back arched so her stretched belly won't slam into Austin. He hugs her just as tightly, kissing the top of her head.

"Clair, as much as I hate to break this up, we have to go. The cops are on our tails, we've got documents that give us new identities, now we just need to get used to our new names and looks. My name is Landon Tyler Parker, I am 18 years old and my parents died in a car crash a few months ago. Your name is Christian Jane Harper, you are my childhood friend, roommate, and girlfriend. Your parents died when you were five and you have just now aged out of the foster care system. You are starting a new life on your own with me. You're still older than me." I give a pout at that, smiling as Clair grins that special bright grin of hers.

Clair climbs down from Austin's arms and nods, "Pulling a slight Harry Potter reference, I'll prefer to go just by my surname. Just like Nymphadora Tonks."

Sticking my hand out, I grin at her. "Let's go Harper, we don't have much time." Clair takes a deep breath, gives Austin one last tight hug, then follows me into the night. We're on the run, we're struggling, but we can make it. We are strong, we are in love.

So in the end he helped them :) Though they have help, several more hardships will hit along the way.


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