Chapter 26: Part 1 of my Plan is Working! Calvin's POV Part 1 (edited)

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It's midnight. A time when sane people should be asleep...then again I never said I'm sane. Anyway, unlike a sane person, Liam's wide awake, which is unusual for him. He's been propped on his bed for over an hour, thumbs flying over his phone screen with a goofy smile on his face.

Who he's texting at this ungodly hour is beyond me, who is even awake at this time?!

My mind flashes at the words, "Awake at this time" and dredges the recent memory containing those words to the forefront of my mind.

"Calvin, can I tell you something?"I look at him while keeping my peripheral vision on the stop light, and nod, "Sure bro, what's up?" Liam fidgets, "Well, you know how I've been so tired lately? Clair has insomnia." I stare at him blankly, "Wait, what? What does your ex girlfriend having insomnia have to do with you being tired?"

Liam takes a deep breath, running his fingers through his hair, "The reason I've been so tired lately, Clair and I have been texting late at night. She doesn't sleep much more than 2-3 hours a night, so I've been staying up to talk to her so she won't be lonely. She's hilarious late at night, her already nonexistent filters get broken, she becomes blunt as hell. From these late night conversations I've learned a lot about her that I didn't know, and I can't help but love these late night conversations with her. I know she's my ex, but I love talking to her, she's so fiery, saucy, and amazing."~ ...Damn you stupid brain memories.

Of course, for Liam to be texting someone this late, they have to be awake...Damn fucking insomnia!

Of course, Liam just HAD to invite me over when he's going to be texting Clair all night! Wish he had told me that before I agreed so I could at least have gotten a decent night's sleep!

~A Few Seconds Later~

"Liam, who are you texting at this ungodly hour?!" Liam jumps, clearly not expecting me to be awake.

"Uhh...hehe, hey Calvin...what are you doing up this late?" I sigh, "You've been grinning at your phone like an idiot for the past hour and a half. What the hell is Clair saying that is making you laugh so much?"

Liam's jaw drops, "I'm not texting Clair! She's my ex!" His phone buzzes, and he practically pounces on it. Fumbling quickly with his passcode, he shoots off a quick reply. I raise my eyebrows at him, "Not texting Clair, my ass." Liam glares at me.

I know Liam still cares for Clair, he subtly made that clear this afternoon.


I'm humming along to the radio as I drive, watching as Liam fiddles with his phone, looking troubled. "Calvin? Can you do me a favor, Bro?" I look up at his sudden words, blinking in surprise, "Uh sure, what do you need me to do?" Liam fiddles with his phone, keeping his eyes down, "Um, can you keep an eye on Clair for me?" I blink, before I blink again, "What?" Liam sighs, looking out the window, "Can you keep an eye on my ex-girlfriend? She has this fucking creep that told her lies about not just his own family, but the both of us as well. Lies that make us seem like bad, dangerous guys.

Clair shut him out, but he won't be shut out that easily. I'm not asking you to stalk her, I'm just asking you to help her if she ever needs it, keep me updated on how she's doing since you go to her school and all. I mean, we broke up, but this creeper is relentless. Plus, she's a sweet girl, she doesn't deserve this." He still won't look at me, looking out his window. I chew my lip, "Yeah, I'll keep an eye on Clair for you, if she needs my help, I'll be there. Especially if it involves that fucking stalker of hers, and I'll keep you updated on how she's doing." Liam looks at me finally, his eyes grateful, "Thanks, man."

~End Flashback~

It looks like Liam won't tell me anything, I'll have to find out for myself.

~Once Liam is asleep~

I sneak over to Liam, tugging his phone out of his hand gently. His phone is locked, a message from Clair flashing across the screen. "Judging by your lack of response, you passed out :) lol this insomniac says goodnight, Goodnight Liam." I stare at the password lock, before trying the first thing that pops into my head,

"1234" password denied.

I growl, trying Liam's birthday

"2290" , password denied.

"1999", password denied.

"2999", password denied.

I even try his brother's birthday as a password, to no avail. I glare, switching to the letters keyboard,

"Iamsoawesome", password denied.

"CountryBoy", password denied.

"Huntingandfishing", password denied.

"Brokengreeneyes", password denied.

"Brokengreenandblueeyes", password denied.


"ClairWolfe", password denied.

I was so sure it was that! Frustrated, I let my thumbs fly,

"HerForeverSoldier" 🔓

the phone clicks as it opens, stunning me with the brightness. I hiss, blinking in surprise at his password choice. Didn't Clair always call him Soldier? I peer back down at the phone, still open on the page of messaging for Clair. I stare at her contact name, shock on my face. "Doesn't have feelings for her, my ass." I murmur to myself, clicking on her contact to get her full info.

~Clair's full contact info~

Full Name: Clarice Adele Wolfe

Nickname: ❤️Clair ❤️ (Or Baby)

Birthday: September 30th, 1999

Address: Houston Tx. 77067

Customized Ringtone: What Hurts The Most

  End Clair's full info~ 

I frown, clicking on a link attached to her contact. To my surprise, it brings me to a document full of things that at first glance look like nothing but shit. On a closer inspection, I'm shocked. The document is full of notes of all kinds, pictures of all of Clair's friends, arrows, and a list of attributes on Clair herself listed below the arrows. The pictures are grouped with arrows or notes attached to each, some of the pictures completely crossed out all together. What the fuck? Liam is never this fucking organised, what the fuck are the notes about? Scanning my eyes downward, I skim the notes.

Clair's Status: Ex-girlfriend, protecting her from the threat of her death, friends with more guys than girls, well liked and compassionate by all her friends.

Friends: All adore her, most of her guys friends have or had crushes on her over the years. All her girl friends consider her a sister.

Favorite things about her: her smile, her laugh, her green eyes, her crazy curls, her sass, her shyness, everything about her.

Notes: Perp was a guy, slight voice disguising used. Our age, perhaps just a bit older. Threatened her death, threatened me. Extremely obsessed with her to the point of a fatal attraction. Has connections with cops as far as my sources tell me, more than likely mentally unstable.

I stare at the phone in shock, what the fuck does he mean "threat of her death"? I can't stop myself, I need to ask him. "Liam." I shake his arm. He snorts, "Clair, stop, you know I'm ticklish." I roll my eyes, shaking Liam harder. "Calvin, what the hell man?" Liam's groggy voice breaks through the silent air, knifing the tension. "What the hell do you mean by threat of Clair's death?!"

DUN DUN DUNNN! Calvin knows! Will Liam spill? Or will he clam up?


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