Chapter 51: The Fear- Ash POV

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Everything is in chaos, everything is completely in shambles. Everyone is tense and unyielding, pacing as the discussions get more and more heated on what we should do. Calling the cops is out, because if we call them, they'll discover who Landon and CJ really are. If that happened, it is guaranteed CJ would be sent back to her personal hell on earth. We have Wes and Wyatt, but what if Josh manages to sneak around our defenses? What if he manages to get to CJ? The thought horrifies all of us, and sends shivers down our spines at the thought of what Josh would do to CJ if he finds her again. What if he hurts her third child? Due to the drugs he pumped through her system when she was pregnant with the twins, doctors confirmed it's almost 100% possibility they'll have some sort of disorder that will develop when they're five or six. What if he does that to CJ's third and final child with Landon? What if he tries to make sure that CJ is never able to trust anyone ever again?He won't. None of us will allow that, that fucking psycho has ruined her life enough already. As Landon brings his guns out, I know the real war is about to begin. Never again will Josh touch CJ, not if any of us have anything to do with it!

Clair POV

I pace worriedly through the patch of forest I'm hiding in, worrying myself to death as scenarios play through my head, What if Josh isn't alone, what if he has an insider's help? No shit he has an insider's help, but the question is how far does that stretch? What if there's a piece here we're missing, a piece that knows things Josh should've never known, like my terror of being called Princess, and exactly what to do to break me. What if this person was helping Josh all along, and that's why they know things about me they shouldn't? I gnaw on my knuckles furiously, not even feeling the pain as my teeth break the raw skin. The sharp metallic taste of the blood fills my mouth, but I could honestly not give more of a shit about that at this moment. I hate hiding, I hate running! Running away from my abusers with my soulmate in tow is one thing, but running away while my soulmate stands to fight is heartbreaking. If I want to be able to stay away from Josh when he attacks to protect my children, hiding is my best bet. Jazzy is snoozing against a tree, gun at ready should he have to use it. He'd volunteered to stay with me, to protect me if needed. I'm so so fucking scared, so fucking done with running away. If I don't face this, Josh will continue to haunt me for the rest of my days. My gut is filled with the sinking dread and my heart is beating rapidly in my throat. I can't go back. This will be the worst decision I've ever made, but this needs to be done if we want this to end here today. Sliding my phone out of my pocket, I dial a number and wait for a reply, 

"911, what is your emergency?" 

I take a deep breath, "My name is Christian Harper, and there's a stalker on his way with a crew of corrupt officers to steal both me and my children to make us his. He wants me dead for defying him, and he's completely insane. He'll stop at nothing to get to me or my boyfriend and children, even if it means he has to kill someone. Please, please help us."

"What is your location, how much time do you have until the stalker arrives?" 

I shake my head, "I don't know, all I know is he's coming for my boyfriend, children, and I. All he wants is me, he's going to kill my boyfriend and twins to make sure I'm his." The raw terror is showing in my voice, my body shaking as the thought of Josh actually going through with this hits me. With a sudden loud bang, everything becomes real, "He's here! He's here! Please send cops to this address!" I rattle off my address desperately, hyperventilating.

"Ma'am, calm down. The cops will be there as soon as they can, but you have to remain calm. Do you have any defenses set up?" 

I take a shaky breath, "I...I'm not actually sure. They whisked me out of there as soon as we got the note bu-I....I'm the missing teenager Clarice Wolfe. The stalker? His family isn't going to stop, they have connections all over and I am so fucking terrified of being sent back to Texas. I will provide whatever information necessary to make sure my boyfriend and I never have to go back there, but please hurry because while we may win the battle, it is a very likely possibility we will not walk away from the war alive. Please...." 

I hang up before she can say anything else, leaning my head back in an effort to get a grip of my panic. It's a small miracle to me that Coda and Hunter are with Liam's older sister, a small miracle she was here at all so that I don't have to worry about coming home to either one or two tiny corpses. I'm pacing back and forth as Jazzy wakes up with a start, naked terror in his eyes. Terror I am sure is mirrored in my own eyes. For the first time in a long time, I think of my mantra from so long ago. Deep breath and repress, do not let the fear take you over. Be strong for him, no matter what has happened between you. "Harpy, what happened?!" I look him in the eye with my renewed calm, "Josh is here, and he's not going to stop until he has me. The battle has begun, and I have a gut wrenching feeling we are going to lose someone today. Be prepared because we still have to fight the war."

Ohhhhhhhhh damnnnnnnnnnnn! Shit's hit the fan! :D From here on out chapters are going to be longer, and this one will be under major edits because I hate it. How many think Clair made the right choice by calling the cops? 


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