Chapter 7: A Few Months Later, Three Boys And a Girl (edited)

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"For the next group of the final project, Andrew Evans, Liam Black, Henry Carlton, and Clarice Wolfe." My teacher's voice rings out across the room with a tone that leaves no room for argument. Two idiots, the boy who drives me crush girl crazy, and me...the universe hates me. Actually no, I'm ok with this. I grew up with mostly guys, I speak the language of the masculinity, moving on. We all get together, planning our last project. I sigh as the boys chat, zoning out. My mind wanders to someone I recently lost, and still miss with all my heart. My best friend's mom had some kind of endocrine cancer, and unfortunately it wasn't caught until it was well into stage three. I watched her waste away to skin and bones, and then waste away to nothing more than a corpse trapped under a coffin lid. Not her, why her? Why someone everyone loved so much? Wh-I'm snapped out of my thoughts however, when a hand waves vigorously in front of my face.

I blink, staring blankly at the hand. "Clarice, are you even paying attention to anything we're saying?"

I blink again,


Henry growls at me in obvious annoyance, "We have to write a cover of a song, but make the lyrics related to graduation. You tend to have a way with words a lot of the time, so we're going to need your help now more than ever. We're doing the song 'We Are Young', any ideas for lyrics?" I shake my head, "I only sometimes have a way with words. Let's wing it and see if we can come up with anything good. If not, then we'll sit down and have a lyrics discussion."

Henry rolls his eyes, but agrees. Liam grabs the camera, I grab my notebook of lyrics, Henry grabs the filming tape, Andrew does absolutely nothing.

Walking to the staircase, we carry our gear in silence. We set the tripod up, I start messing around on my phone to avoid having to talk to anyone. Liam and Andrew start goofing off near the bottom of the second floor staircase, being complete idiots. I giggle as I watch them, keeping my eyes mainly on my game.

"Whose going to sing?" Henry asks, "Because I'm not singing." I sigh as the other two boys chime in the same, "Do you guys want me to do it? I'm in choir long as I don't have to sing in front of anyone other than you three, my anxiety should be fine. Wait, weren't you at the concert last night, Liam?" They all nod, heads bobbing in response to both of my questions. Oh yeah, I'm in choir. We had a choir concert the night before, so I had spent hours taming my hair for it. Since I had practically used an entire bottle of hair oil to get it to stay in place, my hair is (shockingly) still glossy and straight on my shoulders. The minimum curls at the bottom allow my hair to, for once, reach it's true length at the upper parts of my tiny chest. I have my hair pulled out of my face with a pink headband, which makes me uncomfortable since it shows my eyes and digs sharply.
I swing my skirt, my hair flowing over my shoulders like a glossy and soft waterfall. I sing my heart out, singing as high as my low alto voice will allow without cracking. A smile is plastered across my face, my eyes are dancing with happiness. I love choir, it's one of my deep rooted passions that helped me through rough patches in my life. I continue to swing my skirt and sing, grinning like a fool. I discreetly look over to where my family is sitting, and almost fall off the riser in shock. Sitting in front of my family, smack dab in the front row, is a scuffed pair of hunting boots and a lopsided smile. LIAM! I stutter to the beat, shaking off the shock and hoping he doesn't see me. I swing my skirt a little more vigorously, hoping to god I don't look as stupid as I feel. I let the lyrics of the song flow through me, "Are we in llloovvvveeee? Or just frie-ends? Is this my beginning, or is this my end? (Is this the end) When will I see you again? When will I see you again, when will I see you, when will I see you, when Will I see you againnn?" I notice Liam looking at me discreetly, shit. Well...hopefully he doesn't bring up how stupid I look in a 50's poodle skirt....
~Flashback Ends~
We work in silence on the lyrics, in which I'm the only one who comes up with viable stuff we can use. We decide to do a test run to see how well the camera runs, to make sure this equipment is actually usable. I scoot against the far wall, pulling my headband off with a wince as it digs into the area behind my ears. I hand it to Liam, "Here, can you please hold this for me? It's giving me a headache from where it's digging sharply into the area behind my ears." Liam grabs my headband from me, but instead of just holding it, he slides it onto his own head with a goofy grin, "I look sooo hot with this!" I giggle quietly at this, he really does look cute with that headband on....Henry just rolls his eyes, "Liam, stop distracting Clarice. Another thing? Take that fucking headband off, it looks stupid on you." I glare at Henry, "Clair." He glares back at me, before turning his glare to the camera as he hits 'Record'. Jeez, help me have strength to not beat this guy to death from annoyance...

Sooo...looks like Clair is stuck with Liam for a few months XD. Not that's SHE'S complaining, she just tends to act like an idiot around him XD.

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