Chapter 34: Getting Clair Out Clair's POV (edited)

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I stare at my love, hoping and praying it isn't a dream, that he really is here in front of me. Josh has been abusing me a lot more lately, in an effort to break me faster. I'm starting to slowly lose my grip on who I am. Josh controls everything about me, even going as far as escorting me everywhere.


I walk into the doctor's room, Josh tailing me like a guard dog. My doctor looks up with a smile, before her smile vanishes.

"Where's the other young man that was in here, the blue eyed blonde? He's the father of the child, may I ask who you are?" Josh's eyes flash black, "I'M the father, not that fucking bastard of a rapist. That was a mistake. This, is right."

"Rapist?!" My doctor's voice is horrified, she looks to me for confirmation, but I can't meet her eyes. Josh ignores her, focusing on me. Josh shoves my shoulder, knocking me on the table. I don't fight it, I don't have enough strength to anymore. I'm merely a broken spirit in this vessel of a body, controlled by Josh and lost. Josh's fingers are tight on my shoulder, preventing me from moving as the doctor swishes the wand over my belly. I can't deal with this much longer.

~Flashback Ends~

I don't question Liam, I just act. I lock my door quietly, before I start packing. We open my other window, popping out the screen before Liam climbs out.

I pass box after box out to him, stripping my room of EVERYTHING. I take a screwdriver to the frame of my bed, dismantling it and handing the pieces out to Liam who stores them in the U haul trailer on the back of his truck. It takes three hours, but my room is completely stripped.

Nothing remains, nothing at all. I leave a note, saying nothing but, "See ya'll never again. I'm leaving and I'm never coming back. Goodbye to my personal hell on earth, you'll never find me."

I climb into the car, Liam's truck roars to life. Taking no chances, he tears out of there like a bat out of hell.

Then he turns to me, "You need to tell your friends where you're going." I'm way ahead of him, holding up a box of letters each tied or marked with something of mine.

First, I leave Sage, Carla, and Kaitlyn's letters, then I leave my cousin's. Finally, I leave Sarah's, Callie's, and Angel's. We tear the license plates off the car, placing others in their place. We're really leaving.

Melissa, Clair's cousin POV

I hear a sharp tap at my window, which jolts me from my slumber. I sit up, rubbing my eyes as I squint in the absence of my glasses. Clair's messy writing is staring at me from my window sill, my name in bold letters. Oh my god, she fucking contacted me! I scramble for my glasses, cramming them on my face as I pull the letter into my room, my heart in my gut.

~Melly, Liam and I are leaving. We have no choice, it's the only way we can be together. I can't tell you where we're going. Not that I don't trust you, but in case this gets intercepted.

I'm leaving clues with all of my friends, join together and figure out my clues. Then you will know where Liam and I are. I have also left certain charms with all those clues, charms I want back when you guys find us.

Your clue is fireworks, your charm is below.

So sorry, lots of love,


I look at the bottom of the letter, finding something taped there. At the bottom of the letter, is the one thing Clair vowed to never take off. In the bright moonlight, Clair's silver wolf charm necklace sparkles. I bite my lip, before gripping the necklace tightly as I press it against my forehead. I can't help the tears that fall, and all I can do is silently wish her luck on her travels.

Callie POV

I'm sleeping deeply, but I'm woken up when something smacks into my window. I get up, rubbing my eyes and opening my window.

There's a paper fluttering in the breeze, with something that's slightly glowing wrapped around it. I grab the paper on my window sill, opening it and reading. My eyes skim, locking on my charm and my clue. My clue is muddy bare feet, my charm is one of the three bracelets Clair is always wearing.

Clair's craft string, one of the two bracelets she always wears on her left wrist. What the hell does muddy bare feet have to do with a location?!

Sage POV

Kaitlyn, Carla, and I are just about to doze off again, when there's another thunk on the window.

We open the window again, noticing three letters with our names on them. I grab mine, skimming it quickly.

My charm is Clair's drivers license, and my clue is beer.

What the-

Why beer?

Sarah's POV

I'm playing video games in the middle of the night, when a letter with my name on it flies through my open window. What the fuck? I grab it and read it, staring at my clue and charm.

My clue is burns, my charm is Clair's rope bracelet she always wears in accompaniment with her craft string bracelet on her left wrist.

"Burns?" I ask quietly aloud. How is this tied to Liam and Clair's location?

Kaitlyn's POV

I read my letter from my best friend, studying my charm and clue. Clair's silver James Avery charm bracelet she never takes off is taped to my paper, my clue is swimming and shooting.

Swimming? Clair hates swimming unless it's summer.

And last I checked, she doesn't shoot guns much since she's so busy all the time...

Angel POV

There's a note on my window sill...I better go see what it it. A letter from Reece, a clue and a charm.

My clue is singeing arm hair, my charm is Clair's tattery Paris themed poetry journal.

What does singeing arm hair have to do with anything?!

Carla POV

Like the other two girls present, I read my letter in confusion. My eyes land on the charm, my mouth drops open.

My charm is a Clair's silver Pandora charm from her maternal grandmother, my clue is running through the stars.

How does this tie to my best friend's location?

Will they put the clues together? Will they recognize any links? Hopefully so


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