Chapter 5: Tension in The Air (edited)

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We have a few minutes of Communications class left, and the freedom to do anything that abides by classroom rules. We're done with debates, returning to filming and editing projects. My group has finished editing for the day since I'm familiar with the software, giving us a few free minutes. Liam's sitting next to me at my table,












My teacher moved our seats around to mix things up, and I ended up next to Liam. Paying attention with him around has gotten a bit easier, but his scent is intoxicating. He smells like spice and the outdoors, normal for a country boy like him who is always working outside. Something that, in fact, appeals to me greatly as I love the musky scent of the outdoors. The creepy kid who insists on calling me by my full first name is at the adjacent table, his eyes constantly burning holes in the back of my head no matter how hard I ignore him. I've been playing on my phone for the last ten minutes, before my screen goes black and the "charge to turn on" symbol appears. Seriously?! It's only second period! I groan in annoyance, kicking my muddy feet up on the table with a small thunk. I lean back and stretch my arms behind me, sighing happily when both my shoulders pop. I instantly start to get complaints and some rude comments from the other people about the position of my feet, but I don't really care. Rolling my eyes, I drop my feet from the table anyway to get them to shut up and leave me alone. "Guess you still follow no one's rules but your own, huh Reece The Beast? Looks like nothing has changed at all. You're still the beast you always were. It's good to know some things never change." My friend Angel asks, amusement in her voice as the nickname only she is allowed to call me rolls off her tongue. Angel and I have known each other since we were 2 years old, so I know for a fact she's joking about me being a beast. I laugh quietly, confirming her words with a wide grin that reveals my braces. Surprising me, I notice Liam bite his lip when I laugh and smile. Is my laugh and smile really that bad?? 

When I was little, my laugh sounded like a high pitched peal of soprano bells (So I was told). Now that I have stayed mostly silent for years, and started to hit puberty, my laugh is now a slightly masculine baritone ring of bells (or so I'm told). I mean, I know I sound kinda like a guy when I laugh, but YEESH! Is it really that bad? I'm about to ask Liam if he's ok (he's looking kind of flushed now that I'm looking at him), when Joel (the creepy kid) flings his arm over my neck, pulling me into a very awkward hug. His hand rests lightly on the middle of my back, seductively rubbing the spot where my spine starts to dip into the sway of my lower back. Holy mother of snot! What the heck?! I mean, seriously! Why of all people, does the creepy kid target ME?! Oh that's's because my luck freaking sucks worse than I suck at math.

I jump in surprise, forcing a smile to be polite. Joel is smirking at me, "Hello Reece." I scowl, Oh hell no! That is Angel's nickname for me and Angel's nickname only! I glare, "Only Angel can call me that!" At this, Angel speaks up, "Yeah Joel, unless you haven't been telling us something, your name isn't Angel, so stop calling Reece my nickname for her! The only reason I started calling her Reece The Beast in the first place was because I saw her pummel a guy with a stuffed animal in preschool for stealing her favourite bracelet. I'm the only one allowed to call her Reece, your allowed nickname for her is Clair, so get over it!" Joel smirks at both of us, "Normally nicknames are given by the other person, not the person who receives the name. And I like Reece much better than I like Clair, so I hereby claim it is my nickname for her as well. I just won't call her "Reece The Beast", so you can't complain at all." I squirm, "One: I said no. Two: Angel has been calling me Reece The Beast for 12 years, so she's allowed to do that. Three: I said no because my name is Clair! Four: Your name isn't Angel so you can't call me anything other than Clair! Five: It's my name and my decision, jerk!" I mean, seriously, what the hell is up with this dude? 

"It. Is. Clair!" 

I wiggle out of his arm, turning around with a scowl of annoyance. While I do that, I catch sight of Liam. His chair is leaning back on two legs, his head tilted back.

His hand is on his jaw, his eyes watching the exchange between Joel and I, but particularly on me while trying to be discreet. I have something on my face or on my shirt? When he notices that I see he's watching me, his chair slams down and his eyes leave mine as he quickly busies himself with a book from the basket in front of him. Weird........ Why does he care if Joel hugs me (and low key tries to seduce me) or not? I mean, it's not like Liam and I are DATING, so he shouldn't care this much! Though sometimes the way he looks at me is almost like he wants to wrap me in his arms and never let go....Actually, I'd like that more than very much, that'd be my heaven on earth.........*sighs* So much for not being an obsessive fangirl, huh Clair. Ok, you know the drill. Once again, focus. Deep breath and repress. Reel in and control. Conceal and repress! Repeat.

dawwww, Clair's so innocent XD. Next chapter we get to see some Liam and Clair interaction.

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